3,905 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y Filantropía en el Uruguay Fundaciones: Comunitarias en Uruguay - Recursos locales para el desarrollo

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    El presente informe es el resultado de un proceso de investigación desarrollado en el marco del proyecto Fundaciones Comunitarias en Uruguay. Dicho estudio persigue el objetivo de analizar y delinear los perfiles de la filantropía local y profundizar sobre los desafíos que el concepto de fundaciones comunitarias plantea al contexto Uruguayo en la opinión de todos los involucrados en el desarrollo nacional

    Atividades para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável: o papel da Direção Geral do Ambiente em São Tomé e Príncipe

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    O presente texto pretende descrever os quatro meses de estágio realizados na Direção Geral do Ambiente (DGA) - Ministério das Obras Públicas e Recursos Naturais da República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental (EA). A metodologia de trabalho contemplou o contacto regular e frequente com os técnicos da citada direção, para colaboração e participação ativa nas atividades ligadas à educação ambiental e responder inteiramente às necessidades de ambas as partes. Analisando os resultados obtidos verificamos que a DGA tem desenvolvido atividades de EA promovendo a preservação do ambiente e o desenvolvimento mais sustentável nos contextos em que atua. Verificamos, ainda, que a prática da EA deve contemplar algumas fases, entre as quais: informação, sensibilização, mobilização, ação e avaliação. Devemos desenvolver nas pessoas a consciência dos problemas ambientais e estimulá-las a tentar procurar soluções para esses problemas. Não é um processo fácil e rápido, mas com empenho e participação, quer dos educadores, quer da população em geral, a EA pode trazer bons resultados. Apesar das diferenças verificadas foi com enorme satisfação que verificamos a importância do trabalho desenvolvido pela DGA na área da EA e na promoção de um futuro que desejamos mais saudável e sustentável. Concluímos, com base no trabalho desenvolvido, a necessidade de se realizarem outros estágios que julgamos necessários e pertinentes para a valorização do ambiente

    Integración numérica de sistemas diferenciales con características especiales

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    En esta tesis se lleva a cabo un tratamiento numérico y teórico de diversos tipos de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Tras un primer capítulo carácter introductorio en el que se dan a conocer al lector los aspectos fundamentales que serán tratados en los capítulos siguientes, estudiamos en primer lugar los sistemas diferenciales con equilibrios semiestables que poseen una variedad centro unidimensional. De esta manera se analiza en el capítulo segundo de la memoria la estabilidad incondicional de los métodos y se prueba que en la práctica el método de Euler implícito es el único que posee tal propiedad. Para recuperar estabilidad para muchos métodos de tipo Runge-Kutta implícito, así como para métodos de Rosenbrock, se consideran en los capítulos tercero y cuarto integraciones sobre redes temporales para las que las razones entre tamaños de pasos consecutivos están acostadas por alguna constante mayor que uno. Así, en tales capítulos se demuestra que la A-estabilidad fuente de los métodos es una condición suficiente para alcanzar integraciones estables en entornos de los equilibrios semiestables. En añadidura, la experimentación numérica llevada a cabo refleja que la A-estabilidad fuerte de los Métodos Lineales Generales aplicados a problemas estrictamente disipativos en intervalos temporales semi-infinitos. Concretamente se obtienen resultados de contractividad y convergencia que generalizan resultados clásicos conocidos para la familia de métodos de tipo Runge-Kutta. Esta tesis concluye en el capítulo sexto, en el que se estudia la conservación de invariantes por medio de métodos Runge-Kutta explícito

    For the sufrague and relief of deceased. Sibling priests saint peter’s brotherhood in La Laguna and it’s reflex in Tenerife

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    Las cofradías de sacerdotes son un eslabón más dentro de las instituciones gremiales que surgieron durante el Antiguo Régimen. A raíz de la fundación de la primera confraternidad en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción de La Laguna, fueron naciendo más por los distintos templos, en especial los del norte de la isla de Tenerife. Las normas que las regían, los cultos del Martes Santo en honor de las Lágrimas de San Pedro y el patrimonio que desarrollaron son los principales ejes de este artículo.The priest’s brotherhood are a link more inside the union institutions which appears during the Old Regimen (es nombre propio, también se puede poner en español pero me suena mejor en inglés en línea con el texto). Since the foundation of the first fellowship in Nuestra Señora de la Concepción in La Laguna’s chunch were born more ones by the different churches, in special in the north of Tenerife. The rules which followed them, Saint Tuesday’s workship in honor of Saint Peter’s tears and the heritage which developed are the main points of Thais article

    Art and devotion around death. The brotherhood of souls of Los Realejos

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    Las cofradías de ánimas de las dos principales parroquias de Los Realejos han marcado el devenir de sus templos. Sus imponentes cuadros de ánimas, retablos e imágenes asociadas a ellos han marcado la vida parroquial durante siglos. La fundación de ambas confraternidades, a partir de una idea después de la muerte y del culto a las almas que se encontraban en el purgatorio para poder alcanzar la gloria, es el origen de estos cultos. Además, su crecimiento patrimonial, en el caso del Realejo Alto mayor que en Realejo Bajo, acabaría por dotar a ambas parroquias de una importante fuente patrimonial hasta su desaparición durante los siglos xix y xx, quedando los vestigios que hoy conservamos en la parroquia de Santiago y que el fuego arrasó en el caso de la parroquia de la Concepción.The brotherhoods of souls of parishes of Los Realejos they have marked the history of their temples. His imposing paintings of souls, altarpieces, and sculptures have marked the parish life for centuries. The fundation of both brotherghoods, from a idea after death and the cult of souls of Purgatory to be able to achieve glory is the origin of these cults. In addition, its patrimonial growth, in the case of Realejo Alto is greater than Realejo Bajo, it would end up giving both parishes until their disappearance during the century 19th and 20th, remaining the vestiges that today we conserve in de parish of Santiago and that the fire burned in the parish of the Conception

    Analyzing Sentiment, Attraction Type, and Country in Spanish Language TripAdvisor Reviews Using Language Models

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    This paper describes our participation in the Rest-Mex 2023 Sentiment Analysis Task. We proposed an ensemble of (i) a cascade of transformer-based two-class classifiers biased to lowering the Mean Average Error in Polarity, and (ii) multi-class transformer-based classifiers for the prediction of the Type and Location of the messages. Our system achieved a sentiment track score of 0.719.This research has been funded by: the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport), through the project NL4DISMIS: Natural Language Technologies for Dealing with dis- and misinformation (CIPROM/2021/021); MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/ PRTR through the project ClearText

    Sound Speeds, Cracking and Stability of Self-Gravitating Anisotropic Compact Objects

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    Using the the concept of cracking we explore the influence of density fluctuations and local anisotropy have on the stability of local and non-local anisotropic matter configurations in general relativity. This concept, conceived to describe the behaviour of a fluid distribution just after its departure from equilibrium, provides an alternative approach to consider the stability of selfgravitating compact objects. We show that potentially unstable regions within a configuration can be identify as a function of the difference of propagations of sound along tangential and radial directions. In fact, it is found that these regions could occur when, at particular point within the distribution, the tangential speed of sound is greater than radial one.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 4 new references added. typos correcte

    USCID fourth international conference

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.This study, carried out between October 2004 and November 2005 on the island of Tenerife, covers: (1) characterization of the irrigated crops and quantification of the gross irrigation requirements (GIRs) of each crop using surveys; (2) field evaluation of drip/micro, spray and sprinkle irrigation systems to obtain global distribution uniformity (DU) as indicated by the Cal Poly ITRC (Irrigation Training and Research Centre, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA); (3) analysis of on farm irrigation efficiency using local climatic data; and (4) inclusion of this data into a Geographic Information System (GIS). Crop GIRs show high deviations mainly because of the multiple microclimate conditions on the island, the irrigation methods used, the crop systems (greenhouses, etc) and the irrigation management. Field evaluation provided an average DU of 0.83 in drip/micro and spray irrigated banana crops, 0.69 in sprinkle irrigated ones, 0.58 in sprinkle irrigated horticulture and 0.81 for tomato crops (100% drip). Data showed that approximately 30% of the non-uniformity was due to pressure differences in the irrigation system, 3% due to unequal drainage, 7% due to unequal application rates, and 60% was due to other causes (which include manufacturing variation, plugging, and wear). Irrigation efficiency is around 80% in drip irrigated tomato and banana crops and 75% in sprinkle systems. Data showed that efficiency is slightly lower in greenhouses and mesh greenhouse crops than in non-protected crops basically due to the fact that although protected crops require less water, they receive an equal quantity of water. Inclusion of the data into a GIS makes possible a high level of agronomic water consumption control on the island