17,920 research outputs found

    Evaluation of advanced optimisation methods for estimating Mixed Logit models

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    The performances of different simulation-based estimation techniques for mixed logit modeling are evaluated. A quasi-Monte Carlo method (modified Latin hypercube sampling) is compared with a Monte Carlo algorithm with dynamic accuracy. The classic Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) optimization algorithm line-search approach and trust region methods, which have proved to be extremely powerful in nonlinear programming, are also compared. Numerical tests are performed on two real data sets: stated preference data for parking type collected in the United Kingdom, and revealed preference data for mode choice collected as part of a German travel diary survey. Several criteria are used to evaluate the approximation quality of the log likelihood function and the accuracy of the results and the associated estimation runtime. Results suggest that the trust region approach outperforms the BFGS approach and that Monte Carlo methods remain competitive with quasi-Monte Carlo methods in high-dimensional problems, especially when an adaptive optimization algorithm is used

    Modelling the Io-related DAM emission by modifying the beaming angle

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    The Io-Jupiter interaction generates strong decametric radio emissions (DAM), which appear as arcs in the time-frequency plane. These emissions are beamed at an angle from the magnetic field lines, which may vary with frequency and longitude amongst other properties. Empirical models of this beaming angle describe the shape of the DAM arcs and offer insight into the emission mechanism for DAM. Several studies have investigated the variation in the emission beaming angle. The studies span a range of frequencies which depend on the observational means (spacecraft, ground-based radio telescopes) used to obtain data. Subsequently, because of the varying assumptions made (e.g. relativistic vs. non-relativistic electrons for the wave polarization), methods used (e.g. prescribing a beaming angle function vs. determining a beaming angle function from observational geometry) and frequency ranges observed, different results have been found in each study. In the present paper, we model the shape of the emission with an empirical beaming angle function and adjust the parameters to best fit the emission arcs. However, our model builds on previous models by taking into account the location of Io in the Jovian magnetic field. We also look at a broader frequency range than many of the intermediate studies. We find that a simple empirical beaming angle function describes the shape of the A, B, and D arcs and that the beaming angle function must decrease at high and low frequencies. We then propose a simple explanation for the beaming angle profile, deduced from cyclotron maser theory

    KAT-7 Science Verification: Using HI Observations of NGC 3109 to Understand its Kinematics and Mass Distribution

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    HI observations of the Magellanic-type spiral NGC 3109, obtained with the seven dish Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7), are used to analyze its mass distribution. Our results are compared to what is obtained using VLA data. KAT-7 is the precursor of the SKA pathfinder MeerKAT, which is under construction. The short baselines and low system temperature of the telescope make it sensitive to large scale low surface brightness emission. The new observations with KAT-7 allow the measurement of the rotation curve of NGC 3109 out to 32', doubling the angular extent of existing measurements. A total HI mass of 4.6 x 10^8 Msol is derived, 40% more than what was detected by the VLA observations. The observationally motivated pseudo-isothermal dark matter (DM) halo model can reproduce very well the observed rotation curve but the cosmologically motivated NFW DM model gives a much poorer fit to the data. While having a more accurate gas distribution has reduced the discrepancy between the observed RC and the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) models, this is done at the expense of having to use unrealistic mass-to-light ratios for the stellar disk and/or very large values for the MOND universal constant a0. Different distances or HI contents cannot reconcile MOND with the observed kinematics, in view of the small errors on those two quantities. As for many slowly rotating gas-rich galaxies studied recently, the present result for NGC 3109 continues to pose a serious challenge to the MOND theory.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Editorial: Triggers of behavioural change in an evolving world

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    This special issue collects six papers that were presented at the 2015 IATBR conference, which took place in Windsor, UK. It also includes a resource paper from one of the conference workshops. All regular papers were selected by the guest editors and subsequently peerreviewed in line with the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research standards. Ultimately, 60% of submitted papers were accepted for publication

    Evolution by Evaluation

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    This paper describes the process of formally evaluating an E-Learning system that has been in use for several years. Professional usability evaluation offers deeper insight into user behaviour and needs than accidental feedback collection or introspection by system developers. A first analysis of the evaluation samples shows satisfaction of users with the general design of the system but also dissatisfaction with certain aspects of navigation that would otherwise have escaped our attention. State of the art formal evaluation turned out to be instrumental in making an existing system considerably more user-friendly

    Subwavelength localization and toroidal dipole moment of spoof surface plasmon polaritons

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    We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate subwavelength scale localization of spoof surface plasmon polaritons at a point defect in a two-dimensional groove metal array. An analytical expression for dispersion relation of spoof surface plasmon polaritons substantiates the existence of a band gap where a defect mode can be introduced. A waveguide coupling method allows us to excite localized spoof surface plasmon polariton modes and measure their resonance frequencies. Numerical calculations confirm that localized modes can have a very small modal volume and a high Q factor both of which are essential in enhancing light-matter interactions. Interestingly, we find that the localized spoof surface plasmon polariton has a significant toroidal dipole moment, which is responsible for the high Q factor, as well as an electric quadrupole moment. In addition, the dispersion properties of spoof surface plasmon polaritons are analyzed using a modal expansion method and numerical calculations

    Spin dynamics and magnetic interactions of Mn dopants in the topological insulator Bi2_2Te3_3

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    The magnetic and electronic properties of the magnetically doped topological insulator Bi2−x_{\rm 2-x}Mnx_{\rm x}Te3_3 were studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) and measurements of static magnetization and electrical transport. The investigated high quality single crystals of Bi2−x_{\rm 2-x}Mnx_{\rm x}Te3_3 show a ferromagnetic phase transition for x≥0.04x\geq 0.04 at TC≈12T_{C}\approx 12 K. The Hall measurements reveal a p-type finite charge-carrier density. Measurements of the temperature dependence of the ESR signal of Mn dopants for different orientations of the external magnetic field give evidence that the localized Mn moments interact with the mobile charge carriers leading to a Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida-type ferromagnetic coupling between the Mn spins of order 2-3 meV. Furthermore, ESR reveals a low-dimensional character of magnetic correlations that persist far above the ferromagnetic ordering temperature
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