6,915 research outputs found

    The HIHI- and H2H_{2}-to-stellar mass correlations of late- and early-type galaxies and their consistency with the observational mass functions

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    We compile and carrefully homogenize local galaxy samples with available information on stellar, HI\rm HI and/or H2\rm H_{2} masses, and morphology. After processing the information on upper limits in the case of non gas detections, we determine the HI\rm HI- and H2\rm H_{2}-to-stellar mass relations and their 1σ1\sigma scatter for both late- and early-type galaxies. The obtained relations are fitted to single or double power laws. Late-type galaxies are significantly gas richer than early-type ones, specially at high masses. The respective H2\rm H_{2}-to-HI\rm HI mass ratios as a function of MM_{\ast} are discussed. Further, we constrain the full mass-dependent distribution functions of the HI\rm HI- and H2\rm H_{2}-to-stellar mass ratios. We find that they can be described by a Schechter function for late types and a (broken) Schechter + uniform function for early types. By using the observed galaxy stellar mass function and the volume-complete late-to-early-type galaxy ratio as a function of MM_{\ast}, these empirical distribution functions are mapped into HI\rm HI and H2\rm H_{2} mass functions. The obtained mass functions are consistent with those inferred from large surveys. The empirical gas-to-stellar mass relations and their distributions for local late- and early-type galaxies presented here can be used to constrain models and simulations of galaxy evolution.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figures, to appear in RMxAA. Minor corrections introduced. The presented results are optimal for comparisons with theoretical predictions. Py-code to generate the HI- and H2-to-stellar mass relations and their 1sigma scatter, as well as the full mass-dependent distribution functions of the MHI/Ms and MH2/Ms ratios are available upon request to A.R. Calett

    Acústica de la veu i els sons musicals : seqüència didàctica per a l'estudi del so

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    Recull de materials de les pràctiques dutes a terme durant els tallers REVIR, impartits pel CRECIM (Centre de Recerca per a l'Educació Científica i Matemàtica). La seqüència pretén que l'alumnat de 2n de Batxillerat assoleixi una major comprensió del so mitjançant la seva caracterització (intensitat, to i timbre), la caracterització de les ones sonores i les seves magnituds associades (període, freqüència, amplitud i longitud d'ona), així com el reconeixement de la transferència d'energia sense transferència de matèria, els sons fonamentals i harmònics i les diferències entre so i soroll

    Moviment de frenada i distància de seguretat a la carretera. Seqüència didàctica per l'estudi del moviment

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    Treball que correspon a les pràctiques que es fan als tallers REVIR organitzats pel CRECIM de la UAB. La seqüència pretén que l'alumnat de 1r i 2n de Batxillerat identifiqui quins són els factors que influeixen en la frenada d'un cotxe, entengui com aquests estan representats en l'equació del M.R.U.A. i comprengui la relació no lineal que hi ha entre la velocitat i la distància de frenada

    El projecte Materials Science : disseny, implementació i validació d'unitats didàctiques sobre propietats dels materials establint vincles entre recerca i docència

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    Es presenta una seqüència didàctica sobre propietats acústiques dels materials, resultat del projecte d'innovació i recerca Materials Science. Es detalla el procés de disseny de la seqüència didàctica, portat a terme per un grup de professors de secundària i d'investigadors en Didàctica de les Ciències

    Effect of cooling rate during solidification on the hard phases of M23C6-type of cast CoCrMo alloy

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    Microstructural morphology of CoCrMo alloy by control of the cooling rate during the solidification was investigated. Samples were obtained using both an induction furnace for slow cooling rate and electric arc furnace for fast cooling rate. Microstructural characterizations were performed with metallographic techniques. It was found that the difference between the formation temperature of hard secondary phases of M23C6-type carbides determine the reduction of carbide size by increasing the cooling rate

    Location-aware recommendation systems: Where we are and where we recommend to go

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    Recommendation systems have been successfully used to provide items of interest to the users (e.g., movies, music, books, news, images). However, traditional recommenda- tion systems do not take into account the location as a relevant factor when providing suggestions. On the other hand, nowadays, there exist an increasing amount of geo- referenced data and users are usually interested only in nearby items (e.g., restaurants, museums, cinemas). Hence, the emergence of location-aware recommendation systems have acquired a great attention by the research community in the last decade. In this paper, we provide a survey of location-aware rec- ommendation systems in mobile computing scenarios. Firstly, we describe briefly the fundamentals of recommendation sys- tems. Then, we introduce some of the most relevant existing approaches for location-aware recommendation. Moreover, we present the main applications of this type of systems in several recommendation scenarios, such as music, news, restaurants, etc. Finally, we discuss new avenues and open issues in the area

    Effect of cooling rate during solidification on the hard phases of M23C6-type of cast CoCrMo alloy

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    Microstructural morphology of CoCrMo alloy by control of the cooling rate during the solidification was investigated. Samples were obtained using both an induction furnace for slow cooling rate and electric arc furnace for fast cooling rate. Microstructural characterizations were performed with metallographic techniques. It was found that the difference between the formation temperature of hard secondary phases of M23C6-type carbides determine the reduction of carbide size by increasing the cooling rate

    Towards Trajectory-Based Recommendations in Museums: Evaluation of Strategies Using Mixed Synthetic and Real Data

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    Recommendation systems, which suggest items that are of potential interest to the user (e.g., regarding which books to read, which movies to watch, etc.) have grown in popularity due to the ever-increasing amount of data available, that can lead to significant user''s overload. In particular, in recent years, extensive research has focused on the so-called Context-Aware Recommender Systems (CARS), which exploit context data to offer more relevant recommendations. In this paper, we study this problem with a use case scenario: recommending items to observe in a museum. We propose a trajectory-based and user-based collaborative filtering approach, that considers context data such as the location of the user and his/her trajectory to offer personalized recommendations. Besides, we exploit DataGenCARS, a dataset synthetic generator designed to construct datasets for the evaluation of context-aware recommendation systems, to build a mixed scenario based on both real and synthetic data. The experimental results show the advantages of the proposed approach and the usefulness of DataGenCARS for practical evaluation with a real use-case scenario. Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs