14 research outputs found


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    No one in this world wants to have an abnormal child. All parents want their children normal. In fact, some of them have are not, for example autistic child. Autism is a rare developmental disorder involving inability to communicate with respond to other people. Therefore, it is parents’ role to help autistic child in order to develop social and language skill. In helping autistic child parents must cooperate with experts by giving them information of their child

    Resiliensi Orang Tua Sunda yang Memiliki Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Having children with special needs require higher patience. This research aims to look specifically how resilience of the Sundanese couple who have child with special needs. They have three factors: have the personal stronger to face all difficulties they need face (I AM), have external support, which are love and care each other (I HAVE), and have good interpersonal relation with their friends or family (I CAN). This description is similar with the meaning of personality in Sundanese, which are “cageur, bageur, bener, singer, pinter and silih asih, silih asah, silih asuh.

    Internal Influence Of Locus Of Control On Moral Disengagement Santri In West Java

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    This paper examined the influence of internal locus of control on the moral disengagement of students at five Pesantren in West Java. The respondents in this study were 370 who were taken by simple random sampling. The questionnaire used for the daat collection that was made referring to the theory of internal locus of control and moral disengagement. The data analysis used a simple linear regression test and based on the results of statistical tests, it was known that the R value was -0.991 and the t value : -16,212 > t table: 1.65 and the sig.: 0.000 < :0.05, this meant that the internal locus of control had a negative and significant effect on moral disengagement, this study proved that the higher the internal locus of control score, the lower the moral disengagement behavior of students at five Islamic boarding schools in West Java

    Religiosity and Social Support as Predictors for Subjective Well-Being of Overseas Students during Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the wide use of online services to conduct lectures and other academic-related services, negatively impacted the well-being of overseas students. Therefore, it is necessary to have predictors that can increase their subjective well-being (SWB). The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of religiosity and social support on SWB of overseas students during the pandemic. A quantitative correlational study was employed with data collected from 100 people aged 18-25 through a purposive sampling technique. The SWB of the respondents were measured to determine their religiosity, social support, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), as well as Life Satisfaction scales. The multiple linear regression analysis results showed that religiosity and social support simultaneously significantly affected students' SWB during the pandemic, while social support partially affected SWB

    Terapi Tafakkur untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Psikologis Orang dengan Lupus (Odapus)

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of tafakkur therapy on psychological well-being on people with odapus. This study used experimental method with a single case design using the variation of type A-B. The participant was a 24-year-old woman with sjorgen odapus from Syamsi Dhuha Foundation. The results showed that there were changes in psychological well-being between before and after attending tafakkur therapy. It touched the aspect of cognition, affection and psychomotor of the subject. The conclusion of the research was tafakkur therapy could affect psychological well-being on individual with odapus. There were also others factors that influence psychological well-being: social support, social economic status, social networks, religiosity, personality, and intensity of attending therapy activities

    Loneliness Pada Individu Lanjut Usia Berdasarkan Peran Religiusitas

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    The purpose of this research is to find description about loneliness on elderly people who have religiosity. The research using description method with phenomenology. Phenomenology studies were chosen to identify the nature of experience and to understand the life experiences of the elderly people about loneliness. Subjects consisted of two elderly people who experience loss situation such as retiring from work with key positions as well as the death of a spouse. The results show the aspects of personality remain confident, in the aspect of social propriety can continue in harmony with the environment and not depressed or isolated, as they are still able to join the social environment. Religiosity factor plays an important role for both the subject and so they do not experience loneliness as is generally the elderly people who face a loss situation.Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui gambaran loneliness pada individu lanjut usia yang memiliki religiusitas. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif yang bersifat studi fenomenologi. Studi fenomenologi dipilih guna mengidentifikasi hakikat pengalaman serta memahami pengalaman hidup individu lanjut usia tersebut tentang loneliness. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua individu lanjut usia yang mengalami situasi kehilangan berupa pensiun dari pekerjaan dengan jabatan penting serta kematian pasangan hidup. Hasil menunjukkan pada aspek kepribadian tetap percaya diri, pada aspek kepatutan sosial dapat terus selaras dengan lingkungannya dan tidak mengalami depresi atau terisolasi, karena subjek  masih dapat bergabung dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Faktor religiusitas memainkan peran penting bagi kedua subjek sehingga mereka tidak mengalami loneliness sebagaimana umumnya individu lanjut usia yang menghadapi situasi kehilangan

    Correlation between ketogenic diet and emotion regulation in early adulthood

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a correlation between ketogenic diet and emotion regulation in early adulthood. One of the most common ways to get the ideal body weight is by diet. One of the popular diet is ketogenic diet with a composition of 60-70% fat, 15-30% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrate. Consuming excess fat will affect hormone balance and change emotion regulation. Methodology: This research uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques using a Ketogenic Diet Scale and an Emotion Regulation Scale. Subjects were 393 early adults aged 26-35 years who are on a ketogenic diet for at least 1 month and never cheated from the rules of diet program. The two research variables are interval scale and the data analysis technique uses Pearson Correlation Test. Results: The results showed that there is a significant correlation between the ketogenic diet and the emotion regulation shown by r = -0,352, Pvalue =0,000, α =0,05 (Pvalue < α). This relationship means that the higher ketogenic diet related to the lower emotion regulation. The result is less in line with the goals of the ketogenic diet because the diet done without a doctor’s supervision. Applications/Originality/Value: Emotion regulation is a skill related to self-management that should be mastered by early adulthood. The results of this study indicate that one can gain emotional regulation skills by using the ketogenic diet, as long as this diet is done properly and under the supervision of a doctor


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    Industrial employee recently faced outsourcing system, a process transfering bisnis activity to the third parties. This system will give an impact to job satisfaction of the employee if they feel unfairly treated such as no fringe benefit and discriminated salary. This comparative research design compared between 45 permanent employee and 75 outsourcing employee at PT. PLN (PERSERO) UPJ Baleendah. Instrument used is job satisfaction scales from Herzberg. Statistical analysis used U Mann Whitney to test hypothesis proposed. Result using 95% trusted degree (α = 0,05) found p > α. It is concluded that Ho is accepted and H1 is not. Therefore, there is no significant differences between  outsourcing employee and permanent employee at di PT. PLN (PERSERO)


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    This research aimed to obtaining empirical data on relationship between future orientations of working area with achievement motivation among student of psychology faculty UIN SGD Bandung class of 2001. Research design was a correlational study. The result shown there was a positive correlations between future orientation of working area and achievement motivation. It means that student who optimism on future orientation of working area so their achievement motivation increasing, in reverse, if student future orientation working area pessimism so their achievement motivation decreasing.</script


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    This research aimed to obtaining empirical data on relationship between future orientations of working area with achievement motivation among student of psychology faculty UIN SGD Bandung class of 2001. Research design was a correlational study. The result shown there was a positive correlations between future orientation of working area and achievement motivation. It means that student who optimism on future orientation of working area so their achievement motivation increasing, in reverse, if student future orientation working area pessimism so their achievement motivation decreasing.</script