47 research outputs found

    DEL TRANSPORTE A LA MOVILIDAD Reflexiones sobre las 煤ltimas d茅cadas.

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas hemos sido testigos de una evoluci贸n del concepto de transporte al de la movilidad, como parte de la transici贸n hacia un paradigma de la sostenibilidad. Este fen贸meno se ha hecho evidente en pol铆ticas, instrumentos y pr谩cticas urbanas alrededor del mundo; no obstante, a煤n hay un largo camino por recorrer en cuanto a una real accesibilidad universal. Este ensayo busca reflexionar sobre cuatro temas: la diferencia entre transporte y movilidad, el contexto en el cual tiene lugar este cambio, el reto que implica pasar de una planificaci贸n del transporte a una planificaci贸n de la movilidad, y finalmente se ejemplifica esta transici贸n en dos ciudades del Ecuador, Quito y Cuenca

    Reflexiones desde la literatura sobre la vivienda social: localizaci贸n, densidad y espacio p煤blico

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    This text seeks to reflect on fundamental, but not exclusive, aspects that influence the quality of housing programs (mainly public) from the urban point of view: location, density and communal / public space, based on a literature review. It is noted that, despite the vast evidence on the social, environmental and economic advantages of locating collective housing for low socioeconomic strata within cities, aspects such as the value of the land pressurize its expulsion. It is concluded that social interest housing programs should protect the quantity and quality of communal and public areas for interaction, but unfortunately they are reduced for the sake of a greater number of housing units. This type of discussion seeks to motivate decision makers and academics to investigate alternatives for land management that avoid segregation and gentrification, and that guarantees a better quality of life for the inhabitants of these programs.Este texto busca reflexionar sobre aspectos fundamentales, pero no exclusivos, que desde el punto de vista de lo urbano influencian en la calidad de los programas habitacionales, principalmente, los de car谩cter social: ubicaci贸n, densidad y espacio comunal/p煤blico, a partir de la revisi贸n de literatura del tema. Se constata que, a pesar de la vasta evidencia sobre las ventajas sociales, ambientales y econ贸micas de localizar la vivienda colectiva para estratos socioecon贸micos bajos dentro de las ciudades, aspectos como el valor del suelo presionan su expulsi贸n. Se concluye que los programas habitacionales de inter茅s social deber铆an precautelar la cantidad y calidad de 谩reas comunales y p煤blicas para la interacci贸n, pero que lamentablemente se reducen en aras de un mayor n煤mero de unidades de vivienda. Este tipo de discusiones buscan motivar a los tomadores de decisiones y acad茅micos a indagar en alternativas para una gesti贸n del suelo que evite la segregaci贸n y la gentrificaci贸n y que garantice una mejor calidad de vida para los habitantes de estos programas


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    Este texto reflexiona sobre la importancia de las evaluaciones del impacto sobre la din谩mica inmobiliaria, provocado por la implementaci贸n de una obra p煤blica, particularmente un sistema de transporte colectivo. Para ello, se comenta de manera general sobre los impactos producidos por proyectos de transporte, haciendo 茅nfasis en las fluctuaciones de los valores inmobiliarios. As铆 tambi茅n, se expone el estado de la investigaci贸n y reflexi贸n sobre valor y gesti贸n del suelo en el Ecuador, para dejar en evidencia que, a pesar de que la legislaci贸n nacional actual motiva la aplicaci贸n de herramientas de gesti贸n del suelo, a煤n existe un importante camino por recorrer en la disponibilidad de informaci贸n sobre valores inmobiliarios. Para asentar la reflexi贸n, se toma el caso de Cuenca, en donde se construy贸 un sistema tranviario entre los a帽os 2013-2019, y se relatan las dificultades metodol贸gicas enfrentadas para evaluar el impacto sobre los precios reales de las propiedades. Constatar y poner en evidencia estos retos tiene gran relevancia en el contexto latinoamericano, ya que solo a trav茅s de compartir experiencias se podr谩 conformar un cuerpo metodol贸gico para futuros estudios en la regi贸n. Este tipo de reflexiones reivindican la necesidad de incluir, dentro de las agendas p煤blicas de los gobiernos locales, el levantamiento y an谩lisis de los valores de venta y de arriendo, de las propiedades.Palabras clave: Impacto urbano, din谩mica inmobiliaria, transporte p煤blico, Cuenca, tranv铆a, valor del suelo. AbstractThis text reflects on the importance of impact assessments on real estate dynamics, caused by the implementation of public works, specifically a collective transport system. For this purpose, the impacts produced by transportation projects are discussed in a general way to emphasize the fluctuations of real estate values. Similarly, the state of research and reflection on land value and management in Ecuador is exposed, to elucidate that, although the current national legislation encourages the application of land management tools, there is still a long way to go in the availability of information on real estate values. To start the discussion, the case of Cuenca, where a tramway system was built between 2013-2019, is taken into consideration. The methodological difficulties faced to assess the impact on real property prices are reported in this research. Verifying and highlighting these challenges have great relevance in the Latin American context since only through sharing experiences a methodological body can be formed to carry out future studies in the region. These types of reflections claim the need to include, within the public agendas of local governments, the lifting and analysis of the sale and lease values of the properties.Keywords: Urban impact, real estate dynamics, public transport, Cuenca, tram, land value

    Infestaci贸n por larvas de Anisakis (Nematoda: Anisakidae) en el sable negro Aphanopus carbo (Osteichthyes: Trichiuridae) en aguas portuguesas

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    Aphanopus carbo, black scabbardfish, specimens from 3 Portuguese regions (the mainland, Madeira and the Azores) during four (mainland and Madeira) or two (Azores) seasons of the year were examined for the presence of Anisakis. All the fish examined (n=287) were infected with Anisakis L3 larvae (prevalence = 100%). Significant geographical differences in intensity were found: the Azores showed the lowest mean intensity value (53.7) and Madeira the highest one (253.9). The intensity of infection was positively correlated with the host length in specimens of Sesimbra and Madeira. Significant seasonal differences in intensity were found in the studied regions. The very high values in prevalence and intensity strongly suggest that the consumption of raw or undercooked black scabbard fish is a potential risk for human health.Se examinaron ejemplares de Aphanopus carbo de 3 regiones portuguesas (costa continental, Madeira y Azores) para determinar la presencia de Anis谩kidos durante cuatro (costa continental y Madeira) o dos (Azores) 茅pocas del a帽o. Todos los ejemplares examinados (n=287) estaban infectados por larvas L3 de Anisakis (prevalencia = 100%). Se encontraron diferencias geogr谩ficas significativas en la intensidad: Azores mostr贸 el valor de intensidad media m谩s bajo (53.7) y Madeira el m谩s alto (253.9). La intensidad de infecci贸n mostr贸 una correlaci贸n positiva con la talla del hu茅sped en los casos de la costa continental y Madeira. Se encontraron diferencias estacionales significativas en la intensidad en las regiones estudiadas. Los altos valores encontrados en la prevalencia e intensidad sugieren que el consumo de sable negro crudo o medio crudo constituye un riesgo potencial para la salud humana

    Uso de par谩sitos como marcadores biol贸gicos en la identificaci贸n de stocks de sable negro, Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839 (Osteichthyes: Trichiuridae) en aguas portuguesas

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    We studied the use of parasites as biological tags for discriminating fish stocks of Aphanopus carbo (Osteichthyes: Trichiuridae) from Portugal (Sesimbra on the mainland, Madeira and the Azores). Sixteen different metazoan parasites were found (14 from Madeira, 9 from Sesimbra and 7 from the Azores). Some parasites occurred only in fish from Madeira. The prevalence and mean intensity of the infection was recorded for each parasite and locality, and their values were statistically compared between the three sampling localities and related to host length classes. The differences between some of these parameters were statistically significant among the three localities or between two of them. It is suggested that 6 parasites (Tentacularia coryphaenae, Sphyriocephalus tergestinus, Campbelliella heteropoeciloacantha, Anisakis spp., Bolbosoma vasculosum and unidentified Acanthocephala larvae) can be used as biological tags to discriminate Portuguese stocks of Aphanopus carbo.Se estudi贸 el uso de par谩sitos como marcadores biol贸gicos para discriminar los stocks de Aphanopus carbo (Osteichthyes, Trichiuridae) de Portugal (Sesimbra en el continente, Madeira y Azores Islas). Diecis茅is par谩sitos metazoarios fueron encontrados (14 en Madeira, 9 en Sesimbra y 7 en Azores). Algunos par谩sitos se presentaron s贸lo en Madeira. La prevalencia y la intensidad media de las infecciones fueron calculadas para cada par谩sito y cada regi贸n, y sus valores fueron comparados estad铆sticamente entre los tres lugares de muestreo, y relacionados con la talla del hu茅sped. Se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas entre algunos de estos par谩metros de las tres regiones o entre dos de ellas. Se sugiere que 6 par谩sitos (Tentacularia coryphaenae, Sphyriocephalus tergestinus, Campbelliella heteropoeciloacantha, Anisakis spp., Bolbosoma vasculosum y larvas no identificadas de Acanthocephala) pueden ser usados como marcadores biol贸gicos para discriminaci贸n de stocks de Aphanopus carbo de Portugal

    Interdisciplinary discussions on palliative care among university students in Spain: giving voice to the social debate

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    Background: University students are the future professionals who will influence society. It is thus essential to improve students' understanding of palliative care (PC), especially those in the non-health field, to generate and encourage propitious opinions about PC. This study describes the perceptions of PC among university students from different disciplines. Method: Qualitative exploratory study using virtual focus groups (FGs) and design thinking (DT) approach. An intentional sample of students from various disciplines, universities and cities from Spain were selected. Numerous researchers from different fields were involved in the discussion of the final thematic analysis. Results: Four themes and seven subthemes were found: i) Students have an ambiguous understanding about PC; ii) PC is not a common issue for non-health students; ii) Students see PC as an important and necessary field; iii) Students build counter-narratives against PC myths, demonstrating PC brings key benefits into people's lives; iv) PC is a synonym of death. Conclusion: Despite the fact that students do not know much about PC, the topic easily arouses reflection and positive discussion. Through the conversations they find positive values and arguments against misunderstand- ing. Students from different disciplines could be the target of innovative educational initia- tives and the social debate on PC

    First record of Philometra ovata (Nematoda) infection in Gobio lozanoi in Portugal

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    Gobio lozanoi, from the River Febros northern Portugal, contained female Philometra ovata in the body cavity causing abdominal swelling. A mild chronic inflammation and some tissue necrosis were observed in infected fish. Significant correlations were found between occurrence of infection and host length, and gonado-somatic index; and between intensity of infection and condition factor

    Combining interdisciplinarity and creative design - A powerful strategy to increase palliative care awareness within a university community

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    Society鈥檚 understanding of palliative care has room for improvement. Although the World Health Organisation highlighted palliative care as a human right, many people still lack access to this crucial form of treatment. The paucity of understanding and social discussion surrounding palliative care has, moreover, negatively impacted its development and implementation. This study therefore aims to construct a strategy that will empower a specific community to solve their own palliative care-related misunderstandings. Using Participatory Action Research and Design Thinking methodologies and adopting the strategy of Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation, a design group worked for three months through five virtual focus groups. Moving through the phases of empathizing, defining, ideation, prototyping, and testing, the design group generated 33 ideas to address palliative care-related problems. Ideas related to self- learning, the use of technology, and the exchange of personal experiences are highlighted as innovative ways to promote palliative care. The design group adopted a variety of strategies, used disruptive tools, and created and tested rapid prototypes to discover novel solutions. This method of working, centred on interdisciplinarity and creativity, presents an efficient way to involve the members of a community in solving their own problems