45 research outputs found

    Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction of the Schwinger Model

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    We reexamine a unitary-transformation method of extracting a physical Hamiltonian from a gauge field theory after quantizing all degrees of freedom including redundant variables. We show that this {\it quantum Hamiltonian reduction} method suffers from crucial modifications arising from regularization of composite operators. We assess the effects of regularization in the simplest gauge field theory, the Schwinger model. Without regularization, the quantum reduction yields the identical Hamiltonian with the classically reduced one. On the other hand, with regularization incorporated, the resulting Hamiltonian of the quantum reduction disagrees with that of the classical reduction. However, we find that the discrepancy is resolved by redefinitions of fermion currents and that the results are again consistent with those of the classical reduction.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX file, UT-Komaba 94-

    2D Yang-Mills Theory as a Matrix String Theory

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    Quantization of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a torus in the gauge where the field strength is diagonal leads to twisted sectors that are completely analogous to the ones that originate long string states in Matrix String Theory. If these sectors are taken into account the partition function is different from the standard one found in the literature and the invariance of the theory under modular transformations of the torus appears to hold in a stronger sense. The twisted sectors are in one-to-one correspondence with the coverings of the torus without branch points, so they define by themselves a string theory. A possible duality between this string theory and the Gross-Taylor string is discussed, and the problems that one encounters in generalizing this approach to interacting strings are pointed out. This talk is based on a previous paper by the same authors, but it contains some new results and a better interpretation of the results already obtained.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures included with epsf. Talk presented at the 2nd Conference on Quantum aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, Corfu, Greece, 21-26 September 199

    Schwinger model on a half-line

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    We study the Schwinger model on a half-line in this paper. In particular, we investigate the behavior of the chiral condensate near the edge of the line. The effect of the chosen boundary condition is emphasized. The extension to the finite temperature case is straightforward in our approach.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Final version to be published on Phys. Rev.

    The Nt=6N_t=6 equation of state for two flavor QCD

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    We improve the calculation of the equation of state for two flavor QCD by simulating on Nt=6N_t=6 lattices at appropriate values of the couplings for the deconfinement/chiral symmetry restoration crossover. For amq=0.0125am_q=0.0125 the energy density rises rapidly to approximately 1 GeV/fm3{\rm GeV/fm^3} just after the crossover(mπ/mρ0.4m_\pi/m_\rho\approx 0.4 at this point). Comparing with our previous result for Nt=4N_t=4~\cite{eos}, we find large finite NtN_t corrections as expected from free field theory on finite lattices. We also provide formulae for extracting the speed of sound from the measured quantities.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 95 proceedings (combines talks presented by T. Blum and L. Karkkainen). LaTeX, 8 pages, uses espcrc2.sty, postscript figures include

    Critical Behavior at the Chiral Phase Transition

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    Quantum chromodynamics with two zero mass flavors is expected to exhibit a phase transition with O(4) critical behavior. Fixing the universality class is important for phenomenology and for facilitating the extrapolation of simulation data to physical quark mass values. At Lattice '96 the Tsukuba and Bielefeld groups reported results from new simulations with dynamical staggered quarks at Nt=4N_t = 4, which suggested a departure from the expected critical behavior. We report observations of similar deviations and discuss efforts in progress to understand this phenomenon.Comment: 3 pp, LaTeX with 6 encapsulated Postscript figures. Lattice '97 proceeding

    Quantization of Field Theories Generalizing Gravity-Yang-Mills Systems on the Cylinder

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    Pure gravity and gauge theories in two dimensions are shown to be special cases of a much more general class of field theories each of which is characterized by a Poisson structure on a finite dimensional target space. A general scheme for the quantization of these theories is formulated. Explicit examples are studied in some detail. In particular gravity and gauge theories with equivalent actions are compared. Big gauge transformations as well as the condition of metric nondegeneracy in gravity turn out to cause significant differences in the structure of the corresponding reduced phase spaces and the quantum spectra of Dirac observables. For R2R^2 gravity coupled to SU(2) Yang Mills the question of quantum dynamics (`problem of time') is addressed. [This article is a contribution to the proceedings (to appear in LNP) of the 3rd Baltic RIM Student Seminar (1993). Importance is attached to concrete examples. A more abstract presentation of the ideas underlying this article (including new developments) is found in hep-th/9405110.]Comment: 26, pages, TUW-94-

    The Massive Multi-flavor Schwinger Model

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    QED with N species of massive fermions on a circle of circumference L is analyzed by bosonization. The problem is reduced to the quantum mechanics of the 2N fermionic and one gauge field zero modes on the circle, with nontrivial interactions induced by the chiral anomaly and fermions masses. The solution is given for N=2 and fermion masses (m) much smaller than the mass of the U(1) boson with mass \mu=\sqrt{2e^2/\pi} when all fermions satisfy the same boundary conditions. We show that the two limits m \go 0 and L \go \infty fail to commute and that the behavior of the theory critically depends on the value of mL|\cos\onehalf\theta| where \theta is the vacuum angle parameter. When the volume is large \mu L \gg 1, the fermion condensate is -(e^{4\gamma} m\mu^2 \cos^4\onehalf\theta/4\pi^3)^{1/3} or $-2e^\gamma m\mu L \cos^2 \onehalf\theta /\pi^2 for mL(\mu L)^{1/2} |\cos\onehalf\theta| \gg 1 or \ll 1, respectively. Its correlation function decays algebraically with a critical exponent \eta=1 when m\cos\onehalf\theta=0.Comment: 16 pages, latex, uses epsf.sty; replaced with latex src

    Pion and kaon physics with improved staggered quarks

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    We compute pseudoscalar meson masses and decay constants using staggered quarks on lattices with three flavors of sea quarks and lattice spacings 0.12\approx 0.12 fm and 0.09\approx 0.09 fm. We fit partially quenched results to ``staggered chiral perturbation theory'' formulae, thereby taking into account the effects of taste-symmetry violations. Chiral logarithms are observed. From the fits we calculate fπf_\pi and fKf_K, extract Gasser-Leutwyler parameters of the chiral Lagrangian, and (modulo rather large perturbative errors) find the light and strange quark masses.Comment: Lattice2003(spectrum); 3 pages, 1 eps figur

    Thermodynamics for two flavor QCD

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    We conclude our analysis of the N_t=6 equation of state for two flavor QCD, first described at last year's conference. We have obtained new runs at am_q=0.025 and improved runs at am_q=0.0125. The results are extrapolated to m_q=0, and we extract the speed of sound as well. We also present evidence for a restoration of the SU(2) X SU(2) chiral symmetry just above the crossover, but not of the axial U(1) chiral symmetry.Comment: Poster presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature). 4 pages, LaTeX plus 5 encapsulated Postscript figure

    Electromagnetic contributions to pseudoscalar masses

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    We report on the calculation by the MILC Collaboration of the electromagnetic effects on kaon and pion masses. These masses are computed in QCD with dynamical (asqtad staggered) quarks plus quenched photons at three lattice spacings varying from 0.12 to 0.06 fm. The masses are fit to staggered chiral perturbation theory with NLO electromagnetic terms, as well as analytic terms at higher order. We extrapolate the results to physical light-quark masses and to the continuum limit. At the current stage of the analysis, most, but not all, of the systematic errors have been estimated. The main goal is the comparison of kaon electromagnetic splittings to those of the pion, i.e., an evaluation of the corrections to “Dashen’s theorem.” This in turn will allow us to significantly reduce the systematic errors in our determination of m<sub>u</sub>/m<sub>d</sub>