15 research outputs found

    A CRISPR-based screen for Hedgehog signaling provides insights into ciliary function and ciliopathies.

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    Primary cilia organize Hedgehog signaling and shape embryonic development, and their dysregulation is the unifying cause of ciliopathies. We conducted a functional genomic screen for Hedgehog signaling by engineering antibiotic-based selection of Hedgehog-responsive cells and applying genome-wide CRISPR-mediated gene disruption. The screen can robustly identify factors required for ciliary signaling with few false positives or false negatives. Characterization of hit genes uncovered novel components of several ciliary structures, including a protein complex that contains δ-tubulin and ε-tubulin and is required for centriole maintenance. The screen also provides an unbiased tool for classifying ciliopathies and showed that many congenital heart disorders are caused by loss of ciliary signaling. Collectively, our study enables a systematic analysis of ciliary function and of ciliopathies, and also defines a versatile platform for dissecting signaling pathways through CRISPR-based screening

    Static and Dynamic DNA Loops form AP-1-Bound Activation Hubs during Macrophage Development

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    The three-dimensional arrangement of the human genome comprises a complex network of structural and regulatory chromatin loops important for coordinating changes in transcription during human development. To better understand the mechanisms underlying context-specific 3D chromatin structure and transcription during cellular differentiation, we generated comprehensive in situ Hi-C maps of DNA loops during human monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation. We demonstrate that dynamic looping events are regulatory rather than structural in nature and uncover widespread coordination of dynamic enhancer activity at preformed and acquired DNA loops. Enhancer-bound loop formation and enhancer-activation of preformed loops represent two distinct modes of regulation that together form multi-loop activation hubs at key macrophage genes. Activation hubs connect 3.4 enhancers per promoter and exhibit a strong enrichment for Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) binding events, suggesting multi-loop activation hubs driven by cell-type specific transcription factors may represent an important class of regulatory chromatin structures for the spatiotemporal control of transcription

    Population- and individual-specific regulatory variation in Sardinia

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    Genetic studies of complex traits have mainly identified associations with noncoding variants. To further determine the contribution of regulatory variation, we combined whole-genome and transcriptome data for 624 individuals from Sardinia to identify common and rare variants that influence gene expression and splicing. We identified 21,183 expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and 6,768 splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTLs), including 619 new QTLs. We identified high-frequency QTLs and found evidence of selection near genes involved in malarial resistance and increased multiple sclerosis risk, reflecting the epidemiological history of Sardinia. Using family relationships, we identified 809 segregating expression outliers (median z score of 2.97), averaging 13.3 genes per individual. Outlier genes were enriched for proximal rare variants, providing a new approach to study large-effect regulatory variants and their relevance to traits. Our results provide insight into the effects of regulatory variants and their relationship to population history and individual genetic risk.M.P. is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement 633964 (ImmunoAgeing). Z.Z. is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) GRFP (DGE- 114747) and by the Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics (CEHG). Z.Z., J.R.D., and G.T.H. also acknowledge support from the Stanford Genome Training Program (SGTP; NIH/NHGRI T32HG000044). J.R.D. is supported by the Stanford Graduate Fellowship. K.R.K. is supported by Department of Defense, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEQ) Fellowship 32 CFR 168a. S.J.S. is supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. The SardiNIA project is supported in part by the intramural program of the National Institute on Aging through contract HHSN271201100005C to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy. The RNA sequencing was supported by the PB05 InterOmics MIUR Flagship grant; by the FaReBio2011 “Farmaci e Reti Biotecnologiche di Qualità” grant; and by Sardinian Autonomous Region (L.R. no. 7/2009) grant cRP3-154 to F. Cucca, who is also supported by the Italian Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis (FISM 2015/R/09) and by the Fondazione di Sardegna (ex Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Prot. U1301.2015/AI.1157.BE Prat. 2015-1651). S.B.M. is supported by the US National Institutes of Health through R01HG008150, R01MH101814, U01HG007436, and U01HG009080. All of the authors would like to thank the CRS4 and the SCGPM for the computational infrastructure supporting this project

    Orthogonal Labeling of M13 Minor Capsid Proteins with DNA to Self-Assemble End-to-End Multiphage Structures

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    M13 bacteriophage has been used as a scaffold to organize materials for various applications. Building more complex multiphage devices requires precise control of interactions between the M13 capsid proteins. Toward this end, we engineered a loop structure onto the pIII capsid protein of M13 bacteriophage to enable sortase-mediated labeling reactions for C-terminal display. Combining this with N-terminal sortase-mediated labeling, we thus created a phage scaffold that can be labeled orthogonally on three capsid proteins: the body and both ends. We show that covalent attachment of different DNA oligonucleotides at the ends of the new phage structure enables formation of multiphage particles oriented in a specific order. These have potential as nanoscale scaffolds for multi-material devices.United States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies, grant W911NF-09-0001

    Orthogonal Labeling of M13 Minor Capsid Proteins with DNA to Self-Assemble End-to-End Multiphage Structures

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    M13 bacteriophage has been used as a scaffold to organize materials for various applications. Building more complex multiphage devices requires precise control of interactions between the M13 capsid proteins. Toward this end, we engineered a loop structure onto the pIII capsid protein of M13 bacteriophage to enable sortase-mediated labeling reactions for C-terminal display. Combining this with N-terminal sortase-mediated labeling, we thus created a phage scaffold that can be labeled orthogonally on three capsid proteins: the body and both ends. We show that covalent attachment of different DNA oligonucleotides at the ends of the new phage structure enables formation of multiphage particles oriented in a specific order. These have potential as nanoscale scaffolds for multi-material devices

    M13 Bacteriophage Display Framework That Allows Sortase-Mediated Modification of Surface-Accessible Phage Proteins

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    We exploit bacterial sortases to attach a variety of moieties to the capsid proteins of M13 bacteriophage. We show that pIII, pIX, and pVIII can be functionalized with entities ranging from small molecules (e.g., fluorophores, biotin) to correctly folded proteins (e.g., GFP, antibodies, streptavidin) in a site-specific manner, and with yields that surpass those of any reported using phage display technology. A case in point is modification of pVIII. While a phage vector limits the size of the insert into pVIII to a few amino acids, a phagemid system limits the number of copies actually displayed at the surface of M13. Using sortase-based reactions, a 100-fold increase in the efficiency of display of GFP onto pVIII is achieved. Taking advantage of orthogonal sortases, we can simultaneously target two distinct capsid proteins in the same phage particle and maintain excellent specificity of labeling. As demonstrated in this work, this is a simple and effective method for creating a variety of structures, thus expanding the use of M13 for materials science applications and as a biological tool