107 research outputs found

    The young stellar population of IC 1613. III. New O-type stars unveiled by GTC-OSIRIS

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    Recent findings hint that the winds of massive stars with poorer metallicity than the SMC may be stronger than predicted by theory. Besides calling the paradigm of radiation driven winds into question, this result would impact the predicted evolutionary paths of massive stars, their calculated ionizing radiation and mechanical feedback and the role these objects play at different stages of the Universe. The field needs a systematic study of the winds of a large set of very metal poor massive stars, but the sampling of spectral types is particularly poor in the very early types. This paper's goal is to increase the list of known O-type stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy IC1613, whose metallicity is smaller than the SMC's by roughly a factor 2. Using the reddening-free Q-parameter, evolutionary masses and GALEX photometry, we built a list of very likely O-type stars. We obtained low-resolution R~1000 GTC-OSIRIS spectra for a fraction of them and performed spectral classification, the only way to unequivocally confirm candidate OB-stars. We have discovered 8 new O-type stars in IC1613, increasing the list of 7 known O-type stars in this galaxy by a factor of 2. The best quality spectra were analyzed with the model atmosphere code FASTWIND to derive stellar parameters. We present the first spectral type -- effective temperature scale for O-stars beyond the SMC. The derived effective temperature calibration for IC1613 is about 1000K hotter than the scale at the SMC. The analysis of an increased list of O-type stars will be crucial for the studies of the winds and feedback of massive stars at all ages of the Universe.Comment: A&A accepted. 13 pages, including appendix. 15 figures tota

    Open cluster Dolidze 25: Stellar parameters and the metallicity in the Galactic Anticentre

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    The young open cluster Dolidze 25, in the direction of the Galactic Anticentre, has been attributed a very low metallicity, with typical abundances between −0.5-0.5 and −0.7-0.7 dex below solar. We intend to derive accurate cluster parameters and accurate stellar abundances for some of its members. We have obtained a large sample of intermediate- and high-resolution spectra for stars in and around Dolidze 25. We used the FASTWIND code to generate stellar atmosphere models to fit the observed spectra. We derive stellar parameters for a large number of OB stars in the area, and abundances of oxygen and silicon for a number of stars with spectral types around B0. We measure low abundances in stars of Dolidze 25. For the three stars with spectral types around B0, we find 0.30.3 dex (Si) and 0.50.5 dex (O) below the values typical in the solar neighbourhood. These values, even though not as low as those given previously, confirm Dolidze 25 and the surrounding H II region Sh2-284 as the most metal-poor star-forming environment known in the Milky Way. We derive a distance 4.5±0.3 4.5\pm0.3\:kpc to the cluster (rG≈12.3 r_{\textrm{G}}\approx12.3\:kpc). The cluster cannot be older than ∼3 \sim3\:Myr, and likely is not much younger. One star in its immediate vicinity, sharing the same distance, has Si and O abundances at most 0.15 0.15\:dex below solar. The low abundances measured in Dolidze 25 are compatible with currently accepted values for the slope of the Galactic metallicity gradient, if we take into account that variations of at least ±0.15 \pm0.15\:dex are observed at a given radius. The area traditionally identified as Dolidze 25 is only a small part of a much larger star-forming region that comprises the whole dust shell associated with Sh2-284 and very likely several other smaller H II regions in its vicinity.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy \& Astrophysics. 16 pages, 12 figure

    To clump or not to clump - The impact of wind inhomogeneities on the optical and NIR spectroscopic analysis of massive OB stars

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    Context. Winds of massive stars have density inhomogeneities (clumping) that may affect the formation of spectral lines in different ways, depending on their formation region. Most of previous and current spectroscopic analyses have been performed in the optical or ultraviolet domain. However, massive stars are often hidden behind dense clouds rendering near-infrared observations necessary. It is thus inevitable to compare the results of such analyses and the effects of clumping in the optical and the near-infrared, where lines share most of the line formation region. Aims. Our objective is to investigate whether a spectroscopic analysis using either optical or infrared observations results in the same stellar parameters with comparable accuracy, and whether clumping affects them in different ways. Methods. We analyzed optical and near-infrared observations of a set of massive O stars with spectral types O4-O9.5 and all luminosity classes. We used Fastwind model atmospheres with and without optically thin clumping. We first studied the differences in the stellar parameters derived from the optical and the infrared using unclumped models. Based on a coarse model grid, different clumping stratifications were tested. A subset of four linear clumping laws was selected to study the differences in the stellar parameters derived from clumped and unclumped models, and from the optical and the infrared wavelength regions. Results. We obtain similar stellar parameters in the optical and the infrared, although with larger uncertainties in the near-infrared, both with and without clumping, albeit with some individual deviating cases. We find that the inclusion of clumping improves the fit to Hα or He II 4686 in the optical for supergiants, as well as that of Brγ in the near-infrared, but it sometimes worsens the fit to He II 2.18 μm. Globally, there are no significant differences when using the clumping laws tested in this work. We also find that the high-lying Br lines in the infrared should be studied in more detail in the future. Conclusions. The infrared can be used for spectroscopic analyses, giving similar parameters as from the optical, though with larger uncertainties. The best fits to different lines are obtained with different (linear) clumping laws, indicating that the wind structure may be more complex than adopted in the present work. No clumping law results in a better global fit, or improves the consistency between optical and infrared stellar parameters. Our work shows that the optical and infrared lines are not sufficient to break the dichotomy between the mass-loss rate and clumping factor.This research has been supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2019/041 and Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) with funding from the European Union NextGenerationEU and Generalitat Valenciana in the call Programa de Planes Complementarios de I+D+i (PRTR 2022), (Project HIAMAS, reference ASFAE/2022/017) and also MCIN through the Spanish State Research Agency through grants PID2021-122397NB-C21/C22 and the Severo Ochoa Programe 2020-2023 (CEX2019-000920-S) (MICINN/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    The IACOB spectroscopic database of Galactic OB stars

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    We present the IACOB spectroscopic database, the largest homogeneous database of high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of Northern Galactic OB-type stars compiled up to date. The spectra were obtained with the FIES spectrograph attached to the Nordic Optical Telescope. We briefly summarize the main characeristics and present status of the IACOB, first scientific results, and some future plans for its extension and scientific exploitation.Comment: 2 pages. Poster contribution to the proceedings of the IAU272 "Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits

    Is macroturbulence in OB Sgs related to pulsations?

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    As part of a long term observational project, we are investigating the macroturbulent broadening in O and B supergiants (Sgs) and its possible connection with spectroscopic variability phenomena and stellar oscillations. We present the first results of our project, namely firm observational evidence for a strong correlation between the extra broadening and photospheric line-profile variations in a sample of 13 Sgs with spectral types ranging from O9.5 to B8.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Poster contribution to the proceedings of the IAU272 "Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits

    Deriving the Dynamical Masses of Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources with OSIRIS

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    Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources (ULXs) are extragalactic X-ray point sources with LX ∼ 1039 − 1041 erg s−1 discovered in the 80s with the Einstein satellite and confirmed as black hole X-ray binaries during the last decade. The nature of the compact object is highly controversial. They could be super-Eddington stellar-mass black holes or intermediate mass black holes. Deriving dynamical masses of the brightest ULXs, which can be done with OSIRIS, is the only way to find out the nature of the compact object.Las ULXs (del acrónimo inglés Ultra Luminous X-ray sources) son fuentes de rayos X puntuales extragalácticas con LX ∼ 1039−1041 erg s−1 descubiertas en los 80 con el satélite Einstein. En la última década se ha confirmado que son binarias de rayos X con agujero negro. Hay mucha controversia sobre la naturaleza del objeto compacto. Podría tratarse de un agujero negro de masa estelar acretando en el régimen super-Eddington, o un agujero negro de masa intermedia. El único método para poder dilucidar la naturaleza de dichos objetos es mediante la determinación de las masas dinámicas de estos sistemas, tarea que se puede realizar con OSIRIS
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