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    High-pressure study of ScVO4 by Raman scattering and ab initio calculations

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    We report results of experimental and theoretical lattice-dynamics studies on scandium orthovanadate up to 35 GPa. Raman-active modes of the low-pressure zircon phase are measured up to 8.2 GPa, where the onset of an irreversible zircon-to-scheelite phase transition is detected. Raman-active modes in the scheelite structure are observed up to 16.5 GPa. Beyond 18.2 GPa we detected a gradual splitting of the Eg modes of the scheelite phase, indicating the onset of a second phase transition. Raman symmetries, frequencies, and pressure coefficients in the three phases of ScVO4 are discussed in the light of ab initio lattice-dynamics calculations that support the experimental results. The results on all the three phases of ScVO4 are compared with those previously reported for related orthovanadates.We acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish MCYT under Grants No. MAT2007-65990-C03-01/03, No. MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04, and No. CSD2007-00045, and the computation time provided by the Red Espanola de Supercomputacion and the supercomputer Atlante. F.J.M. acknowledges also financial support from "Vicerrectorado de Innovacion y Desarrollo de la UPV" (No. PAID-05-2009 through Project No. UPV2010-0096). Some of the authors are members of the MALTA Consolider Team.Panchal, V.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Errandonea, D.; Rodriguez-Hernandez, P.; López-Solano, J.; Muñoz, A.; Achary, S.... (2011). High-pressure study of ScVO4 by Raman scattering and ab initio calculations. Physical Review B. 83(6):641111-1-64111-10. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.83.064111S641111-164111-10836Shafi, S. P., Kotyk, M. W., Cranswick, L. M. D., Michaelis, V. K., Kroeker, S., & Bieringer, M. 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    High Temperature Electron Localization in dense He Gas

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    Case report 16

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    Theoretical study of lepton events in the atmospheric neutrino experiments at SuperK

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    Super-Kamiokande has reported the results for the lepton events in the atmospheric neutrino experiment. These results have been presented for a 22.5kT water fiducial mass on an exposure of 1489 days, and the events are divided into sub-GeV, multi-GeV and PC events. We present a study of nuclear medium effects in the sub-GeV energy region of atmospheric neutrino events for the quasielastic scattering, incoherent and coherent pion production processes, as they give the most dominant contribution to the lepton events in this energy region. We have used the atmospheric neutrino flux given by Honda et al. These calculations have been done in the local density approximation. We take into account the effect of Pauli blocking, Fermi motion, Coulomb effect, renormalization of weak transition strengths in the nuclear medium in the case of the quasielastic reactions. The inelastic reactions leading to production of leptons along with pions is calculated in a Δ\Delta - dominance model by taking into account the renormalization of Δ\Delta properties in the nuclear medium and the final state interaction effects of the outgoing pions with the residual nucleus. We present the results for the lepton events obtained in our model with and without nuclear medium effects, and compare them with the Monte Carlo predictions used in the simulation and the experimentally observed events reported by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure