2,604 research outputs found


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    Revista DEVERAS del ComecytEl proceso productivo de la tortilla: nixtamalición y moienda del maíz, o empleo de harina de maíz nixtamalizada. La masa obtenido es la materia prima para preparar tortillas; para su fabricación, se requiere un cocimiento a 170-190°C durante 4 o 5 minutos, mismo que se lleva a cabo en planchas metálicas o de barro. La producción de tortillas representa una fuente de ingresos y una actividad económica muy importante en nuestro país. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), hay más de 85 mil tortillerías en nuestro país. Además, tenemos que añadir a esta actividad económica a las señoras que venden tortillas hechas a mano en los mercados locales.Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Cold giant planets evaporated by hot white dwarfs

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    Atmospheric escape from close-in Neptunes and hot Jupiters around Sun-like stars driven by extreme ultraviolet (EUV) irradiation plays an important role in the evolution of exoplanets and in shaping their ensemble properties. Intermediate and low mass stars are brightest at EUV wavelengths at the very end of their lives, after they have expelled their envelopes and evolved into hot white dwarfs. Yet the effect of the intense EUV irradiation of giant planets orbiting young white dwarfs has not been assessed. We show that the giant planets in the solar system will experience significant hydrodynamic escape caused by the EUV irradiation from the white dwarf left behind by the Sun. A fraction of the evaporated volatiles will be accreted by the solar white dwarf, resulting in detectable photospheric absorption lines. As a large number of the currently known extrasolar giant planets will survive the metamorphosis of their host stars into white dwarfs, observational signatures of accretion from evaporating planetary atmospheres are expected to be common. In fact, one-third of the known hot single white dwarfs show photospheric absorption lines of volatile elements, which we argue are indicative of ongoing accretion from evaporating planets. The fraction of volatile contaminated hot white dwarfs strongly decreases as they cool. We show that accretion from evaporating planetary atmospheres naturally explains this temperature dependence if more than 50% of hot white dwarfs still host giant planets

    Genomic Analysis of \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_1907 and \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_1844 with Potential Ortholog \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e b3774 IlvC and \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e b3771 IlvC Gene through Bioinformatics

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    This project is part of the Meiothermus ruber genome analysis project, which uses the bioinformatics tools associated with the Guiding Education through Novel Investigation – Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) to predict gene function. We investigated the biological function of the genes Mrub_1907 and Mrub_1844. We predict that Mrub__1907 encodes the enzyme ketol-acid reductoisomerase (DNA coordinates 1966630..1967649 on the reverse strand), which is the fourth step of the L-isoleucine pathway (from threonine) (KEGG map number 00290). It catalyzes the conversion of (R)-3- Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate to (R)-2-3 Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b3774, which has the gene identifier ilvC. We predict that Mrub__1844 encodes the enzyme dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (DNA coordinates 1901362..1903026) on the reverse strand), which is the fifth step of the L-isoleucine pathway (from threonine) (KEGG map number 00290). It catalyzes the conversion of (R)-2-3 Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate to (S)-3-Methyl-2-oxopentanoate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b3771, which has the gene identifier ilvD

    Genomic Analysis of \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_1907 and \u3cem\u3eMeiothermus ruber\u3c/em\u3e Mrub_1844 with Potential Ortholog \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e b3774 IlvC and \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e b3771 IlvC Gene through Bioinformatics

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    This project is part of the Meiothermus ruber genome analysis project, which uses the bioinformatics tools associated with the Guiding Education through Novel Investigation – Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) to predict gene function. We investigated the biological function of the genes Mrub_1907 and Mrub_1844. We predict that Mrub__1907 encodes the enzyme ketol-acid reductoisomerase (DNA coordinates 1966630..1967649 on the reverse strand), which is the fourth step of the L-isoleucine pathway (from threonine) (KEGG map number 00290). It catalyzes the conversion of (R)-3- Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate to (R)-2-3 Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b3774, which has the gene identifier ilvC. We predict that Mrub__1844 encodes the enzyme dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (DNA coordinates 1901362..1903026) on the reverse strand), which is the fifth step of the L-isoleucine pathway (from threonine) (KEGG map number 00290). It catalyzes the conversion of (R)-2-3 Dihydroxy-3-methylpentanoate to (S)-3-Methyl-2-oxopentanoate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b3771, which has the gene identifier ilvD

    Determinación del óptimo técnico y económico en el cultivo de papa de temporal

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    articulo optimosSe calcula el nivel óptimo técnico (not) y económico (noe) en la producción de papa para determinar el uso eficiente de recursos y permitir al productor maximizar sus ganancias monetarias; la investigación se realizó en diez municipios del Estado de México en 2011. Se utilizaron dos modelos econométricos cúbicos con rendimientos marginales decrecientes: el primero con dap (18-46-00), fosfonitrato y cloruro de potasio como nutriente; el segundo se refiere a la fertilización con mezcla papera. Los resultados para el primer modelo fueron: not en dap (18-46-00) con 929.1 kg y noe de 922.7 kg de insumo; para fosfonitrato el not fue 272.0 y el noe de 270.3 kg; en cloruro de potasio el not fue de 282.7 y el noe fue de 281.6 kg. Para el segundo, el not de mezcla papera fue 1 465.0 kg ha-1 y un noe de 1 448.1 kg ha-1. Se concluye que el máximo rendimiento de papa no implicó la mayor ganancia en dinero. En los dos modelos la ganancia en el noe es mayor que en el not.Universidad Autonóma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Temascaltepe