30 research outputs found


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    3D WEB BASED BINUS UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL SIMULATION AND DIRECTORY SYSTEM - Usability research in 3D, 3D website, directory, simulatio


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    ABSTRACT It has been widely accepted that people learn from playing computer games. The popularity of computer games has attracted a number of research initiatives on how computer games may be used for educational purposes. While there are a number of computer games widely available, computer games that incorporate education principles into its design are relatively rare. Therefore, developing computer games for educational settings is very challenging. Aside from complying with criteria which makes a computer game 'good', educational computer games should be educational and enjoyable. In designing an educational computer game, it is important to know key behavioral aspects of game players as a targeted group. This information is valuable in order to develop suitable preproduction concepts for computer games. This paper presents preliminary finding on habit, motivation, and perception of urban high school students toward computer game. Students were selected for this purpose from two high schools in Jakarta and Bandung. The survey results are valuable not only as far as developing a preproduction concept of educational computer game for urban teens is concerned, but also to provide some insight for parents and educators: playing computer game has no impact to relationship with their family, relationship with their peers, teen's school report, and daily activitie


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    ABSTRAK     Penduduk Indonesia adalah yang terbanyak keempat di dunia. Bidang kesehatan menjadi salah satu bidang yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan oleh pemerintah. Saat ini distribusi tenaga kesehatan dan dokter masih sangat tidak merata. Hampir semuanya tinggal di kota-kota besar di pulau Jawa. Penyebaran informasi kesehatan menjadi tugas yang berat karena Indonesia yang luas. Perlu cara untuk menyampaikan informasi yang lebih cepat ke masyarakat luas. Pesatnya penggunaan ponsel pintar serta berkembangnya aplikasi mHealth saat ini menjadi dasar pembuatan aplikasi “Ku Sehat” yang bertujuan dapat menjadi media informasi kesehatan tentang penyakit yang paling sering menjadi penyebab kematian di Indonesia. Terdapat tiga bagian pada aplikasi ini, basisdata menggunakan MySQL, aplikasi halaman web serta web service menggunakan PHP dengan Zend Framework serta aplikasi seluler menggunakan Android. Dari masukan beberapa dokter yang menggunakan aplikasi ini di dapat simpulan bahwa aplikasi bekerja cukup baik, penambahan data penyakit dan data lainnya harus lebih dimaksimalkan     ABSTRACT           Indonesia's population is the fourth largest in the world. The health sector is one of the fields that is very important to be considered by the government. Right now, the distribution of health workers and doctors is still very uneven. Almost all of them stay in big cities. The spread of health information is a daunting task because of the size of Indonesia. Need a way to spread the information faster to the wide community. The rapid use of smart phones and the development of the mHealth application are the basis for making the "Ku Sehat" application which aims to be a medium of health information about diseases that are most often the cause of death in Indonesia. There are three parts to this application, the database using MySQL, web page applications and web services using PHP and Zend Framework and mobile applications using Android. From the input of several doctors who use this application, it can be concluded that the application works quite well, adding disease data must be implemented


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    Various techniques have been developed to measure firm's market share and the return on investment (ROI) of firm's marketing expenditures. However, most of those techniques are usually used to assess the past performance of a marketing program, using history of longitudinal data instead of expected future performance of a planned marketing program. In the absence of historical data base, measurements of expected ROI could still be carried out using a cross sectional survey, evaluating customer future purchase intentions as influenced by a new loyalty program to be launched by the firm in near future. Using survey of domestic airline passengers and Markov Chain approach, the model incorporates competition whereby customers are free to switch from one carrier to another from time to time. Expected ROI of loyalty program is measured by changes in the customer equity. Using MatLab software, future market share of Lion Air, Mandala Air, and Merpati Airline could be estimated quite accurately, and subsequently, changes in customer equity could be measured. Loyalty programs indeed induce changes in customers' future share of wallet and customer equity. Managers are encouraged to regularly conduct customer survey to guide them prior to launching a marketing action, using changes in customer equity as the ultimate dependent variable of ROI measurement

    Weather Forecasting Using Merged Long Short-term Memory Model

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    Over decades, weather forecasting has attracted researchers from worldwide communities due to itssignificant effect to global human life ranging from agriculture, air trafic control to public security. Although formal study on weather forecasting has been started since 19th century, research attention to weather forecasting tasks increased significantly after weather big data are widely available. This paper proposed merged-Long Short-term Memory for forecasting ground visibility at the airpot using timeseries of predictor variable combined with another variable as moderating variable. The proposed models were tested using weather timeseries data at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam. The experiment results showedthe best average accuracy for forecasting visibility using merged Long Short-term Memory model and temperature and dew point as a moderating variable was (88.6%); whilst, using basic Long Short-term Memory without moderating variablewasonly (83.8%) respectively (increased by 4.8%)

    Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi KU SEHAT

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    Penduduk Indonesia adalah yang terbanyak keempat di dunia. Bidang kesehatan menjadi salah satu bidang yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan oleh pemerintah. Saat ini distribusi tenaga kesehatan dan dokter masih sangat tidak merata. Hampir semuanya tinggal di kota-kota besar di pulau Jawa. Penyebaran informasi kesehatan menjadi tugas yang berat karena Indonesia yang luas. Perlu cara untuk menyampaikan informasi yang lebih cepat ke masyarakat luas. Pesatnya penggunaan ponsel pintar serta berkembangnya aplikasi mHealth saat ini menjadi dasar pembuatan aplikasi “Ku Sehat” yang bertujuan dapat menjadi media informasi kesehatan tentang penyakit yang paling sering menjadi penyebab kematian di Indonesia. Terdapat tiga bagian pada aplikasi ini, basisdata menggunakan MySQL, aplikasi halaman web serta web service menggunakan PHP dengan Zend Framework serta aplikasi seluler menggunakan Android. Dari masukan beberapa dokter yang menggunakan aplikasi ini di dapat simpulan bahwa aplikasi bekerja cukup baik, penambahan data penyakit dan data lainnya harus lebih dimaksimalkan