1,263 research outputs found

    L’Asie orientale : Une option régionale pour le Canada?

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    No more than any other geographical region has East Asia ever really been a priority in the Canadian foreign policy. The rapid economic growth of this sub-continent has stirred Canadian interest in East Asia. This interest, expressed mainly in terms of the economy - commerce and investments - meets with numerous barriers, some specific to the region, others related to the constraints resulting from the international economic competition. In a y et more obvious way, the diplomacy of the government in Ottawa meets with internal obstacles particular to the Canadian society which, by tradition and inclination, usually has a tendency to turn more towards the Atlantic ocean. The objective of this study is therefore to identify those constraints while at the same time underlining the new efforts deployed by the Federal government to build up an increased interest in that region. This paper tries also to pinpoint the way in which the Asian policy is incapable of elaborating corrective measures to the problems still present to-day, but which have long been well indentified

    The Old Curiosity Shop, entre transparence et secret

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    Transparency and Secret in The Old Curiosity Shop. The characters of The Old Curiosity Shop first appear as the representatives of simple social or familial categories ("the schoolmaster", "the single gentleman", "the child", "the grandfather", etc.), involved in a very forthright plot which leads ineluctably to Nell's death. A literal reading of the figurative (a process on which the whole of Dickens's fiction thrives) however provides compelling evidence that secrets lie beyond the superficial simplicity or transparency of the text. The characters appear as amorphous creations whose constant metamorphoses reveal that they have more in common than is at first apparent, which leads one to think that they are the projections in the novel of the many facets of a single psyche. When certain aspects of the configuration evoke the biographical episode of the blacking warehouse, the reader understands that the ultimate aim of the story-line (which has Nell flee both persecutors and benefactors only to die in an isolated place) is to preserve prelapsarian innocence - the ideal embodied by the young girl - from the corruption of the degraded and grotesque universe surrounding her.The Old Curiosity Shop met en scène des personnages monolithiques, souvent désignés dans le texte par la catégorie sociale ou familiale à laquelle ils appartiennent, pris dans une intrigue transparente qui mène nécessairement, on le devine dès l'incipit, à la mort de Nell. La lecture littérale du figuré, chère à Dickens, révèle cependant que les personnages de The Old Curiosity Shop sont des créations instables dont les métamorphoses permettent de glisser sans heurt de l'un à l'autre, ce qui conduit à imaginer qu'un sujet unique projette en eux diverses facettes de lui-même. Et si l'intrigue se résume simplement : l'héroïne fuit devant des personnages grotesques qui toujours la regardent et la poursuivent, le roman finit par révéler qu'il a en fait pour objet de prévenir à tout prix la contamination de Nell par la corruption de l'univers qui l'entoure. Nell apparaît alors comme l'incarnation de l'Idéal du Moi, un idéal que ne peuvent plus atteindre les grotesques abîmés dans la contemplation de la fillette. Derrière le fantôme de Mary Hogarth, dont l'approche biographique dit souvent qu'elle a inspiré Nell à Dickens, se cache peut-être Dickens lui-même, le jeune garçon d'avant l'épisode humiliant de la fabrique de cirage, tandis que les grotesques évoquent l'autre Dickens, celui qui a connu la honte du travail dégradant
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