13,604 research outputs found

    Collapsing Spheres Satisfying An "Euclidean Condition"

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    We study the general properties of fluid spheres satisfying the heuristic assumption that their areas and proper radius are equal (the Euclidean condition). Dissipative and non-dissipative models are considered. In the latter case, all models are necessarily geodesic and a subclass of the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi solution is obtained. In the dissipative case solutions are non-geodesic and are characterized by the fact that all non-gravitational forces acting on any fluid element produces a radial three-acceleration independent on its inertial mass.Comment: 1o pages, Latex. Title changed and text shortened to fit the version to appear in Gen.Rel.Grav

    12CO and 13CO J=3-2 observations toward N11 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    After 30 Doradus, N11 is the second largest and brightest nebula in the LMC. This large nebula has several OB associations with bright nebulae at its surroundings. N11 was previously mapped at the lowest rotational transitions of 12^{12}CO (J=1--0 and 2--1), and in some particular regions pointings of the 13^{13}CO J=1--0 and 2--1 lines were also performed. Using ASTE we mapped the whole extension of the N11 nebula in the 12^{12}CO J=3--2 line, and three sub-regions in the 13^{13}CO J=3--2 line. The regions mapped in the 13^{13}CO J=3--2 were selected based on that they may be exposed to the radiation at different ways: a region lying over the nebula related to the OB association LH10 (N11B), another one that it is associated with the southern part of the nebula related to the OB association LH13 (N11D), and finally a farther area at the southwest without any embedded OB association (N11I). We found that the morphology of the molecular clouds lying in each region shows some signatures that could be explained by the expansion of the nebulae and the action of the radiation. Fragmentation generated in a molecular shell due to the expansion of the N11 nebula is suggested. The integrated line ratios 12^{12}CO/13^{13}CO show evidences of selective photodissociation of the 13^{13}CO, and probably other mechanisms such as chemical fractionation. The CO contribution to the continuum at 870 μ\mum was directly derived. The distribution of the integrated line ratios 12^{12}CO J=3--2/2--1 show hints of stellar feedback in N11B and N11D. The ratio between the virial and LTE mass (Mvir_{\rm vir}/MLTE_{\rm LTE}) is higher than unity in all analyzed molecular clumps, which suggests that the clumps are not gravitationally bounded and may be supported by external pressure. A non-LTE analysis suggests that we are mapping gas with densities about a few 103^{3} cm3^{-3}.Comment: Accepted to be published in A&A. Figures were degrade

    Dissipative fluids out of hydrostatic equilibrium

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    In the context of the M\"{u}ller-Israel-Stewart second order phenomenological theory for dissipative fluids, we analyze the effects of thermal conduction and viscosity in a relativistic fluid, just after its departure from hydrostatic equilibrium, on a time scale of the order of relaxation times. Stability and causality conditions are contrasted with conditions for which the ''effective inertial mass'' vanishes.Comment: 21 pages, 1 postscript figure (LaTex 2.09 and epsfig.sty required) Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Active gravitational mass and the invariant characterization of Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime

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    We analyse the concept of active gravitational mass for Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime in terms of scalar polynomial invariants and the Karlhede classification. We show that while the Kretschmann scalar does not produce the expected expression for the active gravitational mass, both scalar polynomial invariants formed from the Weyl tensor, and the Cartan scalars, do.Comment: 6 pages Latex, to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Localizing gravity on thick branes: a solution for massive KK modes of the Schroedinger equation

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    We generate scalar thick brane configurations in a 5D Riemannian space time which describes gravity coupled to a self-interacting scalar field. We also show that 4D gravity can be localized on a thick brane which does not necessarily respect Z_2-symmetry, generalizing several previous models based on the Randall-Sundrum system and avoiding the restriction to orbifold geometries as well as the introduction of the branes in the action by hand. We begin by obtaining a smooth brane configuration that preserves 4D Poincar'e invariance and violates reflection symmetry along the fifth dimension. The extra dimension can have either compact or extended topology, depending on the values of the parameters of the solution. In the non-compact case, our field configuration represents a thick brane with positive energy density centered at y=c_2, whereas in the compact case we get pairs of thick branes. We recast as well the wave equations of the transverse traceless modes of the linear fluctuations of the classical solution into a Schroedinger's equation form with a volcano potential of finite bottom. We solve Schroedinger equation for the massless zero mode m^2=0 and obtain a single bound wave function which represents a stable 4D graviton and is free of tachyonic modes with m^2<0. We also get a continuum spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) states with m^2>0 that are suppressed at y=c_2 and turn asymptotically into plane waves. We found a particular case in which the Schroedinger equation can be solved for all m^2>0, giving us the opportunity of studying analytically the massive modes of the spectrum of KK excitations, a rare fact when considering thick brane configurations.Comment: 8 pages in latex. We corrected signs in the field equations, the expressions for the scalar field and the self-interacting potential. Due to the fact that no changes are introduced in the warp factor, the physics of the system remains the sam

    Early pH Changes in Musculoskeletal Tissues upon Injury-Aerobic Catabolic Pathway Activity Linked to Inter-Individual Differences in Local pH

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    Local pH is stated to acidify after bone fracture. However, the time course and degree of acidification remain unknown. Whether the acidification pattern within a fracture hematoma is applicable to adjacent muscle hematoma or is exclusive to this regenerative tissue has not been studied to date. Thus, in this study, we aimed to unravel the extent and pattern of acidification in vivo during the early phase post musculoskeletal injury. Local pH changes after fracture and muscle trauma were measured simultaneously in two pre-clinical animal models (sheep/rats) immediately after and up to 48 h post injury. The rat fracture hematoma was further analyzed histologically and metabolomically. In vivo pH measurements in bone and muscle hematoma revealed a local acidification in both animal models, yielding mean pH values in rats of 6.69 and 6.89, with pronounced intra- and inter-individual differences. The metabolomic analysis of the hematomas indicated a link between reduction in tricarboxylic acid cycle activity and pH, thus, metabolic activity within the injured tissues could be causative for the different pH values. The significant acidification within the early musculoskeletal hematoma could enable the employment of the pH for novel, sought-after treatments that allow for spatially and temporally controlled drug release

    Mass gap for gravity localized on Weyl thick branes

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    We study the properties of a previously found family of thick brane configurations in a pure geometric Weyl integrable 5D space time, a non-Riemannian generalization of Kaluza-Klein (KK) theory involving a geometric scalar field. Thus the 5D theory describes gravity coupled to a self-interacting scalar field which gives rise to the structure of the thick branes. Analyzing the graviton spectrum for this class of models, we find that a particularly interesting situation arises for a special case in which the 4D graviton is separated from the KK gravitons by a mass gap. The corresponding effective Schroedinger equation has a modified Poeschl-Teller potential and can be solved exactly. Apart from the massless 4D graviton, it contains one massive KK bound state, and the continuum spectrum of delocalized KK modes. We discuss the mass hierarchy problem, and explicitly compute the corrections to Newton's law in the thin brane limit.Comment: 6 pages in Revtex, no figures, journal version, significately revised and extende

    Charged Dual String Vacua from Interacting Rotating Black Holes Via Discrete and Nonlinear Symmetries

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    Using the stationary formulation of the toroidally compactified heterotic string theory in terms of a pair of matrix Ernst potentials we consider the four-dimensional truncation of this theory with no U(1) vector fields excited. Imposing one time-like Killing vector permits us to express the stationary effective action as a model in which gravity is coupled to a matrix Ernst potential which, under certain parametrization, allows us to interpret the matter sector of this theory as a double Ernst system. We generate a web of string vacua which are related to each other via a set of discrete symmetries of the effective action (some of them involve S-duality transformations and possess non-perturbative character). Some physical implications of these discrete symmetries are analyzed and we find that, in some particular cases, they relate rotating black holes coupled to a dilaton with no Kalb--Ramond field, static black holes with non-trivial dilaton and antisymmetric tensor fields, and rotating and static naked singularities. Further, by applying a nonlinear symmetry, namely, the so-called normalized Harrison transformation, on the seed field configurations corresponding to these neutral backgrounds, we recover the U(1)^n Abelian vector sector of the four-dimensional action of the heterotic string, charging in this way the double Ernst system which corresponds to each one of the neutral string vacua, i.e., the stationary and the static black holes and the naked singularities.Comment: 19 pages in latex, added referenc

    Pre-clinical evaluation of antiproteases as potential candidates for HIV-1 pre-exposure prophylaxis

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    Previous studies on highly HIV-1-exposed, yet persistently seronegative women from the Punwami Sex Worker cohort in Kenya, have shed light on putative protective mechanisms, suggesting that mucosal immunological factors, such as antiproteases, could be mediating resistance to HIV-1 transmission in the female reproductive tract. Nine protease inhibitors were selected for this study: serpin B4, serpin A1, serpin A3, serpin C1, cystatin A, cystatin B, serpin B13, serpin B1 and α-2-macroglobulin-like-protein 1. We assessed in a pilot study, the activity of these antiproteases with cellular assays and an ex vivo HIV-1 challenge model of human ecto-cervical tissue explants. Preliminary findings with both models, cellular and tissue explants, established an order of inhibitory potency for the mucosal proteins as candidates for pre-exposure prophylaxis when mimicking pre-coital use. Combination of all antiproteases considered in this study was more active than any of the individual mucosal proteins. Furthermore, the migration of cells out of ecto-cervical explants was blocked indicating potential prevention of viral dissemination following amplification of the founder population. These findings constitute the base for further development of these mucosal protease inhibitors for prevention strategies