228 research outputs found

    UPM-UC3M system for music and speech segmentation

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    This paper describes the UPM-UC3M system for the Albayzín evaluation 2010 on Audio Segmentation. This evaluation task consists of segmenting a broadcast news audio document into clean speech, music, speech with noise in background and speech with music in background. The UPM-UC3M system is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), including a 3-state HMM for every acoustic class. The number of states and the number of Gaussian per state have been tuned for this evaluation. The main analysis during system development has been focused on feature selection. Also, two different architectures have been tested: the first one corresponds to an one-step system whereas the second one is a hierarchical system in which different features have been used for segmenting the different audio classes. For both systems, we have considered long term statistics of MFCC (Mel Frequency Ceptral Coefficients), spectral entropy and CHROMA coefficients. For the best configuration of the one-step system, we have obtained a 25.3% average error rate and 18.7% diarization error (using the NIST tool) and a 23.9% average error rate and 17.9% diarization error for the hierarchical one

    Plan de proyecto para la creación de una feria educativa

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado trata sobre la elaboración de un plan de proyecto para la creación de una feria educativa en la ciudad de Valladolid. Este proyecto surge de la necesidad de ayudar a los estudiantes que han acabado sus estudios obligatorios a tomar una correcta decisión a la hora de escoger su futuro profesional y académico. Para ello, tras analizar varias metodologías y estándares de Dirección de Proyectos, hemos seleccionado el estándar del PMBOK 6ª Edición (Project Management Body of Knowledge) como referencia principal. Siguiendo sus recomendaciones, hemos seleccionado los procesos y herramientas más adecuadas para este tipo de proyectos. Además, planteamos la planificación de proyecto para que pueda servir como referencia para la organización de eventos similares, facilitando así su planificación gracias a la estructura que hemos desarrollado en este trabajado.This final Degree Project consists of the development of a project plan for the creation of an educational fair in the town of Valladolid.This project arises from the need to help students who have finished their mandatory studies to make the right decision when choosing their professional and academic future. To do this, after analyzing some Project Management methodologies and standards, we have selected the PMBOK 6th Edition (Project Management Body of Knowledge) standard as the main reference. Following your recommendations, we have selected the most appropriate processes and tools for this type of project. In addition, we set out the planning of this project so that it can serve as a reference for the organization of similar events, to facilitate the planning by using the structure that we have developed in this workDepartamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Ingeniería en Organización Industria

    ¿Hacen la estrategia y la táctica que los niños jueguen mejor con otros y tengan una mejor visión de juego?

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    El proyecto que voy a presentar trata de analizar una intervención educativa en la que analizaremos cómo influye de manera positiva o negativa el uso de las estrategias, las tácticas y otros factores como su comportamiento con los demás su visión del juego en el desarrollo de una Unidad Didáctica con alumnado de Educación Primaria en la asignatura de Educación Física. Comenzando con un juego de cancha divida, llamado “Pelota invasora” buscamos que el alumnado dejara a un lado el trabajo individual para evolucionar hacia un trabajo más pensado y participativo con la colaboración del resto de compañeros, a través de poder comprender ciertos principios sobre la táctica y poder aplicar distintos elementos en el desarrollo y diseño de las estrategias, para conseguir que jueguen mejor con otros y tengan una mejor visión del juego. Para comprobar la evolución del alumnado llevé a cabo una unidad didáctica centrada en estos aspectos que he nombrado anteriormente. En el análisis de este proyecto podremos encontrar diferentes datos sobre la evolución del alumnado a lo largo de la UD...Grado en Educación Primari

    An Application of SVM to Lost Packets Reconstruction in Voice-Enabled Services

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    Voice over IP (VoIP) is becoming very popular due to the huge range of services that can be implemented by integrating different media (voice, audio, data, etc.). Besides, voice-enabled interfaces for those services are being very actively researched. Nevertheless the impoverishment of voice quality due to packet losses severely affects the speech recognizers supporting those interfaces ([8]). In this paper, we have compared the usual lost packets reconstruction method with an SVM-based one that outperforms previous results

    Raising the Efficiency Limit of the GaAs-based Intermediate Band Solar Cell Through the Implementation of a Mololithic Tandem with an AlGaAs top Cell.

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    The high efficiency limit of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) corresponds to the case of using as intermediate band (IB) host material a semiconductor with gap in the range of 2 eV. Traditional photovoltaic materials, such as Si and GaAs, are not appropriate to produce IB devices because their gaps are too narrow. To overcome this problem, we propose the implementation of a multi-junction device consisting of an IBSC combined with a single gap cell. We calculate the efficiency limits using the detailed balance model and conclude that they are very high (> 60% under maximum concentration) for any fundamental bandgap from 0.7 to 3.6 eV in the IBSC inserted in the tandem. In particular, the two-terminal tandem of a GaAs-based IBSC current matched to an optimized AlGaAs top cell has an efficiency limit as high as 64%

    The classifying space for commutativity of geometric orientable 3-manifold groups

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    For a topological group GG let Ecom(G)E_{\textsf{com}}(G) be the total space of the universal transitionally commutative principal GG-bundle as defined by Adem--Cohen--Torres-Giese. So far this space has been most studied in the case of compact Lie groups; but in this paper we focus on the case of infinite discrete groups. For a discrete group GG, the space Ecom(G)E_{\textsf{com}}(G) is homotopy equivalent to the geometric realization of the order complex of the poset of cosets of abelian subgroups of GG. We show that for fundamental groups of closed orientable geometric 33-manifolds, this space is always homotopy equivalent to a wedge of circles. On our way to prove this result we also establish some structural results on the homotopy type of Ecom(G)E_{\textsf{com}}(G).Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, comments very welcome

    Bayesian learning of feature spaces for multitasks problems

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    This paper presents a Bayesian framework to construct non-linear, parsimonious, shallow models for multitask regression. The proposed framework relies on the fact that Random Fourier Features (RFFs) enables the approximation of an RBF kernel by an extreme learning machine whose hidden layer is formed by RFFs. The main idea is to combine both dual views of a same model under a single Bayesian formulation that extends the Sparse Bayesian Extreme Learning Machines to multitask problems. From the kernel methods point of view, the proposed formulation facilitates the introduction of prior domain knowledge through the RBF kernel parameter. From the extreme learning machines perspective, the new formulation helps control overfitting and enables a parsimonious overall model (the models that serve each task share a same set of RFFs selected within the joint Bayesian optimisation). The experimental results show that combining advantages from kernel methods and extreme learning machines within the same framework can lead to significant improvements in the performance achieved by each of these two paradigms independently

    Combining audio-visual features for viewers' perception classification of Youtube car commercials

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    Proccedings of: 2nd International Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia. Penang, Malaysia, 11-12 September 2014.In this paper, we present a computational model capable of predicting the viewer perception of Youtube car TV commercials by using a set of low-level audio and visual descriptors. Our research goal relies on the hypothesis that these descriptors could reflect to some extent the objective value of the videos and, in turn, the average viewer's perception. To that end, and as a novel approach to this problem, we automatically annotate our video corpus, grouped into 2 classes corresponding to differ-ent satisfaction levels, by means of a regular k-means algorithm applied to the video metadata related to users feedback. Evaluation results show that simple linear logistic regression models based on the 10 best visual descriptors and on the 10 best audio descriptors individually perform reasonably well, achieving a classification accuracy of roughly 70% and 75%, respectively. Combination of audio and visual descriptors yields better performance, roughly 86% for the top-20 selected from the entire descriptor set, but tipping the balance in favor of the audio ones (i.e. 17 vs 3). Audio content bigger influence in this domain is also evidenced by a side analysis of the video comments.Publicad

    La resistència a la velocitat com a factor condicionant del rendiment del futbolista

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    La identitat pròpia del futbol converteix la resistència a la velocitat en una capacitat complexa i essencial per al rendiment del futbolista. La naturalesa dels seus esforços unida a la seva organització durant el joc, fa que el jugador de futbol hagi de ser entrenat per suportar càrregues de treball intenses i de durada curta, que es repeteixen de forma anàrquica durant la competició. El nostre article pretén d’establir la importància d’aquest entrenament específic en el futbol, la seva forma d’organitzar-lo, així com establir els controls oportuns per determinar el nivell d’aquesta qualitat complexa. També s’hi apunten els paràmetres de treball i un seguit de tasques que poden ajudar al desenvolupament de la resistència a la velocitat del futbolista

    Osteonecrosis del platillo tibial interno: A propósito de dos casos

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    Presentamos dos casos de osteonecrosis idiomática del platillo tibial interno que aparecieron en mujeres. En ellas se dieron las características clínicas habituales de la enfermedad (inicio súbito de dolor intenso en rodilla sin traumatismo previo claramente diferenciado y marcada sensibilidad local en la zona interna de la rodilla) junto a radiografías iniciales normales ó con leves cambios degenerativos (gammagrafía ósea y/ó resonancia magnética nuclear.) En las dos pacientes el proceso evolucionó hacia una gonalgia intensa resistente a la medicación y con cambios degenerativos asociados y fue necesaria la implantación de sendas artroplastias totales de rodilla.We report two cases of osteonocrosis of the medial tibial plateau with typical symptoms (sudden onset of pain at the knee, and marked tenderness over the medial tibial plateau). Initial roentgenograms are within normal limits or showed mild degenerative joint changes, being necessary a magnetic resonance imaging to achieve a diagnosis. The two cases we report didn't follow the typical evolution of the process (which is self-limiting in a period of 6 to 12 months), being necessary in both of them, a total knee replacement