3,056 research outputs found

    Is query translation a distinct task from search?

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    INTRODUCTION The University of Sheffield participated in iCLEF 2002 using, as a test-bed, the prototype under development in the Clarity project. Clarity is an EU funded project aimed at developing a system for cross-language information retrieval for so-called low density languages, those with few translation resources. Currently translation between English and Finnish is supported; soon Swedish will be added and in the near future Latvian and Lithuanian. Clarity is being developed in a user-centred way with user involvement from the beginning. The design of the first user interface was based on current best practise, particular attention was paid to empirical evidence for a specific design choice. Six paper-based interface mock-ups representing important points in the cross-language search task were generated and presented for user assessment as a part of an extensive user study. The study (reported in Petrelli et al. 2002) was conducted to understand users and uses of cross-language information retrieval systems. Many different techniques were applied: contextual enquiry, interviews, questionnaires, informal evaluation of existing cross-language technology, and participatory design sessions with the interface mock-ups mentioned above. As a result, a user class profile was sketched and a long list of user requirements was compiled. As a followup, a redesign session took place and the new system was designed for users whoknow the language(s) they are searching (polyglots); • search for writing (journalists, translators business analysts); • have limited searching skills; • know the topic in advance or will learn/read on it while searching; • use many languages in the same search session and often swap between them. New system features were listed as important and the user interface was redesigned. Considering the result of the study the new interface allowed the user to dynamically change the language setting from query to query, hid the query translation and showed the retrieved set as ranked list primary. Despite the fact that this new design was considered to be more effective, a comparison between the first layout based on the relevant literature and the new one based on the user study was considered an important research question. In particular, the choice of hiding the query translation was considered an important design decision, against the common agreement to allow and support the user in controlling the system actions. Thus the participation of Sheffield in iCLEF was organized around the idea of checking if the user should validate the query translation before the search is run or instead if the system should perform the translation and search in a single step without any user’s supervision

    Magnetic anisotropy and spin-spiral wave in V, Cr and Mn atomic chains on Cu(001) surface: First principles calculations

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    Recent ab intio studies of the magnetic properties of all 3d transition metal(TM) freestanding atomic chains predicted that these nanowires could have a giant magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and might support a spin-spiral structure, thereby suggesting that these nanowires would have technological applicationsin, e.g., high density magnetic data storages. In order to investigate how the substrates may affect the magnetic properties of the nanowires, here we systematically study the V, Cr and Mn linear atomic chains on the Cu(001) surface based on the density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation. We find that V, Cr, and Mn linear chains on the Cu(001) surface still have a stable or metastable ferromagnetic state. However, the ferromagnetic state is unstable against formation of a noncollinear spin-spiral structure in the Mn linear chains and also the V linear chain on the atop sites on the Cu(001) surface, due to the frustrated magnetic interactions in these systems. Nonetheless, the presence of the Cu(001) substrate does destabilize the spin-spiral state already present in the freestanding V linear chain and stabilizes the ferromagnetic state in the V linear chain on the hollow sites on Cu(001). When spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is included, the spin magnetic moments remain almost unchanged, due to the weakness of SOC in 3d TM chains. Furthermore, both the orbital magnetic moments and MAEs for the V, Cr and Mn are small, in comparison with both the corresponding freestanding nanowires and also the Fe, Co and Ni linear chains on the Cu (001) surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. D: Applied Physic

    Non-collinear coupling between magnetic adatoms in carbon nanotubes

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    The long range character of the exchange coupling between localized magnetic moments indirectly mediated by the conduction electrons of metallic hosts often plays a significant role in determining the magnetic order of low-dimensional structures. In addition to this indirect coupling, here we show that the direct exchange interaction that arises when the moments are not too far apart may induce a non-collinear magnetic order that cannot be characterized by a Heisenberg-like interaction between the magnetic moments. We argue that this effect can be manipulated to control the magnetization alignment of magnetic dimers adsorbed to the walls of carbon nanotubes.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    On the Geometry of Surface Stress

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    We present a fully general derivation of the Laplace--Young formula and discuss the interplay between the intrinsic surface geometry and the extrinsic one ensuing from the immersion of the surface in the ordinary euclidean three-dimensional space. We prove that the (reversible) work done in a general surface deformation can be expressed in terms of the surface stress tensor and the variation of the intrinsic surface metric

    Levitation Using Microwave-Induced Plasmas

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    The levitation of objects above a microwave horn is demonstrated. High-power microwave pulses generate a low-temperature, diffuse plasma on the surface of the horn window. The thermal effect of the surface plasma brings about a localized increase in the pressure and results in a vertical flow of air, thus levitating the object

    Collective synchronization in spatially extended systems of coupled oscillators with random frequencies

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    We study collective behavior of locally coupled limit-cycle oscillators with random intrinsic frequencies, spatially extended over dd-dimensional hypercubic lattices. Phase synchronization as well as frequency entrainment are explored analytically in the linear (strong-coupling) regime and numerically in the nonlinear (weak-coupling) regime. Our analysis shows that the oscillator phases are always desynchronized up to d=4d=4, which implies the lower critical dimension dlP=4d_{l}^{P}=4 for phase synchronization. On the other hand, the oscillators behave collectively in frequency (phase velocity) even in three dimensions (d=3d=3), indicating that the lower critical dimension for frequency entrainment is dlF=2d_{l}^{F}=2. Nonlinear effects due to periodic nature of limit-cycle oscillators are found to become significant in the weak-coupling regime: So-called {\em runaway oscillators} destroy the synchronized (ordered) phase and there emerges a fully random (disordered) phase. Critical behavior near the synchronization transition into the fully random phase is unveiled via numerical investigation. Collective behavior of globally-coupled oscillators is also examined and compared with that of locally coupled oscillators.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Dewetting of an ultrathin solid film on a lattice-matched or amorphous substrate

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    An evolution partial differential equation for the surface of a non-wetting single-crystal film in an attractive substrate potential is derived and used to study the dynamics of a pinhole for the varying initial depth of a pinhole and the strengths of the potential and the surface energy anisotropy. The results of the simulations demonstrate how the corresponding parameters may lead to complete or partial dewetting of the film. Anisotropy of the surface energy, through faceting of the pinhole walls, is found to most drastically affect the time to film rupture. In particular, the similations support the conjecture that the strong anisotropy is capable of the complete suppression of dewetting even when the attractive substrate potential is strong.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Spin transport theory in ferromagnet/semiconductor systems with non-collinear magnetization configurations

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    We present a comprehensive theory of spin transport in a non-degenerate semiconductor that is in contact with multiple ferromagnetic terminals. The spin dynamics in the semiconductor is studied during a perturbation of a general, non-collinear magnetization configuration and a method is shown to identify the various configurations from current signals. The conventional Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker description for spin transport across Schottky contacts is generalized by the use of a non-linearized I-V relation, and it is extended by taking into account non-coherent transport mechanisms. The theory is used to analyze a three terminal lateral structure where a significant difference in the spin accumulation profile is found when comparing the results of this model with the conventional model.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    On Some Classes of mKdV Periodic Solutions

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    We obtain exact periodic solutions of the positive and negative modified Kortweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations. We examine the dynamical stability of these solitary wave lattices through direct numerical simulations. While the positive mKdV breather lattice solutions are found to be unstable, the two-soliton lattice solution of the same equation is found to be stable. Similarly, a negative mKdV lattice solution is found to be stable. We also touch upon the implications of these results for the KdV equation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    Examining trends in the representation of young people and alcohol in Australian newspapers over twenty years (2000-2019)

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    Background: The news media can reflect and influence public opinion, as well as affect individual practice. In the context of significant changes in alcohol consumption among young people over the past twenty years, we examined Australian newspaper reporting of young people (under 18 years) and alcohol to assess whether there have been changes over time in the content and slant of articles that reflect or elucidate these trends. Methods: Factiva was used to search newspaper articles from major Australian newspapers over a twenty year period (2000-2019). After screening, two researchers coded 2,415 newspaper articles across four key domains: article type, article theme, sources cited and topic slant (e.g. approving, disapproving tone). Change over time across the study period was assessed using joinpoint Poisson regression analyses. Results: There was a significant increase in articles on young people and alcohol between 2000 and 2008, before a corresponding decrease to 2019. Policy or prevention strategies were the most common theme of articles (35.8%), followed by articles reporting on risks or harms associated with alcohol use for young people (18.1%). Researchers were the most common source reported (25.1%), followed by politicians (19.0%). Three quarters of articles (75.9%) had a socially disapproving topic slant, which increased significantly up until 2011, with a corresponding decrease thereafter. Conclusion: Attention to, and problematisation of, young people and alcohol increased in the first decade of this millennium which may have acted to sustain or accelerate declining drinking trends. However, this dissipated back to baseline levels in the second decade, which may indicate a lag time in recognition of young people’s drinking becoming less of a public health ‘problem’
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