35 research outputs found

    Using travertine deformations to characterize paleoseismic activity along an active oblique-slip fault: the Alhama de Murcia fault (Betic Cordillera, Spain)

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    A preliminary paleoseismic study of trave rtine deposits cut by an active oblique-slip fault is presented. The Alhama de Murcia fault affects late Pleistocene and Holocene travertine deposits along the Lorca-Totana segment. Travertines along oblique-slip (reverse-sinistral) active faults have not been reported. On the Alhama de Murcia fault, CaCO3 rich springs are linked to an extensional step-ove rand to releasing fault junctions in a reverse-sinistral fault zone. The sampling methodology for U/Th dating employed to avoid contamination (by choosing material from a geochemical closed system) is described. A petrographic analysis is necessary to ensure the quality of the samples. Terrace-mound, fissure-ridge, eroded sheets and range-front trave rtine deposits occur in the Alhama de Murcia fault zone. At Carraclaca a 15 m amplitude monocline fold was formed by the reverse movement of this fault which has been active since the late Pleistocene. The first available absolute ages for deformed and undeformed travertines yield a vertical slip rate of 0.08mm/yr. It is possible to estimate 4818 yr of recurrence time for the northern branch given the slip per event on alluvial deposits in the southern branch of the Alhama de Murcia fault

    Fracturación y control tectosedimentario neógeno en el borde sureste de la Cuenca de Lorca

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    En este trabajo se estudia el control tectosedimentario ejercido por la fracturación neógena en la sedimentación en el borde suroriental de la Cuenca de Larca. El control más importante está impuesto por la actividad del Corredor Tectónico de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia. Este corredor controló la formación del borde sur de la citada cuenca a través de movimientos de carácter normal que activaron el inicio del depósito mioceno. Durante el Tortoniense y el Messiniense la cinemática sinestral e inversa del corredor controla la formación del anticlinal que estructura la Sierra de La Tercia y provoca reactivaciones de procesos erosivos en áreas emergidas

    Evidence for coseismic events of recurrent prehistoric deformation along the Alhama de Murcia fault, southeastern Spain

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    The Alhama de Murcia fault is a 85 km long oblique-slip fault, and is related to historical and instrumental seismic activity. A paleoseismic analysis of the Lorca-Totana sector of the fault containing MSK I=VIII historical earthquakes was made in order to identify and quantify its seismic potential. We present 1) the results of the neotectonic, structural and geomorphological analyses and, 2) the results of trenching. In the study area, the Alhama de Murcia fault forms a depressed corridor between two strands, the northwestern fault with morphological and structural features of a reverse component of slip, bounding the La Tercia range to the South, and the southeastern fault strand with evidence of sinistral oblique strike-slip movement. The offset along this latter fault trapped the sediments in transit from the La Tercia range towards the Guadalentín depression. The most recent of these sediments are arranged in three generations of alluvial fans and terraces. The first two trenches were dug in the most recent sediments across the southeastern fault strand. The results indicate a coseismic reverse fault deformation that involved the sedimentary sequence up to the intermediate alluvial fan and the Holocene terrace deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed in the trenches suggests an event of temporary damming of the Colmenar creek drainage to the South due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic activation of the fault. Trench, structural and sedimentological features provide evidence of at least three coseismic events, which occurred after 125,000yr. The minimum vertical slip rate along the fault is 0.06mm/yr and the average recurrence period should not exceed 40,000yr in  accordance with the results obtained by fan topographic profiling. Further absolute dating is ongoing to constrain these estimates.

    Evidence for coseismic events of recurrent prehistoric deformation along the Alhama de Murcia fault, southeastern Spain

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    The Alhama de Murcia fault is a 85 km long oblique-slip fault, and is related to historical and instrumental seismic activity. A paleoseismic analysis of the Lorca-Totana sector of the fault containing MSK I=VIII historical earthquakes was made in order to identify and quantify its seismic potential. We present 1) the results of the neotectonic, structural and geomorphological analyses and, 2) the results of trenching. In the study area, the Alhama de Murcia fault forms a depressed corridor between two strands, the northwestern fault with morphological and structural features of a reverse component of slip, bounding the La Tercia range to the South, and the southeastern fault strand with evidence of sinistral oblique strike-slip movement. The offset along this latter fault trapped the sediments in transit from the La Tercia range towards the Guadalentín depression. The most recent of these sediments are arranged in three generations of alluvial fans and terraces. The first two trenches were dug in the most recent sediments across the southeastern fault strand. The results indicate a coseismic reverse fault deformation that involved the sedimentary sequence up to the intermediate alluvial fan and the Holocene terrace deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed in the trenches suggests an event of temporary damming of the Colmenar creek drainage to the South due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic activation of the fault. Trench, structural and sedimentological features provide evidence of at least three coseismic events, which occurred after 125,000 yr. The minimum vertical slip rate along the fault is 0.06 mm/yr and the average recurrence period should not exceed 40,000 yr in accordance with the results obtained by fan topographic profiling. Further absolute dating is ongoing to constrain these estimates.Se presentan los primeros resultados del estudio paleosísmico del sector Lorca-Totana (con terremotos históricos de I=VIII) de la falla de Alhama de Murcia, de deslizamiento direccional oblícuo sinestroso, para caracterizar su potencial sísmico. Esto incluye: 1) resultados del estudio neotectónico, estructural y geomorfológico y 2) primeros resultados obtenidos en trincheras. El área estudiada muestra dos zonas de falla, la noroeste, que limita la sierra de la Tercia, con morfología y estructuras típicas de movimiento inverso, y la sureste con evidencias de deslizamiento direccional sinestroso, separadas por un corredor deprimido. La actividad de estas fallas ha atrapado en el corredor gran cantidad de sedimentos en su transporte hacia la depresión del Guadalentín, los más recientes de los cuales se organizan en tres generaciones de abanicos aluviales y terrazas. Las dos trincheras se ex c avaron en los sedimentos de la generación intermedia de abanicos aluviales y en la de terrazas más recientes deformados por la falla sureste. Los primeros resultados indican deformación cosísmica con deslizamiento inverso. Se interpreta también un bloqueo temporal del drenaje hacia el sur de la rambla de El Colmenar debido al levantamiento del bloque superior de la falla en un proceso cosísmico. Se describen evidencias de hasta tres paleoterremotos que, en un primer análisis sin datos de edad absoluta, habrían tenido lugar posteriormente a 125.000 años. La velocidad de deslizamiento no sería inferior a 0,06 mm/a y el período de recurrencia no sería mayor a 40.000 años. Estos primeros datos se podrán ajustar mediante dataciones absolutas que están en curso

    Effects of repeated paleoearthquakes on the Alhama de Murcia Fault (Betic Cordillera, Spain) on the Quaternary evolution of an alluvial fan system

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    In this work we present a study of an alluvial fan system, which is affected by the Quaternary activity of the leftlateral, reverse Alhama de Murcia Fault (Betic Cordillera). Paleoseismic studies in this area yield data that can be compared and correlated with the morphologic and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the alluvial fan. The spatial arrangement of the sedimentary alluvial fan units near the fault zone, shown in trenches, is controlled by the recurrent reverse, left-lateral coseismic events. We analysed the morphology of the drainage network using a 1:5000 scale orthoimage to identify and measure horizontal deflections along the fault. The channel pattern analysis allowed us to estimate the average horizontal slip rate of the SAMF for the last 130 ka. This value is 0.21 mm/a, which is slightly higher than the range of values obtained by trenching analysis for the last 30 ka, (0.06 to 0.15 mm/yr). The interpretation of the stratigraphic sequence exposed along the trench walls constrained the occurrence of at least two surface faulting earthquakes during the last 30000 years. The most recent event happened after the El Saltador Creek dissected the alluvial fan. The penultimate event occurred while the alluvial fan was still active

    Resultados preliminares del estudio paleosísmico mediante trincheras de la falla de Alhama de Murcia (Cordillera Bética)

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    Trenching on Alhama de Murcia fault trace has been done in order to identify and quantify paleoseismic deformation on a 100 km long active oblique-slip fault. The first results from one of the trenches confirm the existence of coseism ic reverse fault deformation affecting quaternary alluvial fan deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed on trench shows a temporary blocking of Colmenar creek flow (in the foot wall of the Alhama de Murcia fault), due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic reactivation. An available age of 3010 ± 90 yr post-dated that process

    Modelo de la estructura de basamento e identificación de fuentes sismogenéticas en la Depresión del Bajo Segura (Murcia-Alicante)

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    In this work we have carried out a geophysical and seismotectonic study in order to identify and characterise the seismogenetic sources or Bajo Segura actives faults. The main method used is the structural interpretation of gravity data. This method is combined with geological-structural and geomorphological studies, as well as historical and instrumental seismicity data. Several of the strongest earthquakes recorded in the Spanish historical catalogue occurred in this region, among them, the Torrevieja earthquake of 1829. Often, this activity is related to blind faults in the basin interior, that are covered by neogene and plioquaternary deposits. Different faults systems related to the neotectonic stress field and coherent with border structures, may explain this activity

    Seismotectonic and geologic characterization of the february 1999 Mb: 4,8 Mula earthquake using geological data, seismological data and RADAR interferometry (INSAR)

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    La secuencia sísmica de Mula (Murcia) iniciada el 2 de Febrero de 1999 con un terremoto máximo de Mb: 4,8 alcanzó una intensidad MSK máxima de VI-VII causando numerosos daños materiales. Los datos sismológicos existentes hasta la fecha, y concretamente la profundidad hipocentral y los mecanismos focales difieren de forma significativa en función del método de cálculo usado. En este trabajo se ha utilizado una técnica novedosa como es la interferometría de RADAR (INSAR) con el fin de identificar posibles deformaciones superficiales asociadas el terremoto que ayuden a identificar la fuente sismogenética. La combinación de los resultados obtenidos con esta técnica unidos a los datos geológicos de superficie apunta, como fuente más probable, a la reactivación de la falla de Crevillente con una componente de desgarre importante y con un epicentro somero (profundidad inferior a 10 km).The 1999 Mula (Murcia) seismic sequence started in February 2nd with a Mb: 4.8 mainshock, that reached a MSK intensity VI-VII. This earthquake produced significant economic losses in the region. The seismological data available to date give different focal mechanisms and different focal depths depending on the applied method. In this work we used a modern technique as RADAR interferometry (INSAR) with the aim to identify coseismic surface displacements linked with the Mula earthquake. The correlation of the results from RADAR interferometry with geological data support a reactivation of the Crevillente fault, with a high strike-slip component and a shallow hipocenter (less than 10 km), as the more likely seismic source.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEEspaña. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologíapu

    Geotraverse south (B-1) : (excursion guidebook. Day 1)

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    The purpose of this excursion is to make a quick geological reconnaissance of the main stratigraphic and tectonic characteristics of the terranes in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, starting with the Alcudian Terrane (days 1 and 2), Obejo-Valseguillo (day 2), Hornachos (day 2), Valencia de las Torres (day 3), Sierra Albarrana (day 3), Olivenza-Monesterio (days 4 and 5), Barrancos (day 5), Aracena (day 5), Pule do Lobo (day 5), and South Portuguese (day 6), by visiting strategic outcrops where the main points and problems can be discussed