2,066 research outputs found

    SBE-type metal-substituted aluminophosphates: detemplation and coordination chemistry

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    The detemplation process in Me-SBE (Me = Co^2+, Mg^2+, and Mn^2+) aluminophosphates was studied to elucidate materials stability and framework characteristics. In addition, the hydrothermal synthesis conditions were optimized to obtain materials with minimal phase impurities. This was accomplished by means of decreasing reaction temperature and increasing aging periods. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Mg- and Mn-SBE as-synthesized samples revealed square plates with truncated corner morphologies grown in aggregated fashion and contrasting with the previously reported hexagonal platelike morphology of Co-SBE. Cautious detemplation in vacuum, using an evacuation rate of 10 mmHg/s and a temperature of 648 K, resulted in surface areas of about 700, 500, and 130 m^2/g for Mg-, Co-, and Mn-SBE, respectively. Thermal gravimetric analysis and in situ high-temperature powder X-ray diffraction analyses indicate the frameworks for all of the SBE variants experienced collapse upon treatment with helium at temperatures above 700 K and subsequently formed an aluminophosphate trydimite dense phase. Detemplation in air at all times resulted in framework destruction during detemplation. In situ differential scanning calorimetry−powder X-ray diffraction data showed that the SBE frameworks experience breathing modes related to specific endothermic and exothermic scenarios during air treatment. Decomposition and elimination of the organic template during vacuum treatment was verified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that most of the Co atoms in vacuum-treated samples are in tetrahedral coordination, while the Mn atoms exhibit various coordination states. Ultraviolet-visible, electron paramagnetic resonance, and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy corroborated the latter result in addition to providing evidence for the formation of Mn extra framework species. ^(27)Al MAS NMR spectra for vacuum-detemplated Mg-SBE samples prior to and after dehydration confirmed the reversible formation of aluminum octahedral sites. This, however, did not affect the porous nature of detemplated Mg-SBE samples as these are capable of adsorbing 19 water molecules per super cage at 298 K

    Identificación y análisis de las actitudes hacia la estadística en estudiantes de nivel medio superior

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    Analizando investigaciones actuales de la Matemática Educativa parece innegable que el aprendizaje está íntimamente ligado a las características cognitivas de nuestros estudiantes, en contraparte las investigaciones en el ámbito afectivo, aunque es un campo creciente, aún representan un pequeño porcentaje. Aspectos endógenos de los estudiantes como la motivación, los valores y las actitudes están presentes frecuentemente en los objetivos curriculares, sin embargo, no es claro cómo crear las condiciones que fomenten su desarrollo. En esta investigación nos enfocamos de manera particular en las actitudes hacia la estadística en estudiantes de nivel medio superior. Nuestro interés se centra en identificar y analizar estas actitudes, ya que como dejan ver Gairín (1987), Gómez-Chacón (2000), Castro (2002), las actitudes juegan un papel muy importante en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de la matemática, por este motivo creemos conveniente primero identificarlas y analizarlas para después crear las condiciones que fomenten las actitudes positivas y mejoren las negativas

    Influence of Body Composition on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Adults: Healthy UAL Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and objectives: Several anthropometric and body composition parameters have been linked to arterial stiffness (AS) as a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. However, little is known about which of these closely related factors is more strongly associated with AS. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of different anthropometric and body composition parameters with AS in middle-aged adults. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 186 middle-aged participants (85 women, 101 men; age = 42.8 ± 12.6 years) evaluated as part of the Healthy UAL study, a population study conducted at the University of Almería with the main purpose of analyzing the etiology and risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases. Anthropometric measures included neck, waist, and hip circumferences, as well as the waist-to-height ratio (WHtr). Bioimpedance-derived parameters included fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI), and percent of body fat (%BF). AS was measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). The relationships of interest were examined through stepwise regression analyses in which age and sex were also introduced as potential confounders. Results: Neck circumference (in the anthropometric model; R2: 0.889; β: age = 0.855, neck = 0.204) and FFMI (in the bio-impedance model; R2: 0.891; β: age = 0.906, FFMI = 0.199) emerged as significant cross-sectional predictors of AS. When all parameters were included together (both anthropometry and bio-impedance), both neck circumference and FFMI appeared again as being significantly associated with AS (R2: 0.894; β: age = 0.882, FFMI = 0.126, neck = 0.093). Conclusion: It was concluded that FFMI and neck circumference are correlated with AS regardless of potential confounders and other anthropometric and bioimpedance-derived parameters in middle-aged adults

    A idéia educativa e sanitária de Juan Luis Vives: Um Estudo Gadameriano

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    La fragmentación de Europa, tras la ratificación por una parte de ella del Concilio de Trento, es un hecho significativo que permite, a su vez, análisis poliédricos. Será desde ese momento donde se irá gestando entre las “dos Europas” un modo discrepante y enfrentado de construir el mundo. Asistimos, con este hecho, a los prolegómenos de dos mentalidades en el sentido braudeliano, que vivirán en una continua pugna. La Europa del Norte: hija de la Reforma Protestante y la Europa del Sur: heredera de la Contrarreforma y de la asunción, como propios, de los postulados tridentinos. Si bien, es en la idea educativa y sanitaria que se desprende de la obra de Juan Luis Vives desde donde surge nuestro planteamiento hipotético y en donde hemos constatado que esa ruptura, tuvo consecuencias más allá del tiempo circunstancial o coyuntural donde aconteció. Asimismo, desde un análisis de las fuentes, para abordar la investigación hemos optado por una estrategia metodológica de carácter hermenéutico, basada en el Giro de Gadamer.European fragmentation, due in part to the ratification of the Council of Trent, was a significant incident which allows a polyhedral analysis. From this moment, a new divergent and confronted way to rebuild the world was developed between “both Europes”. This fact led to a two different mentalities preface from the braudelian perspective, co-existing under a continuous struggle. On one side, the North European Countries, which descended from the Protestant Reformation. On the other side were the South European Countries, inheriting the Counter-reformation proper and the Tridentine postulates. Our hypothetical proposal is derived from the educational and sanitary concept included in the work of Juan Luis Vives. Through its study it has been corroborated that, the European fragmentation had many consequences beyond the circumstantial time when it happened. In this research work, the source was studied following the hermeneutics analysis based on the Gadamerian interpretation.A Fragmentação da Europa, com uma ratificação em certa medida por parte do próprio Concílio de Trento, é um fato significativo que possibilita também análises poliédricos. Será a partir desse momento quando se produz um desenvolvimento progressivo entre as “duas Europas” com um modo discordado e enfrentado de construir o mundo. Observamos com tudo isso, os prolegômenos de duas mentalidades em sentido braudeliano, que continuarão vivendo uma luta continua. Europa do Norte: filha da Reforma Protestante e Europa do Sul: herdeira da Contrarreforma e da assunção, próprias das proposições tridentinas. Subentendendo-se, é na idéia educativa e sanitária que é dada na obra de Juan Luis Vives onde surge nossa concepção hipotética e onde constatamos que essa separação trouxe consequências mais alem do tempo circunstancial o conjuntural onde aconteceu. Assim mesmo, de uma análise das fontes, para uma abordagem da investigação escolhemos uma estratégia metodológica de caráter hermenêutico, baseado no Giro de Gadamer (Gadamer 2007)

    Calidad de vida en pacientes nefrópatas con distintos tratamientos en un hospital de segundo nivel de atención en Nuevo León.

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    Introduction: The chronic kidney disease it is an illness with severe consequences for who suffers it. The dialysis, main renal substitute treatment, in its different modalities, invades the quality of life of the patient and his family. Objective: To determine if significant differences of quality of life exist among the patients that receive dialysis or hemodialysis in a hospital of second level of attention in Nuevo León. Method: A quantitative focus study, with a qualitative section. It was a trasversal, prospective, and comparative design. Of a total of 634 patients in kidney substitute treatment, a probabilistic sampling of 241 was obtained. Through a random selection, the patients were interviewed with instrument validated for quality of life and the 20 subject with more time of treatment were interviewed by means of qualitative method. Results: The peritoneal dialysis allows a better quality of life that the hemodialysis in aspects like a smaller limitation in the feeding, bigger work capacity at home, freedom to travel, less nervous tension, a better sexual life and a better physical aspect. Conclusions: To work the different areas that conform the quality of life, could contribute considerably to elevate their levels. The current focus of the nephrology is only centered in the physical dimension, but we can conclude that there are other factors that conform and they influence about the life and the health.Introducción: La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) es una enfermedad con severas consecuencias para quien la padece. La diálisis, principal tratamiento sustitutivo renal, en sus distintas modalidades, invade la calidad de vida del paciente y su familia. Objetivo: Determinar si existen diferencias significativas de calidad de vida entre los pacientes que reciben diálisis o hemodiálisis en un hospital de segundo nivel de atención en Nuevo León. Método: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, con un apartado cualitativo. Diseño trasversal, prospectivo, comparativo. De un total de 634 pacientes en tratamiento sustitutivo renal, se obtuvo una muestra probabilística de 241. Mediante selección aleatoria se aplicó un instrumento validado para calidad de vida y se entrevistó a los 20 sujetos con mayor tiempo de tratamiento.Resultados: La diálisis peritoneal permite una mejor calidad de vida que la hemodiálisis en aspectos de una menor limitación en la alimentación, mayor capacidad de trabajo en casa, libertad para viajar, menos tensión nerviosa, una mejor vida sexual y un mejor aspecto físico. Conclusiones: Trabajar las distintas áreas que conforman la calidad de vida podría contribuir considerablemente a elevar sus niveles. El enfoque actual de la nefrología se centra únicamente en la dimensión física, pero podemos concluir que hay otros factores que conforman e influyen sobre la vida y la salud

    Enfermedad de von Willebrand, biología molecular y diagnóstico

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa enfermedad de von Willebrand es el trastorno hereditario más frecuente de las proteínas de la coagulación en los seres humanos. Existen 3 tipos: 1, 2A, 2B, 2N, 2M, y 3. Está asociada a mutaciones en el cromosoma 12, en la región p13.2, que codifica para el factor de von Willebrand (VWF), el cual se sintetiza en las células endoteliales y megacariocitos.DiscusiónLa biología molecular ha permitido la caracterización del gen del VWF, adquiriendo un papel importante en el diagnóstico la enfermedad de von Willebrand así como en la investigación de alteraciones en otros genes, que pueden estar involucrados en la regulación de la síntesis, procesamiento y secreción del VWF. Sin embargo, aún no se han integrado las estrategias de biología molecular entre las pruebas de diagnóstico disponibles.El análisis de los multímeros del VWF es una metodología que cumple con las características para el diagnóstico, pero no es fácil de estandarizar. Tomando en consideración que aún en los centros de tercer nivel en nuestro país los enfermos de von Willebrand no cuentan con un diagnóstico definitivo, es necesario implementar estas metodologías para su estudio y mejorar su diagnóstico.ConclusionesLa enfermedad de von Willebrand es heterogénea debido a los mecanismos moleculares que producen los distintos fenotipos clínicos y de laboratorio. En México existen pocos trabajos relacionados con esta enfermedad, por ello es fundamental realizar un estudio integral que incluya aspectos clínicos, pruebas de laboratorio básicas y especiales, para establecer el diagnóstico correcto, desarrollar nuevos enfoques terapéuticos, y así ofrecer atención médica y asesoramiento genético adecuados.AbstractBackgroundVon Willebrand disease is the most common inherited disorder of the coagulation proteins in humans. There are three types: 1, 2A, 2B, 2N, 2M and 3. It is associated with mutations on chromosome 12 in the region p13.2, encoding the von Willebrand factor (VWF), which is synthesized in endothelial cells and megakaryocytes.DiscussionThe VWF gene has been characterised using molecular biology techniques, which have acquired an important role in diagnosis von Willebrand disease, as well as in the investigation of alterations in other genes, which may be involved in regulating the synthesis, processing, and secretion of VWF. However, there are still no strategies to integrate the molecular biology diagnostic tests available.Analysis of VWF multimers is a methodology that meets the characteristics for diagnosis, but it is not easy to standardise. Considering that even in tertiary centres in our country, von Willebrand patients do not have a definitive diagnosis, it is necessary to implement these methodologies to study and improve diagnosis.ConclusionsVon Willebrand disease is highly heterogeneous due to the molecular mechanisms that produce the various clinical and laboratory phenotypes. In Mexico there are few studies related to this disease; therefore it is essential to conduct a comprehensive study including clinical, basic, and special testing laboratory tests, in order to establish a correct diagnosis, develop new therapeutic approaches, and offer the appropriate medical care and genetic counselling

    Introduction to cross LAK 2016: Learning analytics across spaces

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    For the LAK (Learning Analytics and Knowledge) community, it is highly important to pay attention to the development and deployment of learning analytics solutions for blended learning scenarios where students work at diverse digital and physical learning spaces and interact in different modalities. This workshop has been a first attempt in gathering the sub-community of LAK researchers, learning scientists and researchers from other communities, interested in ubiquitous, mobile and/or face-to-face learning analytics. It was clear for all the attendees that a key concern that has not been deeply explored yet is associated with the mechanisms to integrate and coordinate learning analytics to provide continued support to learning across digital and physical spaces. The two main goals of the workshop were to share perspectives and identify a set of guidelines that could be offered to teachers, researchers or designers to create and connect Learning Analytics solutions according to the pedagogical needs and contextual constraints to provide support across digital and physical learning spaces