4 research outputs found

    Unibertsitateko gazteen gorputz-osaerak, egoera fisikoak eta bizi-ohiturek hezur-zurruntasunarekin duten lotura.

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    249 p.Ikerketa honetan, hezur-dentsitate maila maximoa lortzear dauden unibertsitate gazteen gorputz-osaerak, elikadura-ohiturek, jarduera- eta ariketa fisikoak, egoera fisikoak eta bestelako bizi-ohiturek, hezur-zurruntasunarekin duten lotura aztertzea izan da. Hezurrean, gihar-ehunak positiboki eta gantz-ehunak negatiboki erlazionatzeko joera dute; izterreko perimetro positiboki (p<0.001) eta tolestura negatiboki (p=0.008) erlazionatzen dira hezur-zurruntasunarekin. Jarduera fisikoa intentsitate maila neurrizko-kementsuan (p=0,035) eta oso kementsuan aritzea (p=0,096) hezur-zurruntasun handiagoarekin erlazionatzen da. Gainera, emakumeen koadrizepsaren gihar-indarrak (p=0,016) eta gizonetan gaitasun aerobikoak (p=0,096) hezur-zurruntasuanrekin lotura positiboa dute. Inpaktu karga-maila handia, ezohiko inpaktua eta gabeko ariketa fisikoak dira hezur-zurruntasun handiagoarekin erlazionatzen dira. Gainera, ariketa fisikoa eskola garai guztietan zehar modu jarraian egitea hezur-zurruntasunaren handiagoarekin erlazionatzen da (p=0,007)

    Unibertsitateko gazteen gorputz-osaerak, egoera fisikoak eta bizi-ohiturek hezur-zurruntasunarekin duten lotura.

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    249 p.Ikerketa honetan, hezur-dentsitate maila maximoa lortzear dauden unibertsitate gazteen gorputz-osaerak, elikadura-ohiturek, jarduera- eta ariketa fisikoak, egoera fisikoak eta bestelako bizi-ohiturek, hezur-zurruntasunarekin duten lotura aztertzea izan da. Hezurrean, gihar-ehunak positiboki eta gantz-ehunak negatiboki erlazionatzeko joera dute; izterreko perimetro positiboki (p<0.001) eta tolestura negatiboki (p=0.008) erlazionatzen dira hezur-zurruntasunarekin. Jarduera fisikoa intentsitate maila neurrizko-kementsuan (p=0,035) eta oso kementsuan aritzea (p=0,096) hezur-zurruntasun handiagoarekin erlazionatzen da. Gainera, emakumeen koadrizepsaren gihar-indarrak (p=0,016) eta gizonetan gaitasun aerobikoak (p=0,096) hezur-zurruntasuanrekin lotura positiboa dute. Inpaktu karga-maila handia, ezohiko inpaktua eta gabeko ariketa fisikoak dira hezur-zurruntasun handiagoarekin erlazionatzen dira. Gainera, ariketa fisikoa eskola garai guztietan zehar modu jarraian egitea hezur-zurruntasunaren handiagoarekin erlazionatzen da (p=0,007)

    Patterns of Change in Dietary Habits and Physical Activity during Lockdown in Spain Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Lockdown due to COVID-19 influenced food habits and lifestyles with potential negative health impact. This study aims to identify patterns of change in eating habits and physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain and to identify associations with sociodemographic factors and usual habits. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1155 adults recruited online to answer a 10-section questionnaire. The protocol assessed usual diet by means of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, usual physical activity (PA) and supplement use, dietary changes, sedentary time, PA, exposure to sunlight, sleep quality, and smoking during confinement. Patterns of dietary change were identified by factor analysis. Factor scores were included in cluster analysis together with change in PA. Results: Six patterns of dietary change were identified that together with PA changes during lockdown defined three clusters of lifestyle change: a cluster less active, a more active cluster, and a third cluster as active as usual. People who were usually less active were more likely to be classified in the cluster that increased physical activity in confinement. Scores of the Healthy Mediterranean-Style dietary pattern were higher in this group. Conclusions: Different patterns of change in lifestyles in confinement suggest the need to tailor support and advice to different population groups.This research received no external funding. J.A.T. was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038) which was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

    Local renin angiotensin system and sperm DNA fragmentation.

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    [EN] The renin angiotensin system (RAS) appears to influence male fertility at multiple levels. In this work, we analyzed the relationship between the RAS and DNA integrity. Fifty male volunteers were divided into two groups (25 each): control (DNA fragmentation ≤20%) and pathological (DNA fragmentation >20%) cases. Activities of five peptidases controlling RAS were measured fluorometrically: prolyl endopeptidase (which converts angiotensin [A] I and A II to A 1-7), neutral endopeptidase (NEP/CD10: A I to A 1-7), aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13: A III to A IV), aminopeptidase A (A II to A III) and aminopeptidase B (A III to A IV). Angiotensin-converting enzyme (A I to A II), APN/CD13 and NEP/CD10 were also assessed by semiquantitative cytometry and quantitative flow cytometry assays, as were the receptors of all RAS components: A II receptor type 1 (AT1R), A II receptor type 2 (AT2R), A IV receptor (AT4R or insulin-regulated aminopeptidase [IRAP]), (pro)renin receptor (PRR) and A 1-7 receptor or Mas receptor (MasR) None of the enzymes that regulate levels of RAS components, except for APN/CD13 (decrease in fragmented cells), showed significant differences between both groups. Micrographs of RAS receptors revealed no significant differences in immunolabeling patterns between normozoospermic and fragmented cells. Labeling of AT1R (94.3% normozoospermic vs 84.1% fragmented), AT4R (96.2% vs 95.3%) and MasR (97.4% vs 87.2%) was similar between the groups. AT2R (87.4% normozoospermic vs 63.1% fragmented) and PRR (96.4% vs 48.2%) were higher in non-fragmented spermatozoa. These findings suggest that fragmented DNA spermatozoa have a lower capacity to respond to bioactive RAS peptides.This work was supported by grants from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU GIU 17/19) and the Gangoiti Barrera Foundation (Basque Country)