95 research outputs found

    O Uso das Plataformas de Redes Sociais como Instrumento de Vendas: o caso dos negócios baseados em gastronomi

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    The use of social networks by small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs) is becoming increasingly frequent, mainly due to the opportunity to advertise and sell their products on the platforms. This study aims to understand how SMEs in the food industry use social media platforms to increase the sales potential of their businesses. The analysis was performed from exploratory case studies, and the study objects were four SMEs in the food industry. Data collection allowed to analyze how SMEs developed – or not – a strategy for the use of social networks and the resulting impacts. From the results, it can be concluded the importance that the elaboration and implementation of a strategy for the use of social networks has on the growth of sales

    Optimizing The Inspection Routine For The Detection Of Electrical Energy Theft In Aes Eletropaulo In São Paulo, Brazil

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    This work describes the development of a non-invasive and low-cost process that allows for the improvement of the energy theft inspection routine, increasing the field inspection team productivity and reducing the customer's embarrassment in cases where no irregularity is found. This new process is based on the development of an electronic Ah meter device that can be installed on the customer's pole input connections to the power lines. Using the recorded Ah value in the device, it is possible to estimate, within a margin of error, the energy consumption of the customer during a small period, typically one week. This energy value is compared to the customer's regular energy meter reading for the same period. A comprehensive statistical study performed with a database of more than 80000 customers in distribution area of the utility company AES Eletropaulo in São Paulo, Brazil concludes that the comparison between these readings can clearly indicate when tampered or defective meters are found.728089Depuru, S., Wang, L., Devabhaktuni, V., Gudi, N., Measures and setbacks for controlling electricity theft (2010) IEEE North American Power Symposium-NAPS(2009) Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, , U. S. Agency for International Development Washington, D. C., Transforming Electricity Consumers into Customers: Case Study of a Slum Electrification and Loss Reduction Project in São Paulo, BrazilOnat, N., Transmission and distribution losses of Turkey's power system (2010) Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS Conference on Advances in Energy Planning, Environmental Education and Renewable Energy SourcesSmith, T., Electricity theft comparative analysis (2003) Energy Policy, 32, pp. 2067-2076Fitch, M., Graham, C., (2000) Electricity and Gas Theft, , Centre for Utility Consumer Law, University of Leicester, UKKenny, C., Soreide, T., (2008) Grand Corruption in Utilities, , World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4805Sarpa, C., (2008) Electricity Theft and Non-payment: Impact on the sa Generation Capacity Crisis, , Yelland, Conference PaperOnat, N., Techno-economic analysis of illegal electricity usage in Turkey and policy proposals (2010) WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, 3, pp. 213-222Stajic, Z., Janjic, A., Simendic, Z., Power quality and electrical energy losses as a key drivers for smart grid platform development (2011) Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems - Recent Researches in System Science, pp. 417-422Kadurek, P., Blom, J., Cobben, J., Kling, W., Theft detection and smart metering practices and expectations in the Netherlands (2010) Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe) IEEE PESOliveira-De Jesus, P., Alvarez, M., De Ponce Leao, M., Yusta, J., A novel approach to evaluate incremental transmission losses (2009) WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, 1, pp. 12-21Ghajar, R.F., Khalife, J., Cost/benefit analysis of an AMR system to reduce electricity theft and maximize revenues for Électricité du Liban (2003) Applied Energy, 76 (1-3), pp. 25-37. , DOI 10.1016/S0306-2619(03)00044-8Nagi, J., Mohammad, A., Yap, K., Tiong, S., Ahmed, S., Non-technical loss analysis for detection of electricity theft using support vector machines (2008) Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), pp. 907-912(2008) MSP430FE42x Mixed Signal Microcontroller Data-sheet, , Texas Instruments(2011) CC2550 Low-cost Low-power 2.4 GHz RF Transmitter Data-Sheet, , Texas InstrumentsMorais, F., (2011) Development of an Electronic Wireless RMS Current Meter for Applications in Detection of Electrical Energy Theft, , M. Sc. Thesis in Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, BrazilPomilio, J., Deckmann, S., Characterization and compensation of harmonics and reactive power of residential and commercial loads (2007) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,

    Chemical weed control in areas of no-till cassava

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade para a cultura da mandioca e o comportamento de vários herbicidas, aplicados em pré e pós-emergência, no controle das plantas daninhas Avena sativa, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Raphanus sativus e Sida rhombifolia. O experimento foi conduzido em área de plantio direto, em Araruna, noroeste do Paraná. Embora alguns herbicidas avaliados tenham se destacado em relação ao controle de uma ou mais das espécies de plantas daninhas e outros tenham demonstrado seletividade para a mandioca, os melhores resultados foram obtidos, considerando- se tanto a seletividade quanto a eficácia, com as misturas arnetryne+clornazone (1,50+1,00 kg/ha) e arnetryne+diuron (0,62+0,96 kg/ha), ambas aplicadas em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas e quando a mandioca encontrava-se com 5 a 10% de brotações emergidas. The aim of this work was to evaluate the selectivity of some pre and postemergence herbicides on cassava, as well as their efficiency to control the weeds Avena sativa, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Raphanus sativus and Sida rhombifolia. The field trial was carried out in no-till areas, in Araruna, northwestern Paraná State. Although some herbicides provided outstanding results either in relation to weed control or crop selectivity, when both aspects were taken into consideration, the best results were achieved with arnetryne-i-clornazone (1.50+ 1.00 kg/ha) and ametryne--diuron (0.62+0.96 kg/ha), both applied postemergence of weeds, when 5 to 10% of cassava sprouts had already emerged from the soil

    Avaliação de biofertilizantes, extratos vegetais e diferentes substâncias alternativas no manejo de tripes em cebola em sistema orgânico.

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    Avaliou-se substâncias alternativas no manejo de tripes (Thrips tabaci Lind.), em cebola, cv, Crioula, no sistema orgânico. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na EPAGRI, Ituporanga (SC). Os períodos entre transplante e colheita foram de 11/09/1996 a 10/01/1997 e 13/08/1997 a 11/12/1997. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso com 8 tratamentos em 1996 e 12 tratamentos em 1997 e quatro repetições. Em 1996 os tratamentos incluíram o biofertilizante anaeróbico 50%, biofertilizante aeróbico 5%, sulfato de manganês 1%, extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis 0,2%, macerado de ervas (“fersoral”) 2% e 4%, extrato de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) 2 L ha-1 + 1% detergente neutro, testemunha sem aplicação. Em 1997 os tratamentos incluíram o macerado de ervas (“fersoral”) 5% 10%, enxofre pó molhável 0,25% + extrato hidroalcoólico de própolis 0,2% + extrato de samambaia 3%, biofertilizante anaeróbico 50%, biofertilizante aeróbico 5%, extrato de losna (Artemisia verlotorum) 3%, extrato de timbó (Ateleia glazioviana) 0,5%, extrato de samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum) 10%, extrato de erva-de-santa-maria (Chenopodium ambrosioides) 10%, extrato de cinamomo (Melia azedarach) 10%,extrato de camomila (Matricaria chamomilla) 5%, testemunha sem aplicação. Para aplicação dos produtos empregou-se pulverizador de pressão constante a base de CO2. Os tratamentos não causaram redução significativa na incidência de tripes e aumentos significativos na produtividade