36 research outputs found

    A single qualitative study can show same findings as years of quantitative research: Obstructive Sleep Apnea as an example

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    BackgroundMany years of quantitative research led to our present knowledge of the symptoms and associated features (S&AF) of the obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) syndrome.Aims1. To prove that a qualitative research approach may identify symptoms and associated features of OSA in less time/effort than that used in a quantitative approach.2. To describe the experience of patients with OSA and the effects of the syndrome on their quality of life and that of their spouses and families (issues that quantitative methods fail to recognize).MethodsWe used a narrative inquiry methodology (qualitative research). The sample was selected using the “snowball sampling technique";;;. The sample included 10 patients with moderate to severe OSA who had good adherence to CPAP and significant clinical improvement after treatment, and 3 of the patient’s spouses.ResultsThe following issues were identified: A long pre-diagnosis phase of OSA (20 years in one of the patients); Characteristic S&AF of the syndrome as experienced by patients and their spouses; The need for increased awareness of both the public and the medical establishment in regards to this disorder; Premature ejaculation (not reported previously) and nightmares (non-conclusive in the literature) were identified and improved with CPAP therapy.ConclusionWith the use of quantitative research methods it took decades to discover things that we found in one simple qualitative study. We therefore urge scientists to use more often these qualitative methods when looking for S&AF of diseases and syndromes

    The role of anion gap normalization time in the management of pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis

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    IntroductionOur aims were to determine whether anion gap normalization time (AGNT) correlates with risk factors related to the severity of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children, and to characterize AGNT as a criterion for DKA resolution in children admitted with moderate or severe disease.MethodsA ten-year retrospective cohort study of children admitted to the intensive care unit with DKA. We used a survival analysis approach to determine changes in serum glucose, bicarbonate, pH, and anion gap following admission. Using multivariate analysis, we examined associations between patients' demographic and laboratory characteristics with delayed normalization of the anion gap.ResultsA total of 95 patients were analyzed. The median AGNT was 8 h. Delayed AGNT (>8 h) correlated with pH < 7.1 and serum glucose >500 mg/dL. In multivariate analysis, glucose >500 mg/dL was associated with an increased risk for delayed AGNT, by 3.41 fold. Each 25 mg/dL elevation in glucose was associated with a 10% increment in risk for delayed AGNT. Median AGNT preceded median PICU discharge by 15 h (8 vs. 23 h).DiscussionAGNT represents a return to normal glucose-based physiology and an improvement in dehydration. The correlation observed between delayed AGNT and markers of DKA severity supports the usefulness of AGNT for assessing DKA recovery

    Study approach and field work procedures of the MentDis_ICF65+ project on the prevalence of mental disorders in the older adult European population

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    Background This study describes the study approach and field procedures of the MentDis_ICF65+ study, which aims to assess the prevalence of mental disorders in older adults. Methods An age-appropriate version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI65+) was developed and tested with regard to its feasibility and psychometric properties in a pre-test and pilot phase. In the cross-sectional survey an age-stratified, random sample of older adults (65–84 years) living in selected catchment areas of five European countries and Israel was recruited. Results N = 3142 participants (mean age 73.7 years, 50.7% female) took part in face-to-face interviews. The mean response rate was 20% and varied significantly between centres, age and gender groups. Sociodemographic differences between the study centres appeared for the place of birth, number of grandchildren, close significants, retirement and self-rated financial situation. The comparison of the MentDis_ICF65+ sample with the catchment area and country population of the study centres revealed significant differences, although most of these were numerically small. Conclusions The study will generate new information on the prevalence of common mental disorders among older adults across Europe using an age-appropriate, standardized diagnostic instrument and a harmonized approach to sampling. Generalizability of the findings and a potentially limited representativeness are discussed

    Macrophage-Induced Lymphangiogenesis and Metastasis following Paclitaxel Chemotherapy Is Regulated by VEGFR3

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    While chemotherapy strongly restricts or reverses tumor growth, the response of host tissue to therapy can counteract its anti-tumor activity by promoting tumor re-growth and/or metastases, thus limiting therapeutic efficacy. Here, we show that vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3)-expressing macrophages infiltrating chemotherapy-treated tumors play a significant role in metastasis. They do so in part by inducing lymphangiogenesis as a result of cathepsin release, leading to VEGF-C upregulation by heparanase. We found that macrophages from chemotherapy-treated mice are sufficient to trigger lymphatic vessel activity and structure in naive tumors in a VEGFR3-dependent manner. Blocking VEGF-C/VEGFR3 axis inhibits the activity of chemotherapy-educated macrophages, leading to reduced lymphangiogenesis in treated tumors. Overall, our results suggest that disrupting the VEGF-C/VEGFR3 axis not only directly inhibits lymphangiogenesis but also blocks the pro-metastatic activity of macrophages in chemotherapy-treated mice

    Childhood Obesity

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    In March 2004 a group of 65 physicians and other health professionals representing nine countries on four continents convened in Israel to discuss the widespread public health crisis in childhood obesity. Their aim was to explore the available evidence and develop a consensus on the way forward. The process was rigorous, although time and resources did not permit the development of formal evidence-based guidelines. In the months before meeting, participants were allocated to seven groups covering prevalence, causes, risks, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and psychology. Through electronic communication each group selected the key issues for their area, searched the literature, and developed a draft document. Over the 3-d meeting, these papers were debated and finalized by each group before presenting to the full group for further discussion and agreement. In developing a consensus statement, this international group has presented the evidence, developed recommendations, and provided a platform aimed toward future corrective action and ongoing debate in the international community

    Regulation of Cancer Aggressive Features in Melanoma Cells by MicroRNAs

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs with regulatory roles, which are involved in a broad spectrum of physiological and pathological processes, including cancer. A common strategy for identification of miRNAs involved in cell transformation is to compare malignant cells to normal cells. Here we focus on identification of miRNAs that regulate the aggressive phenotype of melanoma cells. To avoid differences due to genetic background, a comparative high-throughput miRNA profiling was performed on two isogenic human melanoma cell lines that display major differences in their net proliferation, invasion and tube formation activities. This screening revealed two major cohorts of differentially expressed miRNAs. We speculated that miRNAs up-regulated in the more-aggressive cell line contribute oncogenic features, while the down-regulated miRNAs are tumor suppressive. This assumption was further tested experimentally on five candidate tumor suppressive miRNAs (miR-31, -34a, -184, -185 and -204) and on one candidate oncogenic miRNA (miR-17-5p), all of which have never been reported before in cutaneous melanoma. Remarkably, all candidate Suppressive-miRNAs inhibited net proliferation, invasion or tube formation, while miR-17-5p enhanced cell proliferation. miR-34a and miR-185 were further shown to inhibit the growth of melanoma xenografts when implanted in SCID-NOD mice. Finally, all six candidate miRNAs were detected in 15 different metastatic melanoma specimens, attesting for the physiological relevance of our findings. Collectively, these findings may prove instrumental for understanding mechanisms of disease and for development of novel therapeutic and staging technologies for melanoma

    Severe Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy—Potential Mechanism by Which Fetuses Are Protected from the Hazardous Effect of Bile Acids

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is characterized by elevated total bile acids (TBA). Although elevated maternal TBA is a major risk factors for fetal morbidity and mortality, it is unclear why some fetuses are more prone to the hazardous effect of bile acids (BA) over the others. It is unclear whether fetuses are protected by placental BA uptake, or it is the fetal BA metabolism that reduces fetal BA as compared to maternal levels. Therefore, we aimed to compared TBA levels in the umbilical vein and artery to maternal TBA in women with ICP. The study included 18 women who had TBA > 40 ÎŒmol/L and their 23 fetuses. We found that the TBA level in umbilical vein was significantly lower compared to maternal TBA level. The TBA levels in umbilical vein and umbilical artery were similar. No fetus had a serious neonatal complication. Importantly, since TBA level remains low even though maternal TBA level is high the fetuses are protected from the hazardous effects of maternal BA. Our findings suggest that there is no effective metabolism of BA in the fetus and the main decrease in TBA in the fetus is related to placental BA uptake

    The correlation between endometrial thickness and the criteria for MTX treatment for ectopic pregnancy

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    Ectopic pregnancy (EP) occurs in approximately 2% of all pregnancies. A common method of treatment is methotrexate therapy, considered in haemodynamically stable patients. Endometrial thickness has been investigated as a tool for diagnosing EP. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between endometrial thickness and the criteria for MTX treatment, in an attempt to facilitate outcome prediction. We retrospectively collected data from records of patients diagnosed with EP between 2012 and 2014 including information regarding the mode of treatment and outcome. The endometrial thickness was compared between cases that met the criteria for MTX treatment and those who did not. Of 267 cases of EP that were reviewed, 108 patients were treated with MTX. The MTX treatment success rate was 88%. Endometrial thickness was found to be significantly and inversely associated with criteria for MTX treatment. In conclusion, an association was found between the endometrial thickness and the criteria for selection of MTX treatment for EP. This may be a useful tool in treatment selection for EP.Impact Statement What is already known on this subject? Transvaginal sonography along with ÎČ-human chorionic gonadotrophin (ÎČ-hCG) monitoring is the standard for evaluation of suspected ectopic pregnancy (EP). The most specific sonographic finding for EP is the presence of a live extra uterine pregnancy. In research conducted with the purpose of finding intrauterine sonographic findings associated with EP, this condition has been shown to be correlated with a thinner endometrial lining, compared with that of an intrauterine pregnancy. What the results of this study add? The results of this study add information on the subject of methotrexate treatment success rates in correlation with the endometrial thickness. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? The findings of this study contribute to the process of treatment selection for ectopic pregnancy by emphasising the association between a thick endometrium and the lower success rates of MTX treatment