34 research outputs found

    The TH1 cell lineage-determining transcription factor T-bet suppresses TH2 gene expression by redistributing GATA3 away from TH2 genes

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    Lineage-determining transcription factors (LD-TFs) drive the differentiation of progenitor cells into a specific lineage. In CD4+ T cells, T-bet dictates differentiation of the TH1 lineage, whereas GATA3 drives differentiation of the alternative TH2 lineage. However, LD-TFs, including T-bet and GATA3, are frequently co-expressed but how this affects LD-TF function is not known. By expressing T-bet and GATA3 separately or together in mouse T cells, we show that T-bet sequesters GATA3 at its target sites, thereby removing GATA3 from TH2 genes. This redistribution of GATA3 is independent of GATA3 DNA binding activity and is instead mediated by the T-bet DNA binding domain, which interacts with the GATA3 DNA binding domain and changes GATA3′s sequence binding preference. This mechanism allows T-bet to drive the TH1 gene expression program in the presence of GATA3. We propose that redistribution of one LD-TF by another may be a common mechanism that could explain how specific cell fate choices can be made even in the presence of other transcription factors driving alternative differentiation pathways

    A role for Dicer in immune regulation

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    Micro RNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. Here we show that regulatory T (T reg) cells have a miRNA profile distinct from conventional CD4 T cells. A partial T reg cell–like miRNA profile is conferred by the enforced expression of Foxp3 and, surprisingly, by the activation of conventional CD4 T cells. Depleting miRNAs by eliminating Dicer, the RNAse III enzyme that generates functional miRNAs, reduces T reg cell numbers and results in immune pathology. Dicer facilitates, in a cell-autonomous fashion, the development of T reg cells in the thymus and the efficient induction of Foxp3 by transforming growth factor β. These results suggest that T reg cell development involves Dicer-generated RNAs

    Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 as a potential target for anti-TNF resistant inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Resistance to single cytokine blockade, namely anti-TNF therapy, is a growing concern for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The transcription factor T-bet is a critical regulator of intestinal homeostasis, is genetically linked to mucosal inflammation and controls the expression of multiples genes such as the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and TNF. Inhibiting T-bet may therefore offer a more attractive prospect for treating IBD but remains challenging to target therapeutically. In this study, we evaluate the effect of targeting the transactivation function of T-bet using inhibitors of P-TEFb (CDK9-cyclin T), a transcriptional elongation factor downstream of T-bet. METHODS: Using an adaptive immune-mediated colitis model, human colonic lymphocytes from IBD patients and multiple large clinical datasets, we investigate the effect of CDK9 inhibitors on cytokine production and gene expression in colonic CD4+ T cells and link these genetic modules to clinical response in patients with IBD. RESULTS: Systemic CDK9 inhibition led to histological improvement of immune-mediated colitis and was associated with targeted suppression of colonic CD4+ T cell-derived IFN-γ and IL-17A. In colonic lymphocytes from IBD patients, CDK9 inhibition potently repressed genes responsible for pro-inflammatory signalling, and in particular genes regulated by T-bet. Remarkably, CDK9 inhibition targeted genes that were highly expressed in anti-TNF resistant IBD and that predicted non-response to anti-TNF therapy. CONCLUSION: Collectively, our findings reveal CDK9 as a potential target for anti-TNF resistant IBD, which has the potential for rapid translation to the clinic

    Runx proteins regulate Foxp3 expression

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    Runx proteins are essential for hematopoiesis and play an important role in T cell development by regulating key target genes, such as CD4 and CD8 as well as lymphokine genes, during the specialization of naive CD4 T cells into distinct T helper subsets. In regulatory T (T reg) cells, the signature transcription factor Foxp3 interacts with and modulates the function of several other DNA binding proteins, including Runx family members, at the protein level. We show that Runx proteins also regulate the initiation and the maintenance of Foxp3 gene expression in CD4 T cells. Full-length Runx promoted the de novo expression of Foxp3 during inducible T reg cell differentiation, whereas the isolated dominant-negative Runt DNA binding domain antagonized de novo Foxp3 expression. Foxp3 expression in natural T reg cells remained dependent on Runx proteins and correlated with the binding of Runx/core-binding factor β to regulatory elements within the Foxp3 locus. Our data show that Runx and Foxp3 are components of a feed-forward loop in which Runx proteins contribute to the expression of Foxp3 and cooperate with Foxp3 proteins to regulate the expression of downstream target genes

    The Th1 cell regulatory circuitry is largely conserved between human and mouse

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    Gene expression programs controlled by lineage-determining transcription factors are often conserved between species. However, infectious diseases have exerted profound evolutionary pressure, and therefore the genes regulated by immune-specific transcription factors might be expected to exhibit greater divergence. T-bet (Tbx21) is the immune-specific, lineage-specifying transcription factor for T helper type I (Th1) immunity, which is fundamental for the immune response to intracellular pathogens but also underlies inflammatory diseases. We compared T-bet genomic targets between mouse and human CD4(+) T cells and correlated T-bet binding patterns with species-specific gene expression. Remarkably, we found that the majority of T-bet target genes are conserved between mouse and human, either via preservation of binding sites or via alternative binding sites associated with transposon-linked insertion. Species-specific T-bet binding was associated with differences in transcription factor–binding motifs and species-specific expression of associated genes. These results provide a genome-wide cross-species comparison of Th1 gene regulation that will enable more accurate translation of genetic targets and therapeutics from pre-clinical models of inflammatory and infectious diseases and cancer into human clinical trials

    The Th1 cell regulatory circuitry is largely conserved between human and mouse.

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-03-24, revised 2021-09-06, accepted 2021-09-07Publication status: epublishFunder: Medical Research Council; Grant(s): MR/M003493/1, MR/R001413/1Funder: Department of HealthGene expression programs controlled by lineage-determining transcription factors are often conserved between species. However, infectious diseases have exerted profound evolutionary pressure, and therefore the genes regulated by immune-specific transcription factors might be expected to exhibit greater divergence. T-bet (Tbx21) is the immune-specific, lineage-specifying transcription factor for T helper type I (Th1) immunity, which is fundamental for the immune response to intracellular pathogens but also underlies inflammatory diseases. We compared T-bet genomic targets between mouse and human CD4 T cells and correlated T-bet binding patterns with species-specific gene expression. Remarkably, we found that the majority of T-bet target genes are conserved between mouse and human, either via preservation of binding sites or via alternative binding sites associated with transposon-linked insertion. Species-specific T-bet binding was associated with differences in transcription factor-binding motifs and species-specific expression of associated genes. These results provide a genome-wide cross-species comparison of Th1 gene regulation that will enable more accurate translation of genetic targets and therapeutics from pre-clinical models of inflammatory and infectious diseases and cancer into human clinical trials. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 Henderson et al.

    T-bet and GATA3 orchestrate Th1 and Th2 differentiation through lineage-specific targeting of distal regulatory elements

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    T-bet and GATA3 regulate the CD4+ T cell Th1/Th2 cell fate decision but little is known about the interplay between these factors outside of the murine Ifng and Il4/Il5/Il13 loci. Here we show that T-bet and GATA3 bind to multiple distal sites at immune regulatory genes in human effector T cells. These sites display markers of functional elements, act as enhancers in reporter assays and are associated with a requirement for T-bet and GATA3. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both factors bind distal sites at Tbx21 and that T-bet directly activates its own expression. We also show that in Th1 cells, GATA3 is distributed away from Th2 genes, instead occupying T-bet binding sites at Th1 genes, and that T-bet is sufficient to induce GATA3 binding at these sites. We propose these aspects of T-bet and GATA3 function are important for Th1/Th2 differentiation and for understanding transcription factor interactions in other T cell lineage decisions

    Dominant regulation of long‐term allograft survival is mediated by microRNA‐142

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    Organ transplantation is often lifesaving, but the long-term deleterious effects of combinatorial immunosuppression regimens and allograft failure cause significant morbidity and mortality. Long-term graft survival in the absence of continuing immunosuppression, defined as operational tolerance, has never been described in the context of multiple major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mismatches. Here, we show that miR-142 deficiency leads to indefinite allograft survival in a fully MHC mismatched murine cardiac transplant model in the absence of exogenous immunosuppression. We demonstrate that the cause of indefinite allograft survival in the absence of miR-142 maps specifically to the T cell compartment. Of therapeutic relevance, temporal deletion of miR-142 in adult mice prior to transplantation of a fully MHC mismatched skin allograft resulted in prolonged allograft survival. Mechanistically, miR-142 directly targets Tgfbr1 for repression in regulatory T cells (TREG ). This leads to increased TREG sensitivity to TGF-β and promotes transplant tolerance via an augmented peripheral TREG response in the absence of miR-142. These data identify manipulation of miR-142 as a promising approach for the induction of tolerance in human transplantation

    microRNA-142–mediated repression of phosphodiesterase 3B critically regulates peripheral immune tolerance

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    Tregs play a fundamental role in immune tolerance via control of self-reactive effector T cells (Teffs). This function is dependent on maintenance of a high intracellular cAMP concentration. A number of microRNAs are implicated in the maintenance of Tregs. In this study, we demonstrate that peripheral immune tolerance is critically dependent on posttranscriptional repression of the cAMP-hydrolyzing enzyme phosphodiesterase-3b (Pde3b) by microRNA-142-5p (miR-142-5p). In this manner, miR-142-5p acts as an immunometabolic regulator of intracellular cAMP, controlling Treg suppressive function. Mir142 was associated with a super enhancer bound by the Treg lineage-determining transcription factor forkhead box P3 (FOXP3), and Treg-specific deletion of miR-142 in mice (TregΔ142) resulted in spontaneous, lethal, multisystem autoimmunity, despite preserved numbers of phenotypically normal Tregs. Pharmacological inhibition and genetic ablation of PDE3B prevented autoimmune disease and reversed the impaired suppressive function of Tregs in TregΔ142 animals. These findings reveal a critical molecular switch, specifying Treg function through the modulation of a highly conserved, cell-intrinsic metabolic pathway. Modulation of this pathway has direct relevance to the pathogenesis and treatment of autoimmunity and cancer