461 research outputs found

    La regulación del sector eléctrico

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    El sector eléctrico es un sector enormemente complejo desde el punto de vista económico. Concurren en el mismo un buen número de problemas que hacen que su actividad tenga que ser regulada singularmente por el Estado. Aparte de su participación en el PIB y su elevado volumen de inversión en períodos pasados, la trascendencia para la competltlvidad y el desarrollo de otros muchos sectores económicos difícilmente puede ser exagerada, de modo que el sector público está interesado en asegurar la estabilidad de las empresas eléctricas y su viabilidad económica. La intervención pública en el sector eléctrico se produce a veces a través de la organización de una sola empresa controlada por el Estado, que gestiona en régimen de monopolio el suministro de electricidad, como en el caso de Francia. En España el sector eléctrico está mayoritariamente en manos privadas, ejerciéndose el control público por la vía de las regulaciones. En este trabajo, tras una breve referencia a las características económicas singulares del sector eléctrico, se estudia el marco regulador público, centrado en la estimación de los costes de la prestación del servicio (costes reconocidos) y la fijación pública de precios para el suministro de energía eléctrica. Estos precios deben ser suficientes para cubrir los costes y se recogen en un complejo sistema de tarifas que afecta definitivamente la evolución económica del sector, pero también encierra importantes efectos redistributivos a los que se hace referencia. Finalmente, la última parte pone de manifiesto la situación cambiante de la organización del sector, tanto por la progresiva puesta en marcha en Europa del mercado único de la energía eléctrica como por la entrada en vigor y el desarrollo en España de la Ley de Ordenación del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (LOSEN)

    Factores que pueden incidir en el proceso de atención a un drogodependiente

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    Dentro de la Criminología, para algunos autores, la solución a la criminalidad estaría en una mayor punición. Para otros, por el contrario, la solución radicaría en la recuperación de la persona, ya que de esta forma, el binomio toxicómano-delincuente desaparecería. La imputabilidad tiene una íntima relación con las drogodependencias desde el punto de vista de la problemática legal. El ingreso en prisión, en el tema de las drogodependencias, quizás no sea la mejor solución pensando en un futuro, y como una forma de reinsertar al delincuente. El código penal español, prevé la sustitución de las penas privativas de libertad, por las medidas de seguridad previstas en los artículos 95, 96,97 y ss., y 102 y 104. En materia de aplicación de las medidas de seguridad, el código penal de 1995, es más restrictivo. Sin embargo la jurisprudencia viene admitiendo la sustitución de las penas privativas de libertad por las medidas de seguridad, en aquellos supuestos en los cuales se recoja en la sentencia la atenuante grave de drogadicción.In the field of Criminology, part of the literature finds the best approach for the control and prevention of crime in more penalties. Other scholars think that the solution lies in the recuperation of the person. From their point of view, this is a good approach that tries to make the pair addiction-crime disappear. The capacity of culpability is intimately related to addiction from a legal point of view. Prison is not the best way to deal with this problem if one wants to think in the future and rehabilitate the offender. The Spanish Criminal Code considers the substitution of imprisonment penalties with «medidas de seguridad» in articles 95, 96, 97 ss., 102 and 104. Thought the 1995 Criminal code is more restrictive in the issue, Judges and Tribunals do admit the substitution in cases of addiction

    Photonic Logic Based on Molecular Reorientation of Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    A new type of photonic logic, based on the use of nematic liquid crystals is proposed. The system takes advantage of the refractive-index changes induced by laser beams. Examples of AND, OR and NOR functions are presented

    Cálculo de las características de transmisión de una fibra de índice gradual mediante el empleo de su matriz ABCD

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    Se desarrolla, en el presente trabajo, un nuevo método para el cálculo de la dispersión temporal de la radiación óptica que se propaga a través de una fibra de Índice gradual mediante el empleo de la matriz ABCD de dicha fibra. Este método de una mayor simplicidad que los usados habitualmente, proporciona análogos resultados a los ya presentados en la literatura del tema con la ventaja de su mayor facilidad de cálculo

    Tourism and mobile devices: provenance of academic research through a bibliometric study

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    Purpose – This paper aims to outline a map of all the research that exists on mobile technology and tourism archived in the two main databases worldwide (Web of Science and Scopus). Accordingly, with the identification of all the scientific articles that deal with both mobile technology and tourism, the authors seek to ascertain the evolution of mobile technology in the tourism sector through the years, countries, universities and authors and determine the various collaborations brought about between authors, universities, institutions and/or companies in various research projects. Finally, it also allows the authors to distinguish the main topics under study within the scope of ‘mobile tourism’. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methodology has been carried out. The search focused on the principal databases of bibliographic references and citations of periodical publications, such as articles from scientific journals, books and other types of printed material. Once the results were obtained in the respective databases, it was necessary to be able to work with them. In this respect, the authors had to extract the relevant data and dump it in a bibliographic reference manager, for which they chose Mendeley. After this, the tabulation of data was performed in Excel and tables and graphs were created from all the data collected. Findings – The main results obtained and analyzed are the number of articles per year, countries and universities. In the same way, it is interesting to highlight the number of countries and universities that participate in each article under study. On the other hand, an analysis has been carried out regarding the number of articles per author, as well as the topics dealt with in the different articles. Originality/value – This analysis reveals the role that has been played by mobile phones in tourism since the first scientific article was recorded in 2002. In this regard, in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of articles, finally resulting in moderate figures in relation to countries (40) and universities (233) that have formed part of the subject matter under study. In contrast to other areas of research in tourism, the relevance of this subject is therefore evident, as is the need for greater background knowledge to establish research models adapted to the new reality of tourism in a world of ever-increasing mobility

    Clinical and economic value of sofosbuvir-based regimens in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in Spain

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    Chronic hepatitis C; Economic valueHepatitis C crónica; Valor económicoHepatitis C crònica; Valor econòmicBackground The treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) with direct-acting antivirals has undergone a spectacular revolution and added significant value to healthcare systems and patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency and value of Sofosbuvir (SOF)-based regimens for a target population of 85,959 chronic HCV patients treated in Spain during 2015–2019, compared to previous therapeutic strategies (peginterferon/ and ribavirin in double/triple therapy with telaprevir or boceprevir). Methods A previously developed lifetime Markov model was adapted to simulate the disease HCV evolution. In SOF-based regimens, all patients (100%) were treated regardless with sustained virological response (SVR) of 93–98%, obtained from real-world data. In previous therapeutic, only ≥F2 patients were treated according to clinical practice (38%) with an average SVR of 61% taken from published literature. The value was measured as clinical and economic impact in terms of avoided HCV-related mortality and liver complications; total costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) applying an annual 3% discount rate. Results Compared to previous therapeutic, during lifetime, SOF-based regimens reduced decompensated cirrhosis by 89%, hepatocellular carcinoma by 77% and liver transplant by 84%, decreasing the cost associated to liver complications management in €770 million. SOF-based regimens also decreased liver-related mortality by 82%. Besides, SOF-based regimens gained 310,765/QALYs, saving €274 million (considering drugs, monitoring, and HCV management). Conclusion For Spain, SOF-based regimens offer value for HCV patients in terms of lowering HCV-related liver disease burden and generating significant cost savings for the health system, contributing to the WHO goal.The study was funded by Gilead Spain Sciences. In addition, “The funder did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section”

    Functional diversity of motoneurons in the oculomotor system

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    Extraocular muscles contain two types of muscle fibers according to their innervation pattern: singly innervated muscle fibers (SIFs), similar to most skeletal muscle fibers, and multiply innervated muscle fibers (MIFs). Morphological studies have revealed that SIF and MIF motoneurons are segregated anatomically and receive different proportions of certain afferents, suggesting that while SIF motoneurons would participate in the whole repertoire of eye movements, MIF motoneurons would contribute only to slow eye movements and fixations. We have tested that proposal by performing single-unit recordings, in alert behaving cats, of electrophysiologically identified MIF and SIF motoneurons in the abducens nucleus. Our results show that both types of motoneuron discharge in relation to eye position and velocity, displaying a tonic–phasic firing pattern for different types of eye movement (saccades, vestibulo-ocular reflex, vergence) and gaze-holding. However, MIF motoneurons presented an overall reduced firing rate compared with SIF motoneurons, and had significantly lower recruitment threshold and also lower eye position and velocity sensitivities. Accordingly, MIF motoneurons could control mainly gaze in the off-direction, when less force is needed, whereas SIF motoneurons would contribute to increase muscle tension progressively toward the on-direction as more force is required. Anatomically, MIF and SIF motoneurons distributed intermingled within the abducens nucleus, with MIF motoneurons being smaller and having a lesser somatic synaptic coverage. Our data demonstrate the functional participation of both MIF and SIF motoneurons in fixations and slow and phasic eye movements, although their discharge properties indicate a functional segregation.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (BFU2015-64515-P)Junta de Andalucía (BIO-297