6 research outputs found

    Description of convective-scale numerical weather simulation use in a flight simulator within the Flysafe project

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    FLYSAFE is an Integrated Project of the 6th framework of the European Commission aiming at improving flight safety through the development of a Next Generation Integrated Surveillance System (NGISS). The NGISS will provide information to the pilot on a number of external hazards, with particular emphasis on weather, air traffic and terrain. One of its advantage will be the capability of displaying data about all three hazards on a single screen, facilitating rapid pilot assessment of the situation. In order to improve the accuracy of warnings provided to aircraft in flight, specialised tools for generating nowcasts of atmospheric hazards are under development: the Weather Information Management Systems (WIMSs). Four types of WIMSs feeding the NG-ISS were defined, each addressing one hazard: clear air turbulence, thunderstorms (CB), icing (ICE), and wake vortices. These products are generated by on-ground systems from observations and model forecasts. To evaluate the impact of these new kind of information during realistic in-flight conditions, as well as to test the NG-ISS abilities, severe weather high resolution simulations were performed. Meteorological synthetic outputs feed the WIMS, and a flight simulator including the NG-ISS. We focus here on synthetic ICE and CB WIMS diagnosed from two heavy precipitating events simulations in the vicinity of airports. The first one is a deep convection situation over the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, on the 23rd of June, 2005. The second occurred on the 20th of September, 1999 during the Mesoscale Alpine Program (MAP-IOP2B) near the Innsbruck airport. These two simulated events will be discussed, as well as weather hazards provided by ICE and CB WIMSs

    Relational skills: needs experienced by nursing students Habilidades relacionales: necesidades sentidas por los estudiantes de enfermería Competências relacionais: necessidades sentidas pelos estudantes de enfermagem

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the needs of nursing students in the field of relational competencies. METHOD: qualitative study with an exploratory-descriptive nature. The random sample included 62 students in the 2nd year of the nursing undergraduate program of a school located in the central region of Portugal. The inclusion criterion was the nonexistence of clinical teaching. Data were collected through a form designed to assess relational needs; content analysis was used to analyze data. RESULTS: the results indicated that the students' concept of nursing care at this stage of their education is focused on the performance of nursing tasks and techniques instead of on scientific knowledge. Overall, they are aware that greater personal development and better self-knowledge are determinant for their personal and social well-being and for them to become good professionals. CONCLUSION: these results will support the improvement of an intervention program to be developed with these students.<br>OBJETIVO: identificar las necesidades manifestadas por los estudiantes de enfermería en el área de las habilidades relacionales. MÉTODO: estudio, cualitativo con características exploratorio-descriptivas, la muestra aleatoria incluyó 62 estudiantes del 2º año del Curso de Licenciatura en Enfermería (Escuela de la Región Centro de Portugal). Se consideró como criterio de selección la inexistencia de realización de Enseño Clínico. Recogida de datos realizada por medio de la Ficha de Evaluación de Necesidades Relacionales con análisis de contenido de los datos. RESULTADOS: indicaron que en esta fase de la formación, los estudiantes detienen un concepto de cuidar en Enfermería centrado en la ejecución de tareas y técnicas de enfermería en vez de en la cientificidad del saber en Enfermería y, que globalmente saben que un mayor desarrollo personal, un mejor conocimiento de sí será determinante para el bienestar personal y social y serán buenos profesionales. CONCLUSIÓN: las evidencias permitirán apurar el programa de intervención a desarrollar con estos estudiantes.<br>OBJETIVO: identificar as necessidades manifestadas pelos estudantes de enfermagem na área das competências relacionais. MÉTODO: estudo, qualitativo com características exploratório-descritivas, a amostra aleatória incluiu 62 estudantes do 2º ano do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem (Escola da Região Centro de Portugal). Considerou-se como critério de selecção a inexistência de realização de Ensino Clínico. Coleta de dados realizada por meio da Ficha de Avaliação de Necessidades Relacionais com análise de conteúdo dos dados. RESULTADOS: indicaram que nesta fase da formação, os estudantes detêm um conceito de cuidar em Enfermagem centrado na execução de tarefas e técnicas de enfermagem em vez de na cientificidade do saber em Enfermagem e, que globalmente estão cientes que um maior desenvolvimento pessoal, um melhor conhecimento de si será determinante para o bem-estar pessoal e social e ser um bom profissional. CONCLUSÃO: as evidências permitirão aprimorar o programa de intervenção a desenvolver com estes estudantes