982 research outputs found

    Improvement of the Proton Conduction of Copper(II)-Mesoxalate Metal−Organic Frameworks by Strategic Selection of the Counterions

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    Supporting Information The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c01241.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to dedicate this publication to the memory of our good friend, scientific collaborator and former Inorganic Chemistry Department Professor Dr. Pedro Gili- Trujillo, whose wisdom, scientific knowledge, serenity, and kindness we will never forget. B.G.-H. acknowledges the SIDIX/SEGAI facility of the University of La Laguna.Threecopper(II)/mesoxalatebasedMOFswithformulas(H3O)[Cu9(Hmesox)6(H2O)6Cl]•8H2O(1),(NH2Me2)0.4(H3O)0.6[Cu9(Hmesox)6(H2O)6Cl]•8H2O(2),and(enH2)0.25(enH)1.5[Cu6(Hmesox)3(mesox)(H2O)6Cl0.5]Cl0.5•5.25H2O (3) were synthesized (H4mesox = mesoxalic acid = 2,2-dihydroxypropanedioic acid, en = ethylenediamine). Essentially, all of the compounds display the same anionic network with a different arrangement of the cations, which have a remarkable effect on the proton conduction of the materials, ranging from 1.16 × 10–4 S cm–1 for 1 to 1.87 × 10–3 S cm–1 for 3 (at 80 °C and 95% RH). These compounds also display antiferromagnetic coupling among the copper(II) ions through both the carboxylate and alkoxido bridges. The values of the principal magnetic coupling constants were calculated by density functional theory (DFT), leading to congruent values that confirm the predominant antiferromagnetic nature of the interactions

    Plasma homocysteine in adolescents depends on the interaction between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype, lipids and folate: a seroepidemiological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain there is little information on the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and associated vitamin factors among the general population, and less still among children. Cardiovascular risk factors in the childhood population may be related to the appearance of cardiovascular disease at adult age. The aim of this study is to establish a definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents and to analyze the influence of vitamin and metabolic factors in homocysteine levels in this population group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study to estimate serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate levels, as well as plasma total, HDL- and LDL- cholesterol in a schoolgoing population aged 13 to 17 years in Madrid, Spain.</p> <p>Spearman correlation analysis was performed to ascertain quantitative comparison, Pearson's χ2 test (frequency < 5, Fisher) was used for comparison of prevalences, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for comparison of means and Bonferroni correction was used for post-hoc tests. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed in the multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on the classic values for definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adults, prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia in the study population was: 1.26% for 15 μmol/L; and 2.52% for 12 μmol/L.</p> <p>Deficits in HDL cholesterol and serum folate levels yielded adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) for hyperhomocysteinemia of 2.786, 95% CI (1.089-7.126), and 5.140, 95% CI (2.347-11.256) respectively. Mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T genotype also raises the risk of hyperhomocysteinaemia (CC→CT: OR = 2.362; 95% CI (1.107-5.042) CC→TT: OR = 6.124, 95% CI (2.301-16.303))</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A good definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents is the 90<sup>th </sup>percentile, equivalent to 8.23 μmol/L. Risk factors for hyperhomocysteinaemia are cHDL and folate deficiency, and the MTHFR C677T mutant genotype. No significant effect could be assessed for vitamin B<sub>12</sub>. Coexistence of all three factors increases the risk of suffering from hyperhomocysteinaemia 87-fold.</p

    Propuesta didáctica para 3º ESO sobre el sistema circulatorio

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    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de ser una memoria crítica e integradora que refleje mi experiencia en el Máster y que recoja los conocimientos que he adquirido en el mismo. Conocimientos que he aplicado para diseñar y desarrollar la propuesta didáctica que llevé a cabo en el IES Parque Goya en la fase de prácticas.Durante el Prácticum desarrollé una propuesta didáctica sobre el tema del sistema circulatorio humano, dicha propuesta se puso en marcha con dos grupos de 3º ESO. Los estudiantes de estos grupos impartían la asignatura de Biología y Geología en castellano y utilizaban Chromebook en clase.La propuesta didáctica se llevó a cabo en cuatro sesiones. Las tres primeras se dedicaron a trabajar los contenidos que engloba el tema mediante explicaciones teóricas y distintas actividades, y la cuarta y última se destinó a realizar una prueba de evaluación escrita.El presente trabajo parte del análisis didáctico de dos actividades realizadas a lo largo del Máster que influyeron en mi intervención durante las prácticas, y continúa con la explicación detallada y el análisis en profundidad de distintos aspectos de la propuesta, desde las evaluaciones inicial y final, hasta las distintas actividades diseñadas y la propuesta de mejora, entre otros.<br /

    Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Spanish version

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    This article presents the process of adjusting into Spanish Kenny’s Music Performance Anxiety Inventory (Kenny, Davis, & Oates, 2004). This questionnaire is based on Barlow’s theory of performance anxiety and evaluates levels of anxiety whilst on stage. After doing two translations into Spanish, a peer review, and pilot study, the questionnaire was answered by 490 musicians training in six Spanish music conservatories. Results showed that the adapted version of the instrument, with some minor modifications, has good psychometric properties, also validated through a confirmatory factor analysis procedure. Thereof, and in accordance with to Barlow’s theoretical framework, we saw emerge three related factors that made reference to specific cognitions of performance anxiety, such as helplessness as a factor of psychological vulnerability and early family influences. Performance anxiety is related to a psychological vulnerability profile and early relationship context. Finally, it is important to count with reliable instruments that allow contrasting theories in different cultural background, comparing the effects of problems or treatment outcomes

    Quitting rules in hybrid foraging search: From early childhood to early adulthood

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    In hybrid foraging, observers search for multiple instances of multiple target types. Children regularly perform such tasks (e.g., collecting LEGO pieces or looking for different teammates within a game). Quitting rules (When do you leave the search?) are important in foraging (e.g., I found enough LEGOs or teammates). However, the development of quitting behavior has not yet been experimentally studied, and it could give us significant information about executive function development. We tested 279 observers (4–25 years old) using classic feature and conjunction foraging. The results show that while children’s performance improved with age, all groups made similar "quitting" decisions roughly following optimal choices as defined by Charnov’s Marginal Value Theorem (MVT), with the youngest 4–5 years old children quitting slightly earlier. It seems that mature quitting rules in search operate relatively early in development, suggesting that those rules are quite basic aspects of the human cognitionThis work was supported by the Research Grant Project PSI2015–69358-R (MINECO/FEDER) “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (MINECO), and “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER), given to Beatriz Gil-Gomez ´ de Liano ˜ as PI. Also, part of the research of this study was done thanks to the Fulbright Commission, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, under grant FORAGEKID 793268, also granted to Beatriz Gil-Gomez de Liaño at the University of Cambridge, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and BWH-Harvard Medical School, and by NIH EY017001 given to Jeremy M. Wolf


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    Introducción: El tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales derivados de cumarinas como el acenocumarol es bastante complejo pues, además de presentar un estrecho margen terapéutico, pueden interaccionar con numerosos fármacos, alimentos o productos de herbolario, favoreciendo la aparición de reacciones adversas y comprometiendo la seguridad del paciente anticoagulado. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar la relación entre el grado de conocimiento del paciente en tratamiento con acenocumarol y la aparición de efectos adversos derivados del mismo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en 30 pacientes de 3 oficinas de farmacia y un centro de atención primaria de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para ello, se elaboró un cuestionario basado en el de Zeolla y cols. (2016), validado en EE.UU. para pacientes en tratamiento con warfarina y adaptado a nuestra zona geográfica y al tratamiento con acenocumarol. Resultados: Del 67% de los pacientes encuestados que afirmaron haber solicitado y obtenido consejo sobre el tratamiento con acenocumarol, sólo el 56% adquirió un grado de conocimiento adecuado y únicamente el 29% demostró conocer los medicamentos y productos de herbolario/dietéticos que debe evitar el paciente anticoagulado. Además, se observó que dicho grado de conocimiento era significativamente mayor en los pacientes que no habían presentado efectos adversos asociados al tratamiento anticoagulante con anterioridad. Conclusiones: Un adecuado grado de conocimiento acerca del tratamiento con acenocumarol y las posibles interacciones del mismo con otros medicamentos que no requieren prescripción médica o productos de herbolario/dietéticos reduce significativamente el riesgo de presentar efectos adversos asociados al tratamiento anticoagulante


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    Introducción: El tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales derivados de cumarinas como el acenocumarol es bastante complejo pues, además de presentar un estrecho margen terapéutico, pueden interaccionar con numerosos fármacos, alimentos o productos de herbolario, favoreciendo la aparición de reacciones adversas y comprometiendo la seguridad del paciente anticoagulado. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar la relación entre el grado de conocimiento del paciente en tratamiento con acenocumarol y la aparición de efectos adversos derivados del mismo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en 30 pacientes de 3 oficinas de farmacia y un centro de atención primaria de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para ello, se elaboró un cuestionario basado en el de Zeolla y cols. (2016), validado en EE.UU. para pacientes en tratamiento con warfarina y adaptado a nuestra zona geográfica y al tratamiento con acenocumarol. Resultados: Del 67% de los pacientes encuestados que afirmaron haber solicitado y obtenido consejo sobre el tratamiento con acenocumarol, sólo el 56% adquirió un grado de conocimiento adecuado y únicamente el 29% demostró conocer los medicamentos y productos de herbolario/dietéticos que debe evitar el paciente anticoagulado. Además, se observó que dicho grado de conocimiento era significativamente mayor en los pacientes que no habían presentado efectos adversos asociados al tratamiento anticoagulante con anterioridad. Conclusiones: Un adecuado grado de conocimiento acerca del tratamiento con acenocumarol y las posibles interacciones del mismo con otros medicamentos que no requieren prescripción médica o productos de herbolario/dietéticos reduce significativamente el riesgo de presentar efectos adversos asociados al tratamiento anticoagulante

    Microwave-Assisted Pillaring of a Montmorillonite with Al-Polycations in Concentrated Media

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    [EN]A montmorillonite has been intercalated with Al3+ polycations, using concentrated solutions and clay mineral dispersions. The reaction has been assisted by microwave radiation, yielding new intercalated solids and leading to Al-pillared solids after their calcination at 500 C. The solids were characterized by elemental chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal analyses, and nitrogen adsorption. The evolution of the properties of the materials was discussed as a function of the preparation conditions. Microwave treatment for 2.5 min provided correctly pillared solids

    Escala de actitudes sobre el bienestar animal en alumnos de Secundaria y Universidad

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    El tema del bienestar animal es un aspecto de actualidad, presente en la sociedad actual y que produce interminables debates acerca del sufrimiento o no de los animales. En esta investigación, se estudian las actitudes que presentan los estudiantes de Secundaria a Universidad, sobre el bienestar animal. Para ello, se ha elaborado una escala de actitudes siguiendo el modelo tipo Likert. Se pretende que la elaboración del instrumento sea innovadora por una parte, y por otra muy útil para potenciar así las investigaciones en este campo. Se pretende, asimismo, a conclusiones precisas sobre las actitudes que desarrollan los alumnos en distintos niveles y lugares. El cuestionario consta, en su versión definitiva, de 29 ítems, que están distribuidos equilibradamente en cuatro categorías que son las siguientes: maltrato animal por placer y por desconocimiento, el uso de los animales como ocio y actividades lúdicas, actividades con animales de granja y abandono de animales

    Silicon induced Fe deficiency affects Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth in calcareous conditions

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    A protective effect by silicon in the amelioration of iron chlorosis has recently been proved for Strategy 1 species, at acidic pH. However in calcareous conditions, the Si effect on Fe acquisition and distribution is still unknown. In this work, the effect of Si on Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution was studied in rice (Strategy 2 species) under Fe sufficiency and deficiency. Plants (+Si or-Si) were grown initially with Fe, and then Fe was removed from the nutrient solution. The plants were then analysed using a combined approach including LA-ICP-MS images for each element of interest, the analysis of the Fe and Si concentration at different cell layers of root and leaf cross sections by SEM-EDX, and determining the apoplastic Fe, total micronutrient concentration and oxidative stress indexes. A different Si effect was observed depending on plant Fe status. Under Fe sufficiency, Si supply increased Fe root plaque formation, decreasing Fe concentration inside the root and increasing the oxidative stress in the plants. Therefore, Fe acquisition strategies were activated, and Fe translocation rate to the aerial parts was increased, even under an optimal Fe supply. Under Fe deficiency, +Si plants absorbed Fe from the plaque more rapidly than –Si plants, due to the previous activation of Fe deficiency strategies during the growing period (+Fe + Si). Higher Fe plaque formation due to Si supply during the growing period reduced Fe uptake and could activate Fe deficiency strategies in rice, making it more efficient against Fe chlorosis alterations. Silicon influenced Mn and Cu distribution in root.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects: AGL2013-44474-R and RYC-2014-1498