280 research outputs found

    Learning process' analysis system: Learning Analytics

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    As a consequence of nowadays’ intensive data production, companies are setting its exploitation as a cornerstone for their growth, with new disciplines emerging with the intention of guiding this force of technological development, as it is the case of data intensive processes related with formative scenarios (academical or not). Guidelines have been provided with the purpose of tackling current and upcoming challenges identified for the advancement of Learning Analytics. With special attention on its development and analytics facets, this project aims to take a step towards its feasible adoption. With this purpose, an assessment of current literature’s approach to this discipline’s objectives has been conducted, concluding that, in order to capture a broader and effective picture of students’ engagement to learning processes, a wide variety of information sources need to be considered, including qualitative ones. Additionally, a set of scalable predictive models (involving regression and time series forecasting) related to students’ interaction and outcomes have been developed with favourable results. Finally, viability of the further development of these tasks and its inclusion in a real-world application are discussed.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Las ordenanzas del Colegio de la Orden de Santiago en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares de 1530

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    En este artículo vamos a analizar las Ordenanzas destinadas a los estudiantes de la Orden de Santiago en la universidad de Alcalá de Henares a comienzos del siglo XVI. Dicha regulación versaba sobre: su forma de vivir, su comportamiento, los estudios que debían de profesar, el desarrollo de los mismos y el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones colectivas. Las Ordenanzas estudiadas serían aplicables a los estudiantes provenientes del convento de Uclés. Así mismo recogemos las Ordenanzas aprobadas en 1536 para el estudio de Gramática de Mérida, sufragado por su concejo.In this article we are going to analyze the Decrees destined to the students of the Order of Santiago in the university of Alcalá de Henares at the beginning of the 16th century. This regulation turned on the students’ lifestyle, their behavior, the studies that they had to profess, the development of these studies and the fulfillment of their collective obligations. The studied Decrees would be applicable to the students that were coming from the convent of Uclés. Also we gather the Decrees approved in 1536 for the Merida’s Grammar Study, supported by its council.Dans cet article nous allons analyser les Décrets destinés aux étudiants de l’Ordre de Santiago à l’université d’Alcalá de Henares au début du XVIème siècle. Ce règlement traitait leur façon de vivre, leur comportement, les études qu’ils devaient professer, le développement de ces derniers et l’accomplisse ment de leurs obligations collectives. Les Décrets étudiés seraient aussi applicables aux étudiants provenant du couvent d’Uclés. De même nous reprenons les Décrets approuvés en 1536 pour l’étude de Grammaire de Mérida, supporté par leur conseil

    Políticas de poblamiento: Carta puebla de San Martín de la Vega (1443). Carta de vecindad de la villa de Batres (1500)

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    El primer documento que nos encontramos es una carta puebla de San Martín de la Vega (1443), destacaremos las condiciones que deberán cumplir los sujetos que vengan a morar en dicho territorio. El segundo texto trata sobre una carta de vecindad otorgada a la villa de Batres (1500), cuya importancia radica en la política de poblamiento realizada por la Tierra y Villa de Segovia en contra de los intereses territoriales de los marqueses de Moya.The first document is the San Martin de la Vega’s Carta Puebla (document for the colonisation) (1443), in which we will emphasize the conditions that will have to fulfill whoever comes to dwell in this territory. The second text deals with a vicinity letter granted to the town of Batres (1500), whose importance relies on the colonisation policy realised by Segovia's Tierra y Villa (fields and town), against the Moya Marquesses’ territorial interests.Le premier document que nous trouvons est une lettre de peuplement de San Martín de la Vega (1443): on y soulignera les conditions qui devront accomplir les sujets qui viennent demeurer dans ce territoire. Le second texte est une lettre de voisinage accordée à la ville de Batres (1500), dont l’importance est située dans la politique de peuplement effectuée par la Terre et Ville de Ségovie contre les intérêts territoriaux des marquis de Moya.Aus dem Stadtrecht von San Martín de la Vega aus dem Jahre 1443 ergeben sich die Voraussetzungen, die die sich in diesem Gebiet niederlassenden Bürger erfüllen mussten. Das Ortsbürgerrecht der Stadt Batres (1500) gibt Auskunft über die Bevölkerungspolitik in und um die Stadt Segovia, die den Gebietsinteressen der Grafen von Moya entgegenstand

    NON STOP: diseño e implementación de aplicaciones colaborativas multi-dispositivo en el entorno de la práctica deportiva

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto fin de carrera “Non-Stop” es diseñar e implementar un sistema de aplicaciones colaborativas que permita trabajar de manera conjunta a cada una de ellas. Este sistema es aplicado a la práctica deportiva y su funcionamiento se inicia con la emisión de una señal de localización GPS desde un dispositivo móvil. La señal es recibida y analizada por el sistema y se generará una alarma en los casos en los que se detecte una parada inesperada. El diseño del sistema se basa en un arquitectura e implementación sencilla pero de gran utilidad para un colectivo de personas en aumento, ciclistas, corredores, etc.The main objective of the project "Non-Stop" is design and implement a core set of collaborative applications that allow to work together for each one. This system would be applied in sport practice, the procedure starts with the emission of a location GPS signal since a mobile device. The signal is received and analyzed by the system, an alarm will be generate whenever the system detect a unexpected shutdown. The design is based on a simple architecture and implementation but very useful for a increasing group of persons: runners, cyclist...Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió

    Transport of cattle in Spain. Technical, administrative and welfare aspects according to the destination.

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    To obtain a thorough description of how are cattle transported in Spain with respect to the journey destination a survey was performed in 2004 and 2005. Information was obtained by means of a 119-parameters questionnaire, and 44 transport operators representative of the sector (27 slaughterhouses, 10 traders, and 7 cattle markets) were interviewed. Over 80% of journeys transported growing-finishing/finished animals, and about 3% of journeys transported both growing-finishing/finished and reproductive animals. With respect to farm transports, slaughter transports loaded in fewer farms (1.2 vs. 1.4 farms; pPara conocer en detalle como se transporta el ganado vacuno en España según el destino del viaje, entre los años 2004 y 2005 se entrevistaron 44 operadores representativos del sector (27 mataderos, 10 comerciantes y 7 mercados) mediante cuestionarios que recogían información relativa a 119 parámetros. Más del 80% de los viajes fueron de animales cebados/para cebo, y algo más de un 3% de los viajes transportaban animales cebados/para cebo y reproductores. Los transportes a matadero cargaron en un menor número de explotaciones (1,2 vs. 1,4 granjas;

    Superintegrable Oscillator and Kepler Systems on Spaces of Nonconstant Curvature via the St\"ackel Transform

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    The St\"ackel transform is applied to the geodesic motion on Euclidean space, through the harmonic oscillator and Kepler-Coloumb potentials, in order to obtain maximally superintegrable classical systems on N-dimensional Riemannian spaces of nonconstant curvature. By one hand, the harmonic oscillator potential leads to two families of superintegrable systems which are interpreted as an intrinsic Kepler-Coloumb system on a hyperbolic curved space and as the so-called Darboux III oscillator. On the other, the Kepler-Coloumb potential gives rise to an oscillator system on a spherical curved space as well as to the Taub-NUT oscillator. Their integrals of motion are explicitly given. The role of the (flat/curved) Fradkin tensor and Laplace-Runge-Lenz N-vector for all of these Hamiltonians is highlighted throughout the paper. The corresponding quantum maximally superintegrable systems are also presented