565 research outputs found

    The Regolith of 4 Vesta - Inferences from Howardites

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    Asteroid 4 Vesta is quite likely the parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites - the HED clan. Eucrites and diogenites are the products of igneous processes; the former are basaltic composition rocks from flows, and shallow and deep intrusive bodies, whilst the latter are cumulate orthopyroxenites thought to have formed deep in the crust. Impact processes have excavated these materials and mixed them into a suite of polymict breccias. Howardites are polymict breccias composed mostly of clasts and mineral fragments of eucritic and diogenitic parentage, with neither end-member comprising more than 90% of the rock. Early work interpreted howardites as representing the lithified regolith of their parent asteroid. Recently, howardites have been divided into two subtypes; fragmental howardites, being a type of non-regolithic polymict breccia, and regolithic howardites, being lithified remnants of the active regolith of 4 Vesta. We are in the thralls of a collaborative investigation of the record of impact mixing contained within howardites, which includes studies of their mineralogy, petrology, bulk rock compositions, and bulk rock and clast noble gas contents. One goal of our investigation is to test the hypothesis that some howardites represent breccias formed from an ancient, well-mixed regolith on Vesta. Another is to use our results to further understand regolith processing on differentiated asteroids as compared to what has been learned from the Moon. We have made petrographic observations and electron microprobe analyses on 21 howardites and 3 polymict eucrites. We have done bulk rock analyses using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and are completing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses. Here, we discuss our petrologic and bulk compositional results in the context of regolith formation. Companion presentations describe the noble gas results and compositional studies of low-Ca pyroxene clasts

    In Situ Trace Element Measurements on Roda and the Origin of Diogenites

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    The origin of diogenites remains poorly understood. A recent model interprets many diogenites to have been formed from melts that were derived by remelting initial magma ocean cumulates, and these penultimate parent melts were then contaminated by melts derived from remelting of the basaltic (eucritic) crust to form the ultimate diogenite parent melts [1] (hereafter the remelting model). This is a very complicated petrogenesis that has profound implications for the geological evolution of 4 Vesta if correct. This model was developed based on trace element analyses of bulk rock samples that had been leached in acids to remove phosphates; the compositions of the residues were interpreted to be close to those of cumulus orthopyroxenes plagioclase, chromite and olivine [1]. In situ measurements of phases in diogenites can be used to test this model. We have begun a campaign of laser ablation ICP-MS of orthopyroxene grains in diogenites for this purpose. Here we report our first results on one diogenite, Roda. We have determined a suite of trace lithophile elements on nine, mm-sized pyroxene grains separated from Roda that have previously been studied [2, 3]. A key observation supporting the remelting model is the very low Eu/Eu* of leached residues; values too low to represent orthopyroxene that crystallized from melts with chondritic Sm/Eu and Gd/Eu [1]. (Eu* = Eu interpolated from REE diagrams.) Crustal remelts have low Sm/Eu and Gd/Eu, and orthopyroxenes that crystallized from parent melts contaminated by them would have very low Eu/Eu* [1]. Roda grains have Eu/Eu* of 0.243 to 0.026; the latter a value lower than any measured on bulk diogenite leached residues (0.041) [1]. There is a general negative correlation between Eu/Eu* and some incompatible elements (Zr, Nb, Hf), but not others (LREE). This appears inconsistent with the remelting model as it would suggest an evolving parent melt with La de-creasing as Zr increased and Eu/Eu* decreased. Grain R-15 includes trace-element-rich trapped melt phases [2, 3]. This grain has the highest Eu/Eu* and LREE contents, indicating that the trapped melt had a high Eu/Eu*. Thus, our first data on one diogenite do not provide support for the remelting model [1]. Roda is unusual in that its orthopyroxene grains show wide ranges in trace element contents [4]. Previous in situ REE analyses of grain R-15 did not reveal evidence for subsolidus equilibration with trace-element-rich trapped melt phases, and led to the suggestion that Roda may be polymict, with different grains representing different lithologies of diverse compositions [3]. Thus, based on our results on Roda, it is perhaps premature to abandon the remelting model. In situ measurements on a suite of diogenites is planned to further address this issue

    Removal and Replacement of Primary Metal in Ferroan Lodranite MAC 88177

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    Collectively, acapulcoites and lodranites form a clan of primitive achondrites generally thought to have originated from the same parent body on the basis of similarities in petrology, mineral compositions, bulk compositions, cosmic ray exposure ages and oxygen isotope compositions, although considerable variation in some of these parameters has shown that the parent body was not entirely uniform. The presence of relict chondrules in several acapulcoites indicates that all were likely derived from chondrite-like precursor materials. The transition from acapulcoite to lodranite is gradual and corresponds to increasing metamorphic grade. Lodranites are generally coarser grained, but petrographic distinction between the two groups can also be made by modal abundances of troilite and plagioclase. Depletion of both these phases and incompatible lithophile trace elements in lodranites is consistent with their restitic origin formed by greater than 10% extraction of basaltic melt. Magnesian lodranites (e.g. Gibson, GRA 95209, Y-75274, Y-8002), some of which might also be considered transitional acapulcoites, have mineral and chemical compositions consistent with derivation by thermal metamorphism and partial melt extraction from acapulcoites, as would seem logical if samples represented different grades of metamorphism along a linear evolution trend. Ferromagnesian silicates in these lodranites tend to be displaced toward lower fe# (opx fe# 4-6) than the distribution observed in acapulcoites (opx fe# 6-11). A subset of lodranites, termed ferroan lodranites (e.g. FRO 90011, LEW 88280, Lodran, MAC 88177, Y-74357, Y- 791491/Y-791493), have ferromagnesian silicate minerals that are too Fe-rich (fe#>10) to have formed as simple restites from any known acapulcoite. Like silicates, metal-sulfide systematics of the ferroan lodranites are also inconsistent with a simple restitic origin. Logically, restitic lodranites should have been depleted in FeS during extraction of partial melts, since melting of the metal-sulfide system initiates at lower temperatures than melting of silicates. Yet, puzzingly, ferroan lodranites contain significant quantities (1.9-5.3 modal%) of troilite, indicating either (1) metal sulfide partial melts were retained during basaltic melt extraction or (2) later infusion of metal sulfide melts has occurred. In this study, we use trace siderophile elements in metals to assess the relative importance of each in creating the observed troilite enrichment

    History of Metal Veins in Acapulcoite-Lodranite Clan Meteorite GRA 95209

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    Graves Nunataks (GRA) 95209 has been hailed as the missing link of core formation processes in the acapulcoitelodranite parent asteroid because of the presence of a complex cm-scale metal vein network. Because the apparent liquid temperature of the metal vein (approximately 1500 C) is higher than inferred for the metamorphic grade of the meteorite, questions regarding the vein s original composition, temperature, and mechanism of emplacement have arisen. We have determined trace siderophile element compositions of metals in veins and surrounding matrix in an effort to clarify matters. We analyzed metals in GRA 95209 in a portion of thick metal vein and adjacent metal-rich (30-40 modal%), sulfide poor (less than 1%) matrix by EPMA and LA-ICP-MS for major and trace siderophile elements using methods described by [3]. We also examined metals from a metal-poor (approximately 15 modal%) and relatively sulfide-rich (2-5 modal%) region of the sample. Kamacite is the dominant metal phase in all portions of the sample. In comparison to matrix metal, vein metal contains more schreibersite and less tetrataenite, and is less commonly associated with Fe,Mn,Mg-bearing phosphates and graphite. Vein kamacite contains higher Co, P, and Cr and lower Cu and Ge. These minor variations aside, all metal types in GRA 95209 are fairly homogeneous in terms of their levels of enrichment of compatible siderophile elements (e.g. Pt, Ir, Os) relative to incompatible siderophile elements (e.g. As, Pd, Au), consistent with the loss of metal-sulfide partial melt that characterizes much of the clan. Whatever compositional differences between matrix and vein metal that may have originally existed, they have since largely co-equilibrated to similar restitic trace element compositions. We agree with [2] that metal veins, in their present state, do not represent a liquid composition. The original vein liquid was much more S-rich and emplaced at correspondingly lower liquid temperatures. Much of the Fe,Ni component solidified in cm scale conduits while S-rich melts were expelled and continued to migrate by percolation. The higher troilite content in metal poor regions of the sample results mostly from trapping of a small portion of these melts. The troilite is not remnant primary sulfide. Strong depletions of W, Mo, and especially Ga (greater than 50%, greater than 60%, and greater than 90% depletion, respectively) in metals of the metalpoor GRA 95209 lithology are localized at scales of 10-100 micrometers in the vicinity of graphite spherules. These depletions must have occurred below the temperatures at which cm-scale equilibration occurred, and future work will seek to determine their cause

    Fluid-Mediated Alteration on 4 Vesta - Evidence from Orthopyroxene Clasts in Howardites

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    The howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites represent the products of igneous processes and impact mixing on a differentiated asteroid. Eucrites are basaltic composition rocks that were formed as flows and as shallow and deep intrusive bodies. Some eucrites are cumulate gabbros. Diogenites are cumulate orthopyroxenites widely considered to be of deep crustal origin. Impact processes have excavated material from deep levels of the crust, and mixed it with surface rocks into a suite of polymict breccias. Howardites are one such rock type, being composed mostly of mixtures of clasts and mineral fragments of eucritic and diogenitic parentage [see 1]. The consensus view is that 4 Vesta is the parent asteroid of HED meteorites [2]. As part of a larger study of the record of impact mixing contained within howardites, we undertook an investigation of the compositions of orthopyroxene clasts in a suite of howardites [3]. We discovered a subset of orthopyroxene clasts in some howardites with unusual textural and compositional characteristics that are reminiscent of those previously observed in phenocrysts in a pyroxene-phyric melt clast in howardite EET 92014 [4]. The textural and compositional characteristics of the phenocrysts in this clast were interpreted as originating via interaction with an FeO-rich fluid phase

    Investigation of Orthopyroxene Diversity in Howardite Meteorites

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    The howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) family of meteorites is considered to originate from the asteroid 4-Vesta [1]. Howardites are polymict breccias made mostly of diogenitic and eucritic debris [2], and have recently been divided into two types: regolithic and fragmental [3]. Regolithic howardites have higher noble gas contents due to solar wind exposure, have a greater abundance of impact-produced glass, are richer in siderophile elements, e.g. Ni, and may preferentially have a mixing ratio of eucrite to diogenite of approx.2:1 [3]. The hypothesis is that these characteristics are a result of originating from an ancient, well-mixed regolith [3]. Fragmental howardites, by contract, show less evidence of regolithic processing and are suggested to have originated in more recently formed impact ejecta [3]. Our work aims to evaluate this hypothesis. We have examined the compositional variations of orthopyroxene (diogenite) clasts within eight howardites. We posited that because regolithic howardites sampled a wider range of the asteroid surface, they would contain orthopyroxene fragments with wider ranges in incompatible element contents than would fragmental howardites that sampled fewer diogenitic source rocks. One purpose of developing an additional method to differentiate regolithic and fragmental howardites is to aid in interpretation of data expected from the Dawn mission to 4-Vesta. The Dawn analyses will be of the regolith layers, making an understanding of regolithic meteorites and the processes by which they were formed an important constraint on understanding Dawn data

    Accretion, Differentiation, and Impact Processes on the Ureilite Parent Body

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    Ureilites are primitive ultramafic achondrites composed largely of olivine and pigeonite, with minor augite, orthopyroxene, carbon, sulphide and metal. They represent very early material in the history of the Solar System and (in common with lodranites and acapulcoites) form a bridge between undifferentiated chondrites and fully differentiated asteroidal bodies. They show an intriguing mixture of chemical characteristics, some of which are considered to be nebula-derived (e.g. variations in Delta(sup 17)O and mg#) whereas others have been imposed by asteroidal differentiation (e.g. core formation, silicate partial melting, removal of basalt)

    Howardite Noble Gases as Indicators of Asteroid Surface Processing

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    The HED (Howardite, Eucrite and Diogenite) group meteorites likely or iginate from the Asteroid 4 Vesta - one of two asteroid targets of NA SA's Dawn mission. Whilst Howardites are polymict breccias of eucriti c and diogenitic material that often contain "regolithic" petrologica l features, neither their exact regolithic nature nor their formation processes are well defined. As the Solar Wind (SW) noble gas compon ent is implanted onto surfaces of solar system bodies, noble gas anal yses of Howardites provides a key indicator of regolithic origin. In addition to SW, previous work by suggested that restricted Ni (300-12 00 micro g/g) and Al2O3 (8-9 wt%) contents may indicate an ancient we ll-mixed regolith. Our research combines petrological, compositional and noble gas analyses to help improve understanding of asteroid reg olith formation processes, which will play an intergral part in the i nterpretation of Dawn mission data. Following compositional and petrological analyses, we developed a regolith grading scheme for our sampl e set of 30 Howardites and polymict Eucrites. In order to test the r egolith indicators suggested by, our 8 selected samples exhibited a r ange of Ni, Al2O3 contents and regolithic grades. Noble gas analyses were performed using furnace stepheating on our MAP 215-50 noble gas mass spectrometer. Of our 8 howardites, only 3 showed evidence of SW noble gases (e.g approaching Ne-20/Ne-22 approximately equals 13.75, Ne-21/Ne-22 approximately equals 0.033). As these samples display low regolithic grades and a range of Ni and Al2O3 contents, so far we are unable to find any correlation between these indicators and "regolit hic" origin. These results have a number of implications for both Ho wardite and Vesta formation, and may suggest complex surface stratigr aphies and surface-gardening processes

    Noble Gas Analysis in the Quest to Find "Regolithic" Howardites

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    The howardite meteorites consist of approximately 200 polymict breccias of eucrite (basaltic) and diogenite (orthopyroxenitic) material (collectively, the HED group) that originate from the asteroid belt. Infrared reflectance spectroscopy of asteroids and laboratory studies of HEDs have indicated that the asteroid 4-Vesta is the likely parent body, and the partially-demolished south pole may be the source region. Asteroid regolith formation processes may be responsible for a number of observed petrological features including impact melt clasts, reworked clasts and mosaisicm. We have identified such features in a study of 30 howardites and polymict eucrites, and developed a regolith grading scheme based on petrology. However, the true regolithic nature of the howardite suite is not well defined, and previous research has suggested correlations between Ni contents of 300 - 1200 micron / g, a minimal variation in Al2O3 content around 8-9 wt% and the presence of solar wind noble gases are key hallmarks of an ancient regolith on Vesta . Through combined petrological, compositional and noble gas research, we aim to better understand howardite petrological diversity, regolith formation processes on parent asteroids, and to establish what defines a truly "regolithic" howardite. Our research will play an integral part in the interpretation of data gathered by the Dawn mission. Here we report the preliminary results from our noble gas analyses of four howardites: LEW 85313, EET 99408, MET 96500 and PCA 02066. Bulk major element compositional data have been collected, further petrological data for the HED group are reported by our colleagues, whilst trace-element analyses are underway. Our work will investigate the extent of whether previously described Ni, Al2O3 and noble gas characteristics are in fact indicative of a "regolithic" howardite

    STS-118 Radiator Impact Damage

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    During the August 2007 STS-118 mission to the International Space Station, a micro-meteoroid or orbital debris (MMOD) particle impacted and completely penetrated one of shuttle Endeavour s radiator panels and the underlying thermal control system (TCS) blanket, leaving deposits on (but no damage to) the payload bay door. While it is not unusual for shuttle orbiters to be impacted by small MMOD particles, the damage from this impact is larger than any previously seen on the shuttle radiator panels. A close-up photograph of the radiator impact entry hole is shown in Figure 1, and the location of the impact on Endeavour s left-side aft-most radiator panel is shown in Figure 2. The aft radiator panel is 0.5-inches thick and consists of 0.011 inch thick aluminum facesheets on the front and back of an aluminum honeycomb core. The front facesheet is additionally covered by a 0.005 inch thick layer of silver-Teflon thermal tape. The entry hole in the silver-Teflon tape measured 8.1 mm by 6.4 mm (0.32 inches by 0.25 inches). The entry hole in the outer facesheet measured 7.4 mm by 5.3 mm (0.29 inches by 0.21 inches) (0.23 inches). The impactor also perforated an existing 0.012 inch doubler that had been bonded over the facesheet to repair previous impact damage (an example that lightning can strike the same place twice, even for MMOD impact). The peeled-back edge around the entry hole, or lip , is a characteristic of many hypervelocity impacts. High velocity impact with the front facesheet fragmented the impacting particle and caused it to spread out into a debris cloud. The debris cloud caused considerable damage to the internal honeycomb core with 23 honeycomb cells over a region of 28 mm by 26 mm (1.1 inches by 1.0 inches) having either been completely destroyed or partially damaged. Figure 3 is a view of the exit hole in the rear facesheet, and partially shows the extent of the honeycomb core damage and clearly shows the jagged petaled exit hole through the backside facesheet. The rear facesheet exit hole damage including cracks in the facesheet measures 14 mm by 14 mm (0.55 inches by 0.55 inches). The remnants of the impacting particle and radiator panel material blown through the rear facesheet hole also created two penetrations in the TCS blanket 115 mm (4.5 inches) behind the rear facesheet. Figure 4 shows these two impacts, which are located 75 mm (3 inches) apart. Some deposits of material were found on the payload bay door beneath the TCS blanket, but no additional damage occurred to the door. Figure 5 illustrates the relationship of the facesheet entry hole to the TCS blanket damage, which may indicate the direction of the impacting particle. The image on the left side of Figure 5 shows an overhead view of the damaged radiator after the facesheet holes were cored out of the panel. The entry hole location and the two underlying TCS blanket damage sites are annotated on the image. Section A-A, running through the entry hole and TCS blanket damage locations, describes a 25 angle from the longitudinal axis of the shuttle. The 2nd impact angle can be seen in section A-A on the right side of Figure 5. An average 17 angle of impact to the surface normal was derived by measuring the angles of the two damage sites in TCS blanket to the entry hole