388 research outputs found

    A similarity relation for the non-linear energy-transfer in a finite-depth gravity-wave spectrum

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    The energy transfer in a finite-depth gravity-wave spectrum is investigated in the approximation of a narrow spectrum. It is shown that for ocean depths larger than approximately one tenth of the wavelength (kh [ges ] 0·7) the finite-depth case can be reduced to Longuet-Higgins’ (1976) result for an infinitely deep ocean by a similarity transformation involving changes in scale of the angular spreading function and the transfer rate. For shallower water (kh < 0·7) Longuet-Higgins’ expansion technique is no longer applicable without modification, as the nonlinear coupling coefficient develops a discontinuity at the origin of the expansion. In the range kh [ges ] 0·7 both the magnitude and the two-dimensional frequency-directional distribution of the energy transfer are found not to differ significantly (to within variations by a factor of 2) from the case of an infinitely deep ocean. The transformation rules relating the infinite-depth and finite-depth cases may provide a useful guide for constructing parametrizations of the nonlinear transfer for finite-depth wave prediction models

    The effect of a concentration-dependent viscosity on\ud particle transport in a channel flow with porous walls

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    We analyse the transport of a dilute suspension of particles through a channel with porous walls accounting for the concentration dependence of the viscosity. Two cases of leakage flow of fluid through the porous channel walls are studied: (i) constant flux, and (ii) dependent on the pressure drop across the wall. The effect of mixing the suspension first compared with point injection is examined by considering inlet concentration distributions of different widths. We find that a pessimal distribution width exists that maximizes the required hydrodynamic pressure for a constant fluid influx. We also show that the presence of an osmotic pressure may lead to fluid being sucked into the channel. We consider how the application of an external hydrodynamic pressure affects this observation and discuss the significance of our results for water filtration


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    In October of 1930, Columbus Marion Joiner’s oil rig, “Daisy Bradford No. 3,” blew a gusher of oil high into the East Texas sky. The subsequent storm of economic activity that resulted from the discovery of the East Texas oilfield irrevocably changed the built environment of many small towns in the region, including Gladewater, Texas. Oil money that flowed into the city funded a flurry of building projects in the 1930s and 1940s that left an indelible mark on the landscape of Gladewater’s downtown area. Unfortunately, a lack of oversight, planning, and guidance has since led to the deterioration of the design, materials, and integrity of Gladewater’s historic downtown— resulting in a loss of visual cohesiveness and historic character. These design guidelines are a tool that will enable the City of Gladewater to take appropriate measures to properly preserve and rehabilitate its historic resources for the enjoyment of future generations

    The horizontal diffusion of tracers by surface waves

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    The horizontal dispersion of tracers in the presence of a random field of ocean surface waves is examined. Random fluctuations in the local Stokes-drift current cause a water particle to follow a random-walk path. The associated diffusion coefficients for individual particles, particle pairs and a continuous tracer patch can be calculated rigorously within the framework of perturbation analysis. For a fully developed Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectrum all diffusion coefficients scale as the third power of the wind speed and are typically of the order 10−2 m2 s−1 for a wind speed of 10 m s−1. The diffusion coefficients are strongly anisotropic and decrease approximately exponentially with depth below the sea surface

    Atmospheric Response to Ice-Age Conditions - Climatology near the Earth's Surface

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    We present a 6-year simulation of the ice age atmosphere using the T21 Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The lower boundary conditions (18 kyr B.P.) were taken from CLIMAP Project Members (1981). The analysis is restricted to the surface climatology for two reasons: The surface fields are the test data derived from the geological record on land, and they define the upper boundary conditions for simulating the glacial ocean. Model results are shown for the mean annual surface fields of temperature, wind, and precipitation. In the global average the surface temperature was 4.7ĂžC cooler compared to the present temperature. The wind strength increased in mid-latitudes and decreased in tropical trade wind regions. Precipitation did not change significantly in the global average; however, precipitation decreased over land and increased over the ocean. Most of the difference patterns between the present conditions and the ice age climate were statistically significant. The simulated surface climatology is roughly consistent with the paleogeological evidence and with numerical AGCM simulations of other authors. This suggests that presently available AGCMs, including the ECMWF model (T21), are able to describe climates far away from the present, although internal parameteriza- tions were tuned to present data sets

    A simplified three-dimensional ice-sheet model including ice shelves

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    Extraction of mixed layer advection velocities, diffusion coefficients, feedback factors and atmospheric forcing parameters from the statistical analysis of North Pacific SST anomaly fields

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    The statistical properties of observed North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are simulated by a simple mixed layer advection and diffusion model with stabilizing feedback and local stochastic forcing by the atmosphere. An optimal fit of the model to the SST auto- and cross-spectra yields the effective temperature advection velocities and diffusion coefficients in the mixed layer, the local feedback factors and the strength and scales of the atmospheric forcing. The results obtained by model fitting are in general agreement with independent direct estimates, where such data are available. The analysis supports previous models in which the origin of midlatitude SST anomalies on time scales of months to a few years is attributed to stochastic forcing by the atmosphere

    Conflict of Laws and the Exercise of Powers of Appointment

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    Restoring efficiency, removing sound

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    Increased renewable power generation, HVDC interconnections and geomagnetic effects all bias the AC grid with small direct currents which leads to two negative effects on transformers (theory of half-cycle saturation) increased noise and increased no-load losses. A unique solution is the DC compensation system, which is an add-on to a transformer which eliminates the DC effects. Furthermore, there are dedicated steps available, from pure detection of the problem, preparation of the transformer and measurement, all the way up to a full compensation system

    Funktionelle Therapie von Frakturen des Processus anterius calcanei - Eine retrospektive Evaluation der klinischen Ergebnisse

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    Frakturen des Processus anterius calcanei (PAC) fanden in der Literatur bisher nur wenig Beachtung. Ein Grund hierfĂŒr könnte die bisher angenommene geringe Inzidenz sein. JĂŒngere Untersuchung deuten jedoch auf ein deutlich hĂ€ufigeres Auftreten hin. Das könnte möglicherweise in einer flĂ€chendeckenderen VerfĂŒgbarkeit der Schnitt-Bildgebung liegen, da PAC Frakturen im konventionellen Röntgen hĂ€ufig ĂŒbersehen / nicht identifiziert werden können. Auch wenn die meisten Patienten ĂŒber ein Supinationstrauma berichten, ist der eigentliche Unfallmechanismus weiterhin ungeklĂ€rt. Aktuell sind nur retrospektive Fallberichte oder -serien mit geringer Fallzahl, inhomogenen Behandlungskonzepten und fehlender suffizienter Spezifizierung der Frakturcharakteristika und -morphologie vorhanden. Allerdings empfehlen die meisten Autoren die konservative Therapie von Degan Typ I und II Frakturen. Bei Degan Typ III Frakturen sehen die meistern Autoren die Indikation zur Operation, wobei fĂŒr diese Empfehlungen bislang suffizienten Daten fehlen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, zum einen die Durchsicht und Bewertung der aktuellen Literatur, zum anderen die Evaluation der eigenen Behandlungsergebnisse anhand objektivierbarer Parameter. An der Klinik fĂŒr Allgemein-, Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie fĂŒhren wir bei allen Frakturen des PAC, unabhĂ€ngig ihrer Degan Klassifikation, Dislokation oder möglichen intraartikulĂ€ren Beteiligung eine frĂŒhfunktionelle konservative Therapie durch. Patienten, die zwischen dem 03/2011 und dem 03/2016 eine Fraktur des PAC erlitten wurden ĂŒber die klinischen und radiologischen Datenbanken identifiziert. Eingeschlossen wurde nur funktionell behandelte Patienten mit einer akuten, isolierten, einseitigen Fraktur des PAC ohne Chopart-Gelenkversetzung, mit Röntgen- und CT-Bildgebung und einer Nachbeobachtung von mindestens 12 Monaten. Retrospektiv wurden Demographie, Rauchen und RĂŒckkehr zur Arbeit / Sport, Klassifikation und Charakterisierung der Fraktur erhoben. Prospektiv wurden zwei validierte Fuß-spezifische patientenbezogene Outcome-Parameter (VAS-FA, Karlsson Score) und ein Quality of Life Score (SF-12) erhoben. Von 64 Patienten, die die Einschluss-Kriterien erfĂŒllten, konnten 27 nach 24 Monaten (IQR 16-41 Monate) nachuntersucht werden. Hierbei zeigten sich die Wiedererlangung der ArbeitsfĂ€higkeit mit 14 Tagen (IQR 10-42 Tage), die Wiedererlangung der SportfĂ€higkeit mit 90 Tagen (IQR 30-180 Tage). Die subjektive Patientenzufriedenheit wurde wie folgt bewertet: Im Karlsson-Score lag das Ergebnis mit Median 90 Punkten (IQR 82-100) im oberen Bereich eines guten Ergebnisses, beim VAS-FA lagen 85% der Patienten, im SF-12 PCS 78% und im SF-12 MCS 67% im Bereich Fußgesunder. Die Fraktur Klassifikation, -Morphologie, Alter und Geschlecht hatten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Behandlungsergebnis. Bei 78% der Patienten zeigten sich ligamentĂ€re und ossĂ€re Begleitverletzungen die Chopart-Linie betreffend. Auch diese hatten keinen Einfluss auf das subjektive Behandlungsergebnis. Hierbei handelt es sich um die erste Studie zur funktionellen konservativen Therapie von Frakturen des Processus Anterius Calcanei. Basieren auf den hier gewonnen Ergebnissen scheint die frĂŒhfunktionelle konservative Therapie in guten bis sehr guten subjektiven Behandlungsergebnissen zu resultieren. Lediglich die SportfĂ€higkeit war mit im Median 3 Monaten verzögert. In Zusammenschau mit der aktuellen Literatur sollten zukĂŒnftige Studien, zum einen Verletzungsmuster zu identifizieren, die in einer möglichen InstabilitĂ€t des Chopart Gelenk resultieren, zum Anderen prospektiv und randomisiert die konservative und operative Therapie, v.a. von dislozierten Degan III Frakturen untersucht wurden
