197 research outputs found

    El proyecto Piens@ Computacion@LLmente

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    Este trabajo describe el proyecto ‘Piens@ Computacion@LLmente’, con el que se introduce en el Pensamiento Computacional a niños de 4º de primaria y de 2º de la ESO. Para ello, se plantean diferentes ejercicios en los que hay que desarrollar una solución diseñando un algoritmo y codificándolo mediante un lenguaje de programación visual. Se proponen tanto desafíos robóticos, cómo actividades en las que no se requiere una computadora. Además, se ejecutan las intervenciones en dos modalidades, una guiada (enseñanza tradicional) y otra por descubrimiento. Finalmente, se analiza el interés que estas actividades han despertado en los alumnos, diferenciando edades, género y modalidades

    Engaging Primary and Secondary School Students in Computer Science Through Computational Thinking Training

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    Although Computer Science has grown to become one of the most highly demanded professional careers, every year, only a small percentage of students choose a degree directly related to Computer Science. Perhaps the problem lies in the lack of information that society has about Computer Science itself, and particularly about the work computer scientists do. No one doubts the role of Mathematics or Languages as core subjects in every primary and secondary education syllabus; however, Computer Science plays a negligible role in most current syllabuses. Only in a few countries have governments paid special attention to content related to Computer Science and to learning to analyze and solve problems the way computer scientists do (Computational Thinking). In this article, we present Piens@ Computacion@ULLmente , a project that provides a methodology to promote Computer Science through Computational Thinking activities among primary and secondary education students. The results obtained from an exhaustive statistical analysis of the data we collected demonstrate that the perception of Computer Science that pre-university students have can be improved through specific training. Moreover, we can also confirm that the performance of pre-university students involving Computational Thinking skills is independent of gender, particularly at the primary education level

    Training future engineers: Integrating Computational Thinking and effective learning methodologies into education

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    This article examines the effectiveness and interest generated among primary and secondary education students through activities aimed at developing Computational Thinking skills, in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. The shift to online or hybrid learning models posed a significant challenge for educators, particularly those lacking digital skills. The study sought to answer several research questions, including the impact of online versus in-person teaching on preuniversity students and gender differences in Computer Science perception, and Computational Thinking skills performance. The study employed a four-phase methodology, consisting of pre- and posttraining measurements of Computer Science perception and Computational Thinking skills development through specific activities delivered in-person or online. The results indicate that in-person training is more effective for developing Computational Thinking skills, particularly at the secondary education level. Furthermore, there is a need to focus on maintaining girls' interest in Computer Science during primary school, as interest levels tend to decline significantly in secondary school. These findings have significant implications for Engineering Education in the context of digital transformation and the increasing importance of Computational Thinking skills in various fields of engineering. This study highlights the importance of developing Computational Thinking skills among preuniversity students and the need for effective training methods to achieve this goal and underscore the significance of investing in Engineering Education to prepare the next generation of engineers for the rapidly changing digital landscape

    Path-integral molecular dynamics simulation of 3C-SiC

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of 3C-SiC have been performed as a function of pressure and temperature. These simulations treat both electrons and atomic nuclei by quantum mechanical methods. While the electronic structure of the solid is described by an efficient tight-binding Hamiltonian, the nuclei dynamics is treated by the path integral formulation of statistical mechanics. To assess the relevance of nuclear quantum effects, the results of quantum simulations are compared to others where either the Si nuclei, the C nuclei or both atomic nuclei are treated as classical particles. We find that the experimental thermal expansion of 3C-SiC is realistically reproduced by our simulations. The calculated bulk modulus of 3C-SiC and its pressure derivative at room temperature show also good agreement with the available experimental data. The effect of the electron-phonon interaction on the direct electronic gap of 3C-SiC has been calculated as a function of temperature and related to results obtained for bulk diamond and Si. Comparison to available experimental data shows satisfactory agreement, although we observe that the employed tight-binding model tends to overestimate the magnitude of the electron-phonon interaction. The effect of treating the atomic nuclei as classical particles on the direct gap of 3C-SiC has been assessed. We find that non-linear quantum effects related to the atomic masses are particularly relevant at temperatures below 250 K.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish Population and Its Association with Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases generate disability. We aimed to adapt and validate the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Disability Index in a Spanish population and to analyze the sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with disability in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Cultural adaptation and validation of psychometric properties in the index were done, along with an observational, cross-sectional, and analytical approach to determine associations with sociodemographic and clinical factors. Sociodemographic data, quality of life (using the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32), and indicators of disease activity were collected, among others. A total of 170 subjects participated. The index showed high internal consistency, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.869 and concurrent validity with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire-32 (r = 0.723, p < 0.001). The average score of the index was -3.91. Greater degrees of disability were found in women (mean = -6.77) than in men (mean = -1.25) (p = 0.018), in patients with Crohn’s disease (mean = -5.94) rather than those with ulcerative colitis (mean = -0.94) (p = 0.028), and in patients in the moderately active disease phase (mean = -20.94) rather than those in the mildly active disease phase (mean = -2.65) and/or those in remission (mean = -1.40) (p < 0.001). The Disability Index is a valid tool for the Spanish population and is associated with sex, type of illness, and disease activity. It is a useful index in evaluating and monitoring disability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

    Hydrogen and muonium in diamond: A path-integral molecular dynamics simulation

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    Isolated hydrogen, deuterium, and muonium in diamond have been studied by path-integral molecular dynamics simulations in the canonical ensemble. Finite-temperature properties of these point defects were analyzed in the range from 100 to 800 K. Interatomic interactions were modeled by a tight-binding potential fitted to density-functional calculations. The most stable position for these hydrogenic impurities is found at the C-C bond center. Vibrational frequencies have been obtained from a linear-response approach, based on correlations of atom displacements at finite temperatures. The results show a large anharmonic effect in impurity vibrations at the bond center site, which hardens the vibrational modes with respect to a harmonic approximation. Zero-point motion causes an appreciable shift of the defect level in the electronic gap, as a consequence of electron-phonon interaction. This defect level goes down by 70 meV when replacing hydrogen by muonium.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Synergistic effects of biochar and biostimulants on nutrient and toxic element uptake by pepper in contaminated soils

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    BACKGROUND: Nowadays a significant amount of land contaminated with toxic elements is being used for agriculture, posing a serious risk of crop contamination and toxicity. Several methodologies are being used to remediate soil contamination, including the use of amendments such as biochar. This work evaluated the effects of biochar combined with different fertirrigations (water, a conventional fertilizer solution, or a fertilizer solution with a commercial biostimulant derived from leonardite) on the availability of toxic elements and nutrients for pepper cultivated in a soil contaminated with As, Cd, Pb, and Zn. RESULTS: Irrigation with fertilizer solutions improved plant growth regardless of the biochar amendment. Biochar decreased the bioavailability of Cu and Pb in soil and the Cu content in pepper leaves. Combined with fertilization, biochar also decreased plant As and Pb content. Biochar combined with biostimulant decreased the bioavailable content of Cd in soil and its uptake by pepper plants. CONCLUSION: The use of biochar and biostimulant presented advantages for plant production in a non-suitable scenario of nutrient scarcity and contaminationWe thank the agronomic technicians Manuel Campos Macossay and Carlos Rodriguez Orta for the location of the soil and supply of materials. This article is the result of a research project ‘Compar ison of agronomic efficiency between Huma Gro® products and mineral conventional fertilizers’ funded by Bio Huma Netics Inc. (Gilbert, Arizona, USA). Bio Huma Netics Inc. did not participate in the experimental procedures or in the evaluation of the result

    Liver Gene Therapy: Employing Surgery and Radiology for Translational Research

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    Gene therapy is a therapeutic strategy that aims to employ nucleic acids as drugs for the transient or permanent treatment of inherited or acquired pathologies. Based on the type of vector employed for the gene transfer, gene therapy can be classified as viral gene therapy and nonviral gene therapy. Nonviral gene therapy is less efficient but safer than viral gene therapy. Hydrodynamic naked DNA transfer has shown great translational potential, achieving therapeutic levels of a human protein in the murine model. The translational process of the procedure has already been performed. Different radiologic and surgical approaches permitted pressurizing the liver in vivo by excluding its vascularization partially or totally. These approaches mediated a tissue rate of human alpha-1-antitrypsin protein translation (100–1000 copies per cell) close to those obtained with the mouse gold standard model in a safe mode that could be translated to human settings

    Metodología para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional en tiempos de COVID-19

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    En este trabajo se describe la metodología seguida con el proyecto ‘Piensa@ Computacion@ULLmente’ para desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento computacional en estudiantes de 4º de primaria y 2º de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en tiempos de COVID-19, adaptando intervenciones en el aula y ejercicios a una modalidad sin presencialidad. La propuesta desarrollada se basa en dos vertientes. Por un lado, píldoras educativas en formato vídeo que permiten una realización asíncrona del proyecto, y por otro, intervenciones síncronas con los estudiantes en el aula mediante el uso de software de videoconferencia. Finalmente, se presenta como resultado una comparativa del interés generado en los participantes de este proyecto en anteriores ediciones con presencialidad y con la nueva metodología que se describe