43 research outputs found


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    Beans (soy beans, green beans) and cereals (rice) in the form of sprouts can improve the digestibility during germination occurs due to hydrolysis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats into simpler compounds, so it is easy to digest. During this process a rapid increase in the amount of protein and vitamins, while fat content decreased. Sprouts in the form of flour can be used as an ingredient mixture of complementary food of Mother’ Breast. The purpose of this study to determine levels of protein, vitamin C, and organoleptic properties of foods AS1 (MP-ASI) of soybean sprout flour mixture, green beans, and rice. The experimental design in this study using a completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 3 replication as for the experimental design as follows: BKK1 (25%: 75%), BKH2 (25%: 75%), BKK3 (50%: 50%), BKH4 (50%: 50%), BKK5 (75%: 25%), BKH6 (75%: 25%), BKHKK7 (50%: 25%: 25%), BKHKK8 (25%: 25%: 50%), data analysis, protein content, levels of vitamin C using Anova statistical test and further test DMRT organoleptic properties while analysis using friedman test and further test Wilcoxon. The results showed the effect of variation in flour mixture soybean sprouts, green beans, and rice in the manufacture of complementary feeding on levels of protein, vitamin C, and organoleptic properties. Levels of protein and vitamin C in a mixture BKHKK8 highest (25% germination of rice flour: 225% sprouted mung bean flour: 50% soybean sprout flour) of 23.29 g% and organoleptic assessment of vitamin C while the average panelist liked the mix of products BKK5 (75% germination of rice flour: 25% soybean sprout flour)

    Pengaruh Penambahan Buah Bit Merah terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan, Sifat Fisik, dan Sensori Engay Food Berbasis Ikan Nila

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    Engay food is a food whose texture is modified so that it produce a soft, smooth texture and is easy swallow texture. The main ingredient used is tilapia because it has an affordable price with the addition of beets to increase its nutritional value. This study aims to determine the effect of beetroot on the antioxidant, physical and sensory engay food of tilapia fish. The research method is beetroot flouring, tilapia grinding, shaping, and roasting. The result showed that the use of beetroot had an effect on antioxidant activity, physical and sensory properties of tilapia based engay food. The best treatment was on engay food products with the addition of 10% beetroot. The result of engay food has an antioxidant activity of 28,24%, has hue of 78,97 and chrome  of 15,3, beside that it also has cohesiveness 0,2175 J/m2, adhesion value 0,0575 mJ and a gumminess value of 164, 16 N/m2. The best engay for tilapia fish also contains water content of 68,70%, ash content of 1,04%, fat content of 1,89%, protein content of 9,80% and carbohydates by different 18,57%

    Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Sensoris Es Krim Susu Kedelai dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Kayu Manis

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    Soy milk is an alternative to cow's milk in ice cream making because it has almost the same protein content as cow's milk. The unpleasant smell of soy milk is a problem that often arises, so efforts are needed to cover it up. Cinnamon is known to give aroma so that it can suppress the unpleasant aroma of soy milk and can improve the resistance to melting and overrun of non-cow's milk ice cream. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of cinnamon extract on the physical, chemical and sensory properties of soy milk ice cream. The variations in the addition of cinnamon extract were (0,1,3,5, and 7%). This research begins with making soy milk, making cinnamon extract and making ice cream. The resulting ice cream is analyzed for physical properties (overrun and melting resistance), chemical properties (protein content) and sensory properties (color, aroma, taste and texture). This research is an experimental type using a completely randomized design (CRD) monofactor with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The addition of 5% cinnamon extract is the best treatment with an overrun value of 3.09%, melting resistance 18.74 minutes / 10g, protein content of 6.72%, hedonic sensory properties of 3.01 (like). The results showed that the addition of cinnamon extract to soy milk ice cream had a significant effect on physical, chemical and sensory properties

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Sifat Organoleptik Teh Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata Linn.) Berdasarkan Variasi Lama Pengeringan

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    Soursop leaf has been used traditionally to treat a variety of diseases, because soursop leaf contain antioxidant compound. The research objective to be achieved is to measure and analyze the activity of antioxidant and organoleptic properties of Soursop Leaf Tea by variations in drying time 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 minutes. Measurement of antioxidant activity using UV-Vis spectrophotometry method 50oC with a temperature of 150 minutes give the highest level of antioxidant activity and the lowest EC50 value, but it has lowest a flavor organoleptic. Recommendations, drying temperature of 50o C tailings with drying 150 minutes, and to increase flavor can be done with the added the essen


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    Chiffon cake cassava peel is a semi-wet processed foods, consisting of wheat flour, sugar, butter, flour and baking soda are experiencing dough with flour substitution of cassava peel. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of substitution of cassava flour in chiffon cake skin against flower power, HCN content, fiber content, and organoleptic properties. This type of research is carried out research using randomized complete block design experiment with a perfect 5 treatments, the variation of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Anova statistical test, while analysis of the organoleptic properties use Friedman test. The highest fiber content is 14.64% on 20% substitution. The highestbreed power at 5% (102.5%). Not significant of substitution of cassava flour skin of the fiber content and breed power. The best of result (nature taste) are the substitution of 5%, with the criteria of a bright brown color, sweet taste, very fragrant aroma and soft texture.Keyword: peel cassava flour, cassava peel chiffon cake, the fiber content


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    Latar Belakang : Rendahnya Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) di Indonesia sangat dipengaruhi oleh rendahnya status gizi dan kesehatan penduduk. Menurut Depkes (2004) pada tahun 2003 terdapat sekitar 27,5% (5 juta) balita kurang gizi, dimana 3,5 juta anak (19,2%) dalam tingkat gizi kurang dan 1,5 juta (8,3%) anak gizi buruk. Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota semarang tahun 2005 menyebutkan tercatat 776 anak balita yang kurang gizi.Metode : Merupakan penelitian eksplanatori karena menjelaskan hubungan antar variabel, dengan metode survei dan pendekatan secara cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tandang kecamatan Tembalang Semarang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita di kelurahanTandang yang berjumlah 148 balita. Variabel bebas adalah umur ibu, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan gizi ibu dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga. Variabel terikat adalah status gizi balita. Analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square.Hasil : Status gizi balita sebagian besar termasuk gizi kurang dan buruk (52%). Tidak ada hubungan umur ibu, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan gizi ibu dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan status gizi balita.Kesimpulan : Tidak ada hubungan umur ibu, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan gizi ibu dan tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan status gizi balita.Kata kunci : karakteristik ibu, tingkat sosial ekonomi keluarga, status gizi balita

    Subtitusi Tepung Kulit Singkong Terhadap Daya Kembang, Kadar Serat, Dan Organoleptik Pada Chiffon Cake

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    Chiffon cake cassava peel is a semi-wet processed foods, consisting of wheat flour, sugar, butter, flour and baking soda are experiencing dough with flour substitution of cassava peel. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of substitution of cassava flour in chiffon cake skin against flower power, HCN content, fiber content, and organoleptic properties. This type of research is carried out research using randomized complete block design experiment with a perfect 5 treatments, the variation of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Anova statistical test, while analysis of the organoleptic properties use Friedman test. The highest fiber content is 14.64% on 20% substitution. The highestbreed power at 5% (102.5%). Not significant of substitution of cassava flour skin of the fiber content and breed power. The best of result (nature taste) are the substitution of 5%, with the criteria of a bright brown color, sweet taste, very fragrant aroma and soft texture

    Total Bakteri, Kadar Air, dan Sifat Sensoris Fish Cake Ikan Lele dengan Edible Coating Berbahan Gel Aloe Vera Berdasarkan Lama Penyimpanan

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    Fish cake merupakan produk modifikasi pangan hasil perikanan khas Jepang yang sudah dikenal masyarakat di Indonesia. Fish cake tergolong produk semi basah yang memiliki umur simpan rendah. Fish cake yang dikemas pada suhu 5oC memiliki umursimpan 6 hari. Untuk mempertahankan karakteristik dan memperpanjang umur simpan maka disarankan menggunakan edible coating. Edible coating yang digunakan adalah edible coating berbahan gel aloe vera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui total bakteri, kadar air, dan sensoris fish cake ikan lele dengan edible coating gel aloe vera dengan variasi lama penyimpanan 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 hari pada suhu 5oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adanya aplikasi edible coating pada fish cake ikan lele dapat meminimalisir pertumbuhan bakteri, menstabilkan kadar air, dan memiliki karakteristik kenampakan, aroma, dan tekstur lebih baik daripada fish cake ikan lele non coating. Edible coating gel aloe vera juga mampu memperpanjang masa simpan fish cake hingga 15 hari pada suhu 4oC