139 research outputs found

    Estudio económico de disposición de pórticos en naves industriales en función de la capacidad portante del suelo de apoyo

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado trata de realizar una optimización de la estructura de nave industrial. Existen tres variables principales: la geometría del pórtico, los niveles de carga (permanente, puente-grúa y acciones horizontales) y la cimentación. La optimización que se plantea es fijar una de las tres variables (niveles de carga) y optimizar en 2D las otras dos. En particular, surge la necesidad de optimizar el equiespaciado entre pórticos, ya que este determinará la influencia de las cargas y, en consecuencia, el esfuerzo que tendrán que ejercer los elementos de la estructura para no ser deformado por estas. Por ello, se propone este estudio, en el que se realizará un análisis comparativo sobre la influencia de la geometría y el suelo de apoyo en la optimización estructural de una nave industrial. En el análisis se propone variar la distancia entre pórticos y obtener los ratios y el presupuesto del proyecto para los distintos casos. Como añadido, se variarán los tipos de apoyos, la acción del viento y puente-grúa, la capacidad portante del suelo y la geometría del pórtico para observar la influencia de estos parámetros en la determinación de la distancia entre pórticos óptima. El proyecto se ha realizado en base a la normativa vigente y mediante los programas de Excel, para los cálculos de la estructura, y CYPE Ingenieros, para la verificación de resultados.This Final Degree Project is about optimizing the structure of an industrial warehouse. There are three main variables: the geometry of the portal frame, the load levels (permanent, bridge-crane, and horizontal actions), and the foundation. The proposed optimization consists of fixing one of the three variables (load levels) and optimizing the other two in 2D. In particular, there is a need to optimize the spacing between portal frames since this will determine the influence of the loads and, consequently, the effort that the structural elements will have to exert in order in order not to be deformed by them. Therefore, this study proposes a comparative analysis of the influence of geometry and the support floor in the structural optimization of an industrial warehouse. To do this, the distance between portal frames will be varied and the ratios and project budget will be obtained for the different cases. Additionally, the types of supports, wind and bridge-crane actions, soil quality, and portal frame geometry will be varied to observe the influence of these parameters in determining the optimal distance between portal frames. The project has been carried out in accordance with current regulations and using Excel, for structural calculations, and CYPE, for result verification.Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale


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    Lo que se pretende con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es realizar un estudio de los datos económicos de los últimos años sobre el problema de la distribución del ingreso y la concentración de la riqueza en el mundo, concretado en el caso de España. Dichos datos, con los que trabajare, están recopilados en su mayor parte en “World Top Incomes Database”, una fuente de información desarrollada por Tony Atkinson, Facundo Alvaredo, Thomas Piketty y Emmanuel Sáez, y la obra de Thomas Picketty “El capital en el siglo XXI”, de la cual se explicara la importancia y relevancia actual más adelante con detenimiento. Estas serán utilizadas como principales fuentes, además de otras. Se intentara también situar el trabajo dentro del contexto de una economía dinámica, lo que supone mirar también a las fluctuaciones y ciclos económicos. Es decir, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se guiara por la obra del economista francés y tratará de resumirla y adaptarla al caso y situación de España, ya que dicha obra se centra más en otros países de Europa (como Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania e Italia) y sobre España ofrece básicamente una serie de datos a partir de 1970

    Connecting Metainflammation and Neuroinflammation Through the PTN-MK-RPTPβ/ζ Axis: Relevance in Therapeutic Development

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    Inflammation is a common factor of pathologies such as obesity, type 2 diabetes or neurodegenerative diseases. Chronic inflammation is considered part of the pathogenic mechanisms of different disorders associated with aging. Interestingly, peripheral inflammation and the associated metabolic alterations not only facilitate insulin resistance and diabetes but also neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, the identification of novel pathways, common to the development of these diseases, which modulate the immune response and signaling is key. It will provide highly relevant information to advance our knowledge of the multifactorial process of aging, and to establish new biomarkers and/or therapeutic targets to counteract the underlying chronic inflammatory processes. One novel pathway that regulates peripheral and central immune responses is triggered by the cytokines pleiotrophin (PTN) and midkine (MK), which bind its receptor, Receptor Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (RPTP) β/ζ, and inactivate its phosphatase activity. In this review, we compile a growing body of knowledge suggesting that PTN and MK modulate the immune response and/or inflammation in different pathologies characterized by peripheral inflammation associated with insulin resistance, such as aging, and in central disorders characterized by overt neuroinflammation, such as neurodegenerative diseases and endotoxemia. Evidence strongly suggests that regulation of the PTN and MK signaling pathways may provide new therapeutic opportunities particularly in those neurological disorders characterized by increased PTN and/or MK cerebral levels and neuroinflammation. Importantly, we discuss existing therapeutics, and others being developed, that modulate these signaling pathways, and their potential use in pathologies characterized by overt neuroinflammation

    Interaction between anandamide and sphingosine-1-phosphate in mediating vasorelaxation in rat coronary artery

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    <b>BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE</b> Anandamide and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) both regulate vascular tone in a variety of vessels. This study aimed to examine the mechanisms involved in the regulation of coronary vascular tone by anandamide and S1P, and to determine whether any functional interaction occurs between these receptor systems. <br></br> <b>EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH</b> Mechanisms used by anandamide and S1P to regulate rat coronary artery (CA) reactivity were investigated using wire myography. Interactions between S1P and the cannabinoid (CB)2 receptor were determined using human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells that stably over-express recombinant CB2 receptor. <br></br> <b>KEY RESULTS</b> Anandamide and S1P induced relaxation of the rat CA. CB2 receptor antagonists attenuated anandamide-induced relaxation, while S1P-mediated relaxation was dependent on the vascular endothelium and S1P3. Anandamide treatment resulted in an increase in the phosphorylation of sphingosine kinase-1 within the CA. Conversely, anandamide-mediated relaxation was attenuated by inhibition of sphingosine kinase. Moreover, S1P3, specifically within the vascular endothelium, was required for anandamide-mediated vasorelaxation. In addition to this, S1P-mediated relaxation was also reduced by CB2 receptor antagonists and sphingosine kinase inhibition. Further evidence that S1P functionally interacts with the CB2 receptor was also observed in HEK293 cells over-expressing the CB2 receptor. <br></br> <b>CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS</b> In the vascular endothelium of rat CA, anandamide induces relaxation via a mechanism requiring sphingosine kinase-1 and S1P/S1P3. In addition, we report that S1P may exert some of its effects via a CB2 receptor- and sphingosine kinase-dependent mechanism, where subsequently formed S1P may have privileged access to S1P3 to induce vascular relaxation

    Pleiotrophin overexpression regulates amphetamine-induced reward and striatal dopaminergic denervation without changing the expression of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors: Implications for neuroinflammation.

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    It was previously shown that mice with genetic deletion of the neurotrophic factor pleiotrophin (PTN-/-) show enhanced amphetamine neurotoxicity and impair extinction of amphetamine conditioned place preference (CPP), suggesting a modulatory role of PTN in amphetamine neurotoxicity and reward. We have now studied the effects of amphetamine (10mg/kg, 4 times, every 2h) in the striatum of mice with transgenic PTN overexpression (PTN-Tg) in the brain and in wild type (WT) mice. Amphetamine caused an enhanced loss of striatal dopaminergic terminals, together with a highly significant aggravation of amphetamine-induced increase in the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes, in the striatum of PTN-Tg mice compared to WT mice. Given the known contribution of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors to the neurotoxic effects of amphetamine, we also performed quantitative receptor autoradiography of both receptors in the brains of PTN-Tg and WT mice. D1 and D2 receptors binding in the striatum and other regions of interest was not altered by genotype or treatment. Finally, we found that amphetamine CPP was significantly reduced in PTN-Tg mice. The data demonstrate that PTN overexpression in the brain blocks the conditioning effects of amphetamine and enhances the characteristic striatal dopaminergic denervation caused by this drug. These results indicate for the first time deleterious effects of PTN in vivo by mechanisms that are probably independent of changes in the expression of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors. The data also suggest that PTN-induced neuroinflammation could be involved in the enhanced neurotoxic effects of amphetamine in the striatum of PTN-Tg mice