1,414 research outputs found

    Flame zone of a composite propellant expanded by a laser source

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    Technique scales flame structure linearly with gas kinetic mean free path, which increases two to three orders of magnitude as pressure decreases like amount. Kinetic and transport time scales expand in proportion so that regression rates for laser-induced flames are two to three orders of magnitude slower

    Wine demand in Italy: an analysis of consumer preferences

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    This study examines consumer preferences about wine attributes. A choice experiment has been carried out on 444 wine buyers in North-Eastern Italy, simulating the choice of a wine for ordinary consumption, at a supermarket. The presence of a DOC or IGT appellation of origin, a known brand and the indication of the grapes variety on the label increase the choice probability and are associated with a positive WTP. The influence of price is smaller than that of the other attributes and its relationship with utility is quadratic. The private label affects consumer choices only slightly, with a negative or positive effect depending on the wine initial price

    Correlation between stick-slip frictional sliding and charge transfer

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    A decade ago, Budakian and Putterman (Phys. Rev. Lett., {\bf 85}, 1000 (2000)) ascribed friction to the formation of bonds arising from contact charging when a gold tip of a surface force apparatus was dragged on polymethylmethacrylate surface. We propose a stick-slip model that captures the observed correlation between stick-slip events and charge transfer, and the lack of dependence of the scale factor connecting the force jumps and charge transfer on normal load. Here, stick-slip dynamics arises as a competition between the visco-elastic and plastic deformation time scales and that due to the pull speed with contact charging playing a minor role. Our model provides an alternate basis for explaining most experimental results without ascribing friction to contact charging.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, To be appeared in Physical Review

    Attractive Casimir Forces in a Closed Geometry

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    We study the Casimir force acting on a conducting piston with arbitrary cross section. We find the exact solution for a rectangular cross section and the first three terms in the asymptotic expansion for small height to width ratio when the cross section is arbitrary. Though weakened by the presence of the walls, the Casimir force turns out to be always attractive. Claims of repulsive Casimir forces for related configurations, like the cube, are invalidated by cutoff dependence.Comment: An updated version to coincide with the one published December 2005 in PRL. 4 pages, 2 figure

    A high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg-mirror

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of a micromechanical oscillator consisting only of a free-standing dielectric Bragg mirror with high optical reflectivity and high mechanical quality. The fabrication technique is a hybrid approach involving laser ablation and dry etching. The mirror has a reflectivity of 99.6%, a mass of 400ng, and a mechanical quality factor Q of approximately 10^4. Using this micromirror in a Fabry Perot cavity, a finesse of 500 has been achieved. This is an important step towards designing tunable high-Q high-finesse cavities on chip.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    TADA – a Machine Learning Tool for Functional Annotation based Prioritisation of Putative Pathogenic CNVs

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    Few methods have been developed to investigate copy number variants (CNVs) based on their predicted pathogenicity. We introduce TADA, a method to prioritise pathogenic CNVs through assisted manual filtering and automated classification, based on an extensive catalogue of functional annotation supported by rigourous enrichment analysis. We demonstrate that our classifiers are able to accurately predict pathogenic CNVs, outperforming current alternative methods, and produce a well-calibrated pathogenicity score. Our results suggest that functional annotation-based prioritisation of pathogenic CNVs is a promising approach to support clinical diagnostics and to further the understanding of mechanisms controlling the disease impact of larger genomic alterations

    Self-cooling of a micro-mirror by radiation pressure

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    We demonstrate passive feedback cooling of a mechanical resonator based on radiation pressure forces and assisted by photothermal forces in a high-finesse optical cavity. The resonator is a free-standing high-reflectance micro-mirror (of mass m=400ng and mechanical quality factor Q=10^4) that is used as back-mirror in a detuned Fabry-Perot cavity of optical finesse F=500. We observe an increased damping in the dynamics of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of 30 and a corresponding cooling of the oscillator modes below 10 K starting from room temperature. This effect is an important ingredient for recently proposed schemes to prepare quantum entanglement of macroscopic mechanical oscillators.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, minor correction
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