8 research outputs found


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    All sectors of human life are currently faced with the spread of Covid-19, and it also has an impact on the world of education. Universities at this time cannot carry out the teaching and learning process as usual face-to-face, but must carry out distance lectures or what is also known as online learning. This study aims to determine the perceptions of lecturers at the Takengon State Islamic Institute of the quality of student learning during the Covid-19 period, so that it can be an evaluation for lecturers and students in carrying out the teaching and learning process in the future when carrying out the learning process, so this research becomes a reference on which side. This study used a qualitative approach with a survey method by sending a questionnaire instrument via googleform to lecturers in the Takengon State Islamic Institute, then analyzed using descriptive techniques to analyze qualitative data. It can be concluded that in general, from the 12 question items that have been asked, there are various opinions given by respondents. The results obtained as a whole indicate that the lecturers' satisfaction with students is sufficient. However, whatever the results are now, this is a picture of the services that have been provided, and God willing, in the future there will be an improvement and progress to build the best service, especially at IAIN Takengon

    Scaffolding EARGD: On Effective Teaching Writing for EFL

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    This paper is concerned with the applying scaffolding in learning of writing for English Second Language learners. A quantitative approach used to address the research problem in this paper. The subject is the second semester English Department students of IAIN Takengon, it was purposively sampled for the study. The pre- and post-test responses were evaluated using the same rubric, modified to evaluate students’ writing content, to increase the reliability of the assessment. The same assessment given in the pre-test was used after the treatment. The assessment was used to determine whether students could demonstrate the application of new knowledge, language, and variation in organizational structure and whether scores had improved. The results have shown that the use of scaffolding EARGD is effective to increase students’ writing ability


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mengkaji mengenai kewirausahaan sosial di Desa Bewang Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Adapun tujuan ini dapat dicapai dengan diperoleh sebuah hasil (out put) yang terdapat tiga faktor, a). meningkatkan keterampilan, b). menciptakan peluang kerja, dan c). munculnya lembaga yang mengorganisir usaha komunitas. Untuk mencapai tiga faktor yang merupakan out put tersebut, maka harus melalui beberapa kegiatan (in put). Faktor 1) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan dan memfasilitasi akses pelatihan, 2) pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pelatihan mengakses pemodalan usaha, dan 3) menginisiasi berdirinya kelompok usaha dan memfasilitasi advokasi kelompok usaha

    The Comparison between SQ5R and Fix–Up Strategy in Reading Comprehension for EFL Secondary Level Learners

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    This study investigates the Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Record, Reflect and Review (SQ5R) method and Fix–Up strategy to increase students’ reading comprehension of descriptive texts at Tenth grade of MAN 1 Takengon. The purpose of this research is to find out the comparison of strategies between Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Record, Reflect and Review and Fix–Up strategy. This study used quantitative research using experimental design. The sample of this study consisted of X-A and X-B classes. The X-A Science class was treated as the experimental class, and the X-B class was designed as the control class. Both classes consist of 20 students. The data of this study were attained using observation and reading tests. The results showed that the SQ5R strategy was effective for EFL secondary level learners to facilitate students to attain reading comprehension at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Takengon. This study can be concluded that the SQ5R strategy was more effective than the Fix-Up strategy in teaching reading comprehension classes

    Perbandingan Kualitas Hidup antara Ibu Bekerja dan Ibu Rumah Tangga: Tinjauan Pustaka Hasil Penelitian Tahun 2015 – 2020

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    Pembicaraan tentang perempuan bekerja dan ibu rumah tangga masih saja menjadi perdebatan yang sering ditemui di berbagai momen, apakah itu di media sosial maupun di kehidupan nyata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian library research, yang bertujuan untuk mengungkap beberapa hasil penelitian tentang pandangan terhadap wanita bekerja dan wanita tidak bekerja dari segi kualitas hidup dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, data penelitian diambil dari tahun 2015 – 2020 berjumlah sepuluh hasil penelitian. Sepuluh penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang digunakan pada artikel ini. Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas hidup wanita tidak bekerja mendapat dua kali lipat respon positif dibanding dengan kualitas hidup wanita bekerja, meskipun pada sebagian kecil kualitas hidup perempuan bekerja mendapat respon positif


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    The performance of the English language skill of the fifth graders of SD Negeri 1 Takengon was unsatisfactory (avarage score = 34). The limited achievement was due to ineffective teaching and learning process. Therefore, it was suggested that a specific treatment of learning process needs to be well performed. This study aims at finding out if the combination of the Inquiry, Learning Community, and Total Physical Response is able to develop the performance of the students’ English language skill. The study focuses on the students’ performance to verbally respond to any simple instruction with acceptable actions within the context of classroom and school environment; and verbally express any expression of the following speech acts as: giving examples to do something, gesticulation, and giving directions (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2006). In terms of the speaking skill, this study just concentrates on pronunciation and comprehension aspects. To achieve the goal of the study, an experimental approach with the one-group pre-test and post test design was used. The sample for the treatment was 20 students out of 58 students population which was selected randomly. The result shows that the performance of the students’ English language skill in terms of comprehension and pronunciation was significantly improved (34 to 60). In conclusion, the research questions of this research are answerable—the combination of Inquiry, Learning Community, and Total Physical Response does lead to developing students’ English ability in responding to simple instructions, and in expressing such speech acts as giving examples to do something, gesticulation, and giving directions. The hypothesis (Ha) of this research is then accepted as it provides a positive impact for the development of the students’ English language ability, particulary in the area of focus of the study