445 research outputs found

    Genetic Variation in Wood Mechanical Properties of Calycophyllum Spruceanum at an Early Age in the Peruvian Amazon

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    Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.) Hook. f. ex Shum. is an important timber species of the Peruvian Amazon Basin. Due to overexploitation in natural populations, users are turning to young trees of potentially lower quality. Therefore, variation in juvenile wood properties should be investigated to determine whether wood quality can be maintained or, if necessary, improved by breeding. A provenance/progeny test was established to evaluate genetic variation in growth and wood properties of young trees, the strength of their genetic control, as well as their interrelationships both at the genetic and phenotypic levels. This paper presents results obtained for ultimate crushing strength (σL), the static compliance coefficient (S11) in longitudinal compression, the dynamic s11 in the longitudinal direction (determined by ultrasound), and air-dry density at 39 months. Results indicate that the mechanical properties of juvenile wood of this species are adequate for structural uses. There was significant variation in all wood properties due to families within provenances, and in all but dynamic s11 due to provenances. Families accounted for a larger percentage of the total phenotypic variance than provenances. Heritability estimates were higher for σL and static s11 than for dynamic s11 and density. Genetic correlations indicate that selecting trees with denser wood and/or faster growth would have a positive effect on some mechanical properties. A non-destructive ultrasonic method appeared suitable for estimating juvenile wood strength and stiffness of this species

    Bayesian assessment of surface recession patterns in brick buildings with critical factors identification

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    The deterioration of built heritage is a major concern for many countries. In the specific caseof brick heritage buildings, degradation depends on several factors such as the chemical andmineralogical composition and the porosity of the bricks, floor insulation and exposure toenvironmental conditions. This paper applies a probabilistic Bayesian approach to identi-fying the pattern of recession of the brick walls using digital photogrammetry data. Twocases studies are presented corresponding to two buildings classified as Assets of CulturalInterest by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. The analysis of physico-chemical factors andphotogrammetric descriptions allow a holistic understanding of the deterioration processto be developed. The degradation patterns and degradation velocities obtained are used forthe structural assessment of the buildings. The comparison of the degradation patterns ofboth buildings considering their individual features allows the most critical factors in thedegradation process of brick walls to be identified.El deterioro del patrimonio construido es una gran preocupación para muchos países. En el caso específico de los edificios patrimoniales de ladrillo, la degradación depende de varios factores como la composición química y mineralógica y la porosidad de los ladrillos, el aislamiento del suelo y la exposición a las condiciones ambientales. Este artículo aplica un enfoque probabilístico bayesiano para identificar el patrón de recesión de las paredes de ladrillo utilizando datos de fotogrametría digital. Se presentan dos casos de estudio correspondientes a dos edificios catalogados como Bienes de Interés Cultural por el Ministerio de Cultura español. El análisis de los factores físico-químicos y las descripciones fotogramétricas permiten desarrollar una comprensión holística del proceso de deterioro. Los patrones de degradación y las velocidades de degradación obtenidos se utilizan para la evaluación estructural de los edificios. La comparación de los patrones de degradación de ambos edificios considerando sus características individuales permite identificar los factores más críticos en el proceso de degradación de las paredes de ladrillo.Spanish Government RTI2018-101841-B-C21 RTI2018-101841-B-C2

    A review of a priori defined oxidative balance scores relative to their components and impact on health outcomes

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    Oxidative Balance Scores (OBSs) are tools that have emerged to evaluate the global balance of individuals’ oxidation—reduction status. The aim was to compare OBSs available in the literature regarding their characteristics and associations with chronic diseases in epidemiological studies. Studies that developed OBSs were searched in PubMed until August 2018. A total of 21 OBSs were identified. These OBSs presented different scoring schemes and different types of anti- and pro-oxidant components, including dietary factors (dietary intake and/or nutrient biomarkers), lifestyle factors, and medications. Most OBSs were based on over 10 components, and some included only dietary factors. Few considered weighted components in the score. Only three OBSs were validated as potential surrogates of oxidative balance through inflammation and OS-related biomarkers. Notably, all the OBSs were associated—to a varying degree—with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, colorectal adenomas, and different cancer types (colorectal and breast cancer), as well as with all-cause and cancer-related mortality. For other outcomes, e.g., prostate cancer, contradictory results were reported. In summary, there is a great heterogeneity in the definition of OBSs. Most studies are concordant in supporting that excessive OS reflected by a lower OBS has deleterious effects on health. Unified criteria for defining the proper OBSs, valuable to gauge OS-related aspects of the diet and lifestyle that may lead to adverse health outcomes, are needed

    Linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida (LIRA) para cáncer de pene

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl carcinoma de células escamosas es una entidad que ocupa el 2-5% de los tumores urogenitales, siendo por tanto poco frecuente, sin embargo en instituciones como la nuestra y por un alto volumen de pacientes y centro de referencia, se logra tener entre 5-7 casos por año. Dentro del tratamiento de estas lesiones se encuentra la linfadenectomía inguinal, la cual en la actualidad es realizada con mayor frecuencia con mínima invasión. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con carcinoma epidermoide de pene al que se le realizó linfadenectomía inguinal superficial y profunda con cirugía robot asistida.ObjetivoDescribir la técnica quirúrgica para linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida en cáncer de pene.Presentación del casoHombre de 73 años con padecimiento con un año y 6 meses de evolución con aumento de volumen a nivel del glande; previa toma de biopsia se le realizó penectomía radical con uretrostomía perineal con resultado histopatológico de carcinoma epidermoide bien diferenciado verrucoso que infiltra el cuerpo esponjoso y la uretra (T3, N0, M0, G1); se realizó linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida a las 4 semanas.ConclusionesLa linfadenectomía inguinal robot asistida es una técnica factible en centros en los que se cuente con dicha tecnología, logrando disminuir la morbilidad, el sangrado y la estancia hospitalaria, sin embargo tiene como desventaja el costo del procedimiento.AbstractIntroductionSquamous cell carcinoma is a rare tumor, making up from 2 to 5% of the urogenital tumors. However, because our hospital is a referral center that manages large numbers of patients, approximately 5-7 cases are seen per year. Inguinal lymph node dissection is one of the treatments for these lesions and is being performed more frequently as a minimally invasive procedure.ObjectiveOur aim was to describe the surgical technique for robotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy in cancer of the penis. We present herein the case of a 73-year-old man with symptom progression of one year and 6 months and increased volume at the level of the glans penis. A biopsy was taken, after which he underwent radical penectomy with perineal urethrostomy. The histopathologic study reported well differentiated verrucous squamous cell carcinoma that invaded the corpus spongiosum and the urethra (T3N0M0G1). Four weeks later he underwent robotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy of the superficial and deep lymph nodes.ConclusionsRobotic-assisted inguinal lymphadenectomy, aside from its high cost, is a feasible technique when carried out in specialized centers that reduces morbidity, blood loss, and hospital stay

    Método de Aproximación Catenaria en el diseño de estructuras antifuniculares

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    This paper describes a new methodology for solving a typical problem in the design of antifunicular structures: how a equilibrium configuration can be obtained with initial geometrical constraints. In the seventies the Force Density Method -FDM- was introduced for the research of an equilibrium position. This method is nowadays being used successfully for both tension structures and antifunicular structures. However, in the second ones, the problem of balance turns non-lineal and must be solved in an iterative manner through successive tests. By means of the so-called Catenary Aproximation Method -CAM, conceived as an assistance tool in the application of the FDM to antifuniculars structures, it is possible to obtain in a simple way a equilibrium configuration with some geometric characteristics previously established.Este artículo describe una nueva metodología para resolver un problema típico del diseño de estructuras antifuniculares: cómo obtener una configuración de equilibrio partiendo de condicionantes geométricos iniciales. En los años 70 se introdujo el Método de Densidad de Fuerzas –MDF– para la búsqueda de la configuración de equilibrio, método que hoy en día sigue utilizándose con éxito tanto en estructuras tensadas como en estructuras antifuniculares. Sin embargo, en las segundas, el problema de equilibrio se vuelve no-lineal y debe resolverse de una manera iterativa, mediante pruebas sucesivas. A través del que hemos denominado Método de Aproximación Catenaria –MAC–, concebido como herramienta de ayuda en la aplicación del MDF a estructuras antifuniculares, es posible obtener de manera sencilla una forma de equilibrio con unas características geométricas previamente establecidas

    CB6 87. Sustitución valvular aórtica en octogenarios

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    IntroducciónEn las últimas décadas, la población mayor de 80 años que requiere una cirugía por estenosis aórtica degenerativa ha aumentado sustancialmente.Material y métodosSe compararon los resultados a corto y medio plazo de la sustitución valvular aórtica convencional (SVAo) en estenosis aórtica degenerativa en pacientes mayores y menores de 80 años intervenidos en nuestro centro entre abril de 2004 y diciembre de 2008. Los predictores de mortalidad y eventos adversos mayores cardio y cerebrovasculares (MACCE) en el postoperatorio y el seguimiento se determinaron por análisis multivariante.ResultadosCuatrocientos cincuenta y un pacientes fueron incluidos; 94 (20,8%) eran mayores de 80 años. La cirugía cardíaca previa (odds ratio [OR]: 4,08; p=0,047), la insuficiencia renal (OR: 6,75; p < 0,001), la cirugía coronaria concomitante (OR: 2,57; p=0,034), el sexo femenino (OR: 2,49; p=0,047) y la hipertensión pulmonar grave (OR: 3,68; p=0,024) fueron predictores independientes de mortalidad hospitalaria. En el seguimiento, la edad (hazard ratio [HR]: 2,24; p=0,02), la vasculopatía periférica (HR: 5,1; p < 0,001) e hipertensión arterial (HTA) (HR: 5,2; p=0,025) fueron predictores independientes de mortalidad tardía. Sólo la vasculopatía periférica (HR: 3,55; p=0,014) e HTA (HR: 8,24; p=0,04) fueron predictores independientes de mortalidad cardíaca tardía. La insuficiencia renal (OR: 2,57; p=0,005), hipertensión pulmonar grave (OR: 3,49; p=0,005) y cirugía coronaria asociada (OR: 2,49; p=0,002) fueron predictores independientes de MACCE postoperatorios. Diabetes mellitus (HR: 2,03; p=0,033) y vasculopatía periférica (HR: 2,3; p=0,041) predijeron una mayor incidencia de MACCE en el seguimiento.ConclusionesLa edad mayor de 80 años no empeora el pronóstico a corto y medio plazo tras la SVAo por estenosis aórtica grave degenerativa

    An Estimate of the Yield Displacement of Coupled Walls for Seismic Design

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    A formula to estimate the yield displacement observed in the pushover analysis of coupled wall lateral force-resisting systems is presented. The estimate is based on the results of an analytical study of coupled walls ranging from 8 to 20 stories in height, with varied amounts of reinforcement in the reinforced concrete coupling beams and walls, subjected to first-mode pushover analysis. An example illustrates the application of these estimates to the performance-based seismic design of coupled walls

    STEPAR: an automatic code to infer stellar atmospheric parameters

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    Context. StePar is an automatic code written in Python 3.X designed to compute the stellar atmospheric parameters T_(eff), log g, [Fe/H], and ξ of FGK-type stars by means of the equivalent width (EW) method. This code has already been extensively tested in different spectroscopic studies of FGK-type stars with several spectrographs and against thousands of Gaia-ESO Survey UVES U580 spectra of late-type, low-mass stars as one of its 13 pipelines. Aims. We describe the code that we tested against a library of well characterised Gaia benchmark stars. We also release the code to the community and provide the link for download. Methods. We carried out the required EW determination of Fe i and Fe ii spectral lines using the automatic tool TAME. StePar implements a grid of MARCS model atmospheres and the MOOG radiative transfer code to compute stellar atmospheric parameters by means of a Downhill Simplex minimisation algorithm. Results. We show the results of the benchmark star test and also discuss the limitations of the EW method, and hence the code. In addition, we find a small internal scatter for the benchmark stars of 9 ± 32 K in T_(eff), 0.00 ± 0.07 dex in log g, and 0.00 ± 0.03 dex in [Fe/H]. Finally, we advise against using StePar on double-lined spectroscopic binaries or spectra with R 15 km s^(−1) , and on stars later than K4 or earlier than F6