169 research outputs found


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    Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Palaeoenvironments, relative sea-level changes and tectonic influence on the Quaternary seismic units of the Huelva continental shelf (Gulf of Cadiz, southwestern Iberian Peninsula)

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    A seismic stratigraphical study was conducted on the Huelva continental shelf (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) between the mouths of the Guadalquivir and Guadiana Rivers. Applying the basic concepts of seismic stratigraphy, 13 seismic units bound by erosive discontinuities have been identified. Two main kinds of seismic units can be distinguished: a) Units that internally show a wide variability of seismic configurations and sheet to lensoidal external shape, located in inner-to-middle shelf settings. These units are considered high-energy units (HEU), deposited during intervals of rising and highstand sea levels. They represent coastal deposits comprising two main depositional systems: coastal barriers in the form of shoreface deposits and landward lagoonal and tidal deposits. b) Units displaying low-angle oblique seismic configurations, with reflectors exhibiting good lateral continuity and amplitude. Their thickness increases seaward, with the largest depocentres located near the shelf-break, displaying therefore a typical wedge external shape. These units are located very frequently from middle shelf emplacements to outer shelf and upper slope settings, and are considered low-energy units (LEU). They are believed to have been formed during periods of falling sea level, representing the distal portions of coastal and deltaic bodies that have been preserved from erosion. The stacking pattern of the units shows three different tectonic settings: a central subsiding sector, bounded laterally by two tectonic highs, one of them structurally controlled (the western one) and the other conditioned by diapiric uplifting (the eastern one).Un análisis de estratigrafía sísmica se ha realizado en la plataforma continental de Huelva (suroeste de la península Ibérica) entre las desembocaduras de los ríos Guadiana y Guadalquivir. Aplicando los concep tos básicos de la estratigrafía sísmica, han sido identificadas 13 unidades sísmicas limitadas por discontinuidades erosivas. Dos tipos principales de unidades sísmicas han sido identificadas: a) Unidades que internamente muestran una gran variabilidad de facies sísmicas y forma externa de lámina o lenticular, localizadas en la plataforma interna-media. Estas unidades son consideradas de alta energía (high- energy units, HEU), depositadas durante intervalos de ascenso y alto nivel del mar. Se relacionan con depósitos costeros compuestos de dos sistemas deposicionales principales: barreras costeras formadas por depósitos de frente de playa y, hacia tierra, depósitos mareales y de laguna. b) Unidades caracterizadas por clinoformas progradacionales de bajo ángulo, con reflectores de alta amplitud y continuidad. Su espesor aumenta hacia el borde de plataforma, adquiriendo una forma típica de cuña. Estas unidades están localizadas frecuentemente desde la plataforma media hasta el talud superior y son consideradas como unidades de baja energía (low-energy units, LEU). Se interpreta que representan las porciones distales de cuerpos costeros y deltaicos que se han formado durante periodos de descenso relativo del nivel del mar, y que han sido preservadas de la erosión que sufrieron las capas más someras. El patrón de apilamiento de las unidades muestra tres emplazamientos tectónicos diferentes: un sector central subsidente limitado lateralmente por dos altos tectónicos, uno controlado estructuralmente (sector oeste) y otro condicionado por un levantamiento de origen diapírico (sector este).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Relationship between the offlap-break location of Holocene prograding wedges on wave climate in southeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    Wave climate exerts a significant influence on the development of Holocene sedimentary prograding wedges. This is demonstrated by the fact that near-bed orbital velocities between 0.10 and 0.14 m/s (threshold for resuspension) occur in the vicinity of the infralittoral prograding wedges (IPW) offlap-breaks during storm-weather conditions, but during medium wave energy conditions in the case of prodeltaic wedges

    Paleocene seismic facies in the continental margin of Uruguay (South America)

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    In this contribution seismic facies of the Paleocene sequence are characterized in offshore basins of Uruguay through the study of a 2D seismic database. Seven seismic horizons were identified, limiting six sedimentary intervals with different characteristics. Hence, the complexity of the Paleocene sequence is greater than suggested by other studies. Seismic facies located in the basis of the sequence can be interpreted as sandy deposits related to the action of both turbidity and bottom currents. The identification of these deposits agrees with the expected Cretaceous source rocks, in addition to the importance of the overlying Paleocene shales as a regional seal. The results of this work open interesting exploratory perspectives in the continental margin of Uruguay

    The role of late Quaternary tectonic activity and sea-level changes on sedimentary processes interaction in the Gulf of Cadiz upper and middle continental slope (SW Iberia)

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    A morphological and seismic-stratigraphic analysis of the Gulf of Cadiz area near the Strait of Gibraltar is presented in this work, focused on the sedimentary evolution of the upper and proximal middle-continental slope since the Mid-Pleistocene. Based on the analysis of seismic reflection profiles and swath bathymetry data, this work analyses the close influence of the activity of buried and outcropping diapiric ridges and late Quaternary sea-level changes on the evolution of contouritic features related to the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW), gravitational features and fluid-escape structures. The stratigraphic architecture reveals that, under active diapiric deformation, the upper slope plastered drift grew during low sea-level stages, when sediment supply was high and the ENACW swept the upper slope, contrasting with the present-day highstand situation dominated by northwest-trending MOW flow. The south-estward ENACW flow forced asymmetry and lateral migration of gullies incised in the plastered drift. Two evolutionary stages have been established: 1) After the Mid Pleistocene, activity of diapirs with a NE trend determined the location of the deepest depressions which were infilled by plastered contouritic drifts; 2) Between Late Quaternary and present, a drastic change of buried diapirs growth pattern and orientation to a NW trend enhanced slope-derived gravitational processes affecting the bottom current dynamics. Adjustments to tectonic changes led to a phase of plastered drift growth on the upper slope during which depocenters varied their distribution and orientation. In a long-term the structural control on sedimentation shows a northwestward displacement of deformation, resulting in an overall extension of the contourite depositional system to the NW. In a short-term, sea-level changes favored drift deposition, gullies incision and the strengthening of water masses. This work evidences the importance of tectonic deformation in sedimentation at recent time scales, and the twodirectional interplay between recent tectonic activity and bottom current dynamics.Versión del edito

    El Canal de Diego Cao y sus depresiones morfológicas (margen del Banco del Guadalquivir, Golfo de Cádiz). Implicaciones oceanográficas y sedimentológicas

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    The Diego Cao channel is located on the central-north middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz. It separates the Bartolomeu Dias and Faro sheeted drift plateaus to the north of the Guadalquivir Bank margin uplift. A striking linear series of circular depressions occur parallel to the channel on the Bartolomeu Dias sheeted drift (western channel flank), while a remarkable amphitheater-shaped escarpment affects the channel eastern flank. Their morphological and high- and medium-resolution stratigraphic analysis allows inferring their origin as the result of a complex interplay between oceanographic (bottom currents), mass-wasting and tectonic processes. All features seem to have a common origin, related to an especially active tectonic phase during the Mid-Pleistocene, probably related to adjustments of the deep structural features. Since then, the action of the bottom currents and the local influence of structural processes have shaped the present-day topography. The Diego Cao channel is re-interpreted as a contourite moat associated to a complex mounded, separated drift that includes the circular depressions. They result from contourite deposition over the erosional surface originated by widespread mass-wasting events during the Mid-Pleistocene.Versión del edito

    Seismic architecture of mud volcano systems in the Ceuta

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    Analysis of a new dataset of high-resolution seismic and swath bathymetry data acquired during the CONTOURIBER-1 cruise in the Ceuta Contourite Depositional System (Western Alborán Sea), reveals the detailed architecture of several mud volcanoes systems that comprises both surface and buried constructional edifices as well as their subsurface feeder complex which pierces the contourite deposits. Seismic characterization, distribution and interpretation of structural elements associated to the mud volcano system promotes a more comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in their genesis and evolution.El análisis de los datos batimétricos y de sísmica de alta resolución durante la campaña CONTOURIBER-1 en el Sistema Deposicional Contornítico de Ceuta (Mar de Alborán occidental) muestran la arquitectura en detalle de varios sistemas de volcanes de fango que comprenden edificios en el fondo marino y edificios enterrados, así como sus complejos de alimentación a través de los depósitos contorníticos. La caracterización sísmica, distribución e interpretación de estos elementos estructurales que componen el sistema de volcán de fango constituyen una importante ayuda para un mejor y mayor conocimiento de su génesis y evolución.Publicado