10 research outputs found

    Real-time 3D PET image with pseudoinverse reconstruction

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    Real-time positron emission tomography (PET) may provide information from first-shot images, enable PET-guided biopsies, and allow awake animal studies. Fully-3D iterative reconstructions yield the best images in PET, but they are too slow for real-time imaging. Analytical methods such as Fourier back projection (FBP) are very fast, but yield images of poor quality with artifacts due to noise or data incompleteness. In this work, an image reconstruction based on the pseudoinverse of the system response matrix (SRM) is presented. w. To implement the pseudoinverse method, the reconstruction problem is separated into two stages. First, the axial part of the SRM is pseudo-inverted (PINV) to rebin the 3D data into 2D datasets. Then, the resulting 2D slices can be reconstructed with analytical methods or by applying the pseudoinverse algorithm again. The proposed two-step PINV reconstruction yielded good-quality images at a rate of several frames per second, compatible with real time applications. Furthermore, extremely fast direct PINV reconstruction of projections of the 3D image collapsed along specific directions can be implemented.Part of the calculations in this work were performed in the “Clúster de Cálculo para Técnicas Físicas” funded in part by UCM and in part by UE Regional Funds. We acknowledge the support from the Spanish Government (FPA2015-65035-P, RTC-2015-3772-2, and RTI2018-095800-A-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-3024 TOPUS-CM, B2017/BMD-3888 PRONTO-CM), and European Regional Funds. This work was also supported by the EU’s H2020 under MediNet, a Networking Activity of ENSAR-2 (grant agreement 654002), and by a NIH R01 CA215700-2 grant. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)

    Factors associated with lesion detection in colonoscopy among different indications

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    Background and objective: Different factors may influence colonoscopy performance measures. We aimed to analyze procedure- and endoscopist-related factors associated with detection of colorectal lesions and whether these factors have a similar influence in the context of different colonoscopy indications: positive fecal immunochemical test (+FIT) and post-polypectomy surveillance colonoscopies. Methods: This multicenter cross-sectional study included adults aged 40-80 years. Endoscopists (N = 96) who had performed ≥50 examinations were assessed for physician-related factors. Adenoma detection rate (ADR), adenomas per colonoscopy rate (APCR), advanced ADR, serrated polyp detection (SDR), and serrated polyps per colonoscopy rate (SPPCR) were calculated. Results: We included 12,932 procedures, with 4810 carried out after a positive FIT and 1967 for surveillance. Of the 96 endoscopists evaluated, 43.8% were women, and the mean age was 41.9 years. The ADR, advanced ADR, and SDR were 39.7%, 17.7%, and 12.8%, respectively. Adenoma detection rate was higher in colonoscopies after a +FIT (50.3%) with a more than doubled advanced ADR compared to non-FIT procedures (27.6% vs. 13.0%) and similar results in serrated lesions (14.7% vs. 13.5%). Among all the detection indicators analyzed, withdrawal time was the only factor independently related to improvement (p < 0.001). Regarding FIT-positive and surveillance procedures, for both indications, withdrawal time was also the only factor associated with a higher detection of adenomas and serrated polyps (p < 0.001). Endoscopist-related factors (i.e., weekly hours dedicated to endoscopy, annual colonoscopy volume and lifetime number of colonoscopies performed) had also impact on lesion detection (APCR, advanced ADR and SPPCR). Conclusions: Withdrawal time was the factor most commonly associated with improved detection of colonic lesions globally and in endoscopies for + FIT and post-polypectomy surveillance. Physician-related factors may help to address strategies to support training and service provision. Our results can be used for establishing future benchmarking and quality improvement in different colonoscopy indications

    Deep-Learning Based Positron Range Correction of PET Images

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a molecular imaging technique that provides a 3D image of functional processes in the body in vivo. Some of the radionuclides proposed for PET imaging emit high-energy positrons, which travel some distance before they annihilate (positron range), creating significant blurring in the reconstructed images. Their large positron range compromises the achievable spatial resolution of the system, which is more significant when using high-resolution scanners designed for the imaging of small animals. In this work, we trained a deep neural network named Deep-PRC to correct PET images for positron range effects. Deep-PRC was trained with modeled cases using a realistic Monte Carlo simulation tool that considers the positron energy distribution and the materials and tissues it propagates into. Quantification of the reconstructed PET images corrected with Deep-PRC showed that it was able to restore the images by up to 95% without any significant noise increase. The proposed method, which is accessible via Github, can provide an accurate positron range correction in a few seconds for a typical PET acquisition

    Optimizing Point Source Tracking in Awake Rat PET Imaging: A Comprehensive Study of Motion Detection and Best Correction Conditions

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Government (FASCINA PID2021-126998OBI00, NEWMBI CPP2021-008751, 3PET PDC2022-133057-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (ASAP-CM, S2022/BMD-7434), and the Recovery, Resilience, and Transformation Plan financed by the European Union through Next Generation EU funds. This work was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (Project MIA.2021.M02.0005 TARTAGLIA, from the Recovery, Resilience, and Transformation Plan financed by the European Union through Next Generation EU funds). TARTAGLIA takes place under the R&D Missions in Artificial Intelligence program, which is part of the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda and the Spanish National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. P. G. also acknowledges support from the Margarita Salas Fellowship, CT18/22 at Complutense University of Madrid, funded by the European Union-Next-GenerationUE funds.S

    Transmission–reflection optoacoustic ultrasound (TROPUS) computed tomography of small animals

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    Hybridized optoacoustic ultrasound computed tomography A three-in-one imaging platform combines the advantages of each individual technique to provide whole body tomographic imaging of small animals. Developed by the group of Daniel Razansky from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich in Switzerland and collaborators in Germany and Spain, the hybrid platform combines optoacoustic tomography with reflection and transmission mode ultrasonography. By launching ultrasound and laser pulses into tissues, the technique allows the construction of cross-sectional tomographic images that reveal fine details on organ function, tissue vascularization, reflectivity, stiffness and density. As an added value of the hybrid combination, images retrieved by one modality are also used to enhance the reconstruction quality of the other two modalities. The platform could thus be used for probing and quantifying multiple anatomical, functional and molecular properties of tissues in health and disease

    Transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound (TROPUS) computed tomography of small animals

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    Rapid progress in the development of multispectral optoacoustic tomography techniques has enabled unprecedented insights into biological dynamics and molecular processes in vivo and noninvasively at penetration and spatiotemporal scales not covered by modern optical microscopy methods. Ultrasound imaging provides highly complementary information on elastic and functional tissue properties and further aids in enhancing optoacoustic image quality. We devised the first hybrid transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound (TROPUS) small animal imaging platform that combines optoacoustic tomography with both reflection- and transmission-mode ultrasound computed tomography. The system features full-view cross-sectional tomographic imaging geometry for concomitant noninvasive mapping of the absorbed optical energy, acoustic reflectivity, speed of sound, and acoustic attenuation in whole live mice with submillimeter resolution and unrivaled image quality. Graphics-processing unit (GPU)-based algorithms employing spatial compounding and bent-ray-tracing iterative reconstruction were further developed to attain real-time rendering of ultrasound tomography images in the full-ring acquisition geometry. In vivo mouse imaging experiments revealed fine details on the organ parenchyma, vascularization, tissue reflectivity, density, and stiffness. We further used the speed of sound maps retrieved by the transmission ultrasound tomography to improve optoacoustic reconstructions via two-compartment modeling. The newly developed synergistic multimodal combination offers unmatched capabilities for imaging multiple tissue properties and biomarkers with high resolution, penetration, and contrast

    Noninvasive multiparametric charac-terization of mammary tumors with transmission-reflection optoacoustic ultrasound

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    Development of imaging methods capable of furnishing tumor-specific morphological, functional, and molecular information is paramount for early diagnosis, staging, and treatment of breast cancer. Ultrasound (US) and optoacoustic (OA) imaging methods exhibit excellent traits for tumor imaging in terms of fast imaging speed, ease of use, excellent contrast, and lack of ionizing radiation. Here, we demonstrate simultaneous tomographic whole body imaging of optical absorption, US reflectivity, and speed of sound (SoS) in living mice. In vivo studies of 4T1 breast cancer xenografts models revealed synergistic and complementary value of the hybrid imaging approach for characterizing mammary tumors. While neovasculature surrounding the tumor areas were observed based on the vascular anatomy contrast provided by the OA data, the tumor boundaries could be discerned by segmenting hypoechoic structures in pulse-echo US images. Tumor delineation was further facilitated by enhancing the contrast and spatial resolution of the SoS maps with a full-wave inversion method. The malignant lesions could thus be distinguished from other hypoechoic regions based on the average SoS values. The reported findings corroborate the strong potential of the hybrid imaging approach for advancing cancer research in small animal models and fostering development of new clinical diagnostic approaches.ISSN:1522-8002ISSN:1476-558

    Speed of sound ultrasound transmission tomography image reconstruction based on Bézier curves

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    Speed of Sound (SoS) maps from ultrasound tomography (UST) provide valuable quantitative information for soft tissue characterization and identification of lesions, making this technique interesting for breast cancer detection. However, due to the complexity of the processes that characterize the interaction of ultrasonic waves with matter, classic and fast tomographic algorithms such as back-projection are not suitable. Consequently, the image reconstruction process in UST is generally slow compared to other more conventional medical tomography modalities. With the aim of facilitating the translation of this technique into real clinical practice, several reconstruction algorithms are being proposed to make image reconstruction in UST to be a fast and accurate process. The geometrical acoustic approximation is often used to reconstruct SoS with less computational burden in comparison with full-wave inversion methods. In this work, we propose a simple formulation to perform on-the-flight reconstruction for UST using geometrical acoustics with refraction correction based on quadratic Bézier polynomials. Here we demonstrate that the trajectories created with these polynomials are an accurate approximation to reproduce the refracted acoustic paths connecting the emitter and receiver transducers. The method is faster than typical acquisition times in UST. Thus, it can be considered a step towards real-time reconstructions, which may contribute to its future clinical translation

    (e,e'p) reaction at true quasielastic kinematics in 16O, 12C, and 208Pb at JLab

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    The reactions 16O(e,e'p) 15N, 208Pb(e,e'p) 207Tl and 12C(e,e'p) 11B were measured in experiments E00-102 and E06-007 performed at JLab (VA, USA) at true quasielastic kinematics (xB = 1) with constant energy (ω) and momentum (q) transferred over a wide pmiss range. These experiments address several open issues in nuclear structure such as the role of relativity and of long-range correlations in the description of nuclei as well as a possible dependence of the spectroscopic factors on Q2. Preliminary experimental results and theoretical predictions from a fully relativistic DWIA model carefully averaged over the experimental acceptances are shown