29 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Tumbuhan Langka Rotan Beula Ceratolobus Glaucescens Blume Di Cagar Alam Sukawayana Sukabumi Jawa Barat

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    Indonesian forest possesses a huge number of rare plants species but support of data and information that have supported preservation action was not available optimally. One of rare plant is rotan beula (Ceratolobus galucescens Blume). The aims of this study is to determine the structure, composition, and diversity vegetation which grows at habitat of rotan beula; to know the population condition of rotan beula; and to identify the ecological factors of rotan beula. Data was collected from 7 of circular plot sample. The width of every circular plot was 0.1 ha. The processing and analysis of data was done using Minitab's program version 14. The result showed the condition of rotan beula populations was well, they still grow normally. This conditions was described with young age (446 individuals) is more than the total of Rotan beula in old age (162 individuals). The sustainability of rotan beula population at Sukawayana Natural Reserve (SNR) was being threatened by society activity surround the SNR. The other, the abundance of Rotan beula was affected by density of pole level (n=7; t=7.81; p=0.001) and relative humidity of air (n=7; t=12.10; p=0.000). It can be formulated with regression: rotan beula density = -1155 + 0.154 density of pole + 13.9 relative humidity of air. The R2 value of formulation was 98,53%

    Evaluasi Sistem Penggerak dan Modifikasi Mesin Penanam Jagung Bertenaga Traktor Tangan

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    To improve the performance of corn planter powered by hand tractor, the following efforts were carried out: a) the evaluation of minimum tillage (strip tillage) using rotary tiller, b) the evaluation of the performance of the drive system for seed metering device; and c) modifications of the planting and fertilizing units. The machine capacity to be improved by using two planting rows in one pass. The machine was driven by a hand tractor equipped with a rotary tiller unit. The experiment results show that the strip tillage using the rotary tiller could be done when the soil is plowed, in a relatively loose condition. Among the five types of drive wheel to rotate the seed metering device, lugged rubber wheel had the lowest level of sliding (21- 22%), and produced seed spacing of the closest to the target (19-21 cm). The evaluation showed that one drive wheel is not able to drive two units of seed metering device and two units of fertilizer metering device. Rotation of tractor axle can be used effectively to drive the rotor of two units of the fertilizer applicator and corn seed metering devices of two planter units, using the sprocket-chain transmission. Modifications were constructed for two planting units; two fertilizing units; and the addition of drive system for the metering devices using rotation of the tractor axle

    Aplikasi Sistem SMS Hitung Cepat Berbasis PHP Dan MYSQL (Studi Kasus Suara Gerindra Dapil 1 Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014)

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    General Election is the Indonesian greatest democracy party, which becomes an opportunity to the legislative candidates to compete. The success of the General Election is determined by the smooth running of the vote and the vote counting process. The process of organizing elections often encountered various problems, the fraud of several elements which inflate the votes in the polling stations, and corruption of the top elements\u27 functionary. In order to avoid those problems, a hitung cepat is needed to inform the prediction of the election result faster than the official counting by the Commission of General Election. A hitung cepat can also be the proof of the election fraud. In this case, a hitung cepat application becomes one of the solutions to finish the vote counting faster than if manual counting is used. This application will help the official supporting teams in predicting their supported legislative candidates\u27 winning. This application is created by using several phases; they are system designing, prototype making, implementation, and program testing. All this phases are called prototyping method. This method is appropriatefor this project because it has a fast flow to fulfill the official supporting teams need in a dynamic political condition. The application designing is modeled by the UML. This application is created by using PHP programming language to run the program itself, and supported by Gammu and MySQL to run the function of the SMS gateway. In implementation phase, the quick count application can be used to count the vote of the legistative election in 2014 General Election by using statistic method. The level of accuracy used in this study was 99% with a margin of error 1%

    Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Berbasis Bahan Baku Kayu Di Malang-Jatim

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    Program Ipteks bagi Produk Ekspor (IbPE) ini difokuskan pada dua tempat kegiatan industri, yaitu: (1) kegiatan produksi di workshop CV. NS. MAKMUR JAYA ABADI (UKM 1) terletak di Desa Jatikero, Kec. Kromengan, Kab. Malang yang merupakan industri kreatif memproduksi gitar elektrik, gitar semi elektrik dan gitar akustik; dan (2) UD. ADI ANUGERAH (UKM 2) yang terletak di Junrejo Kota Batu-Malang dengan produksi aneka kerajinan/produk berbahan baku kayu dan turunannya (seperti MDF). Permasalahan UKM mitra dalam program IbPE ini adalah peningkatan kualitas desain produk, peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan kualitas produk sesuai dengan persyaratan produk, penajaman visi produksi (selalu berorientasi pada kebutuhan pasar), peningkatan teknikal skill dan manajemen skill, serta penataan Lay-out produksi, peningkatan keselamatan dan Kenyamanan kerja. Dari hasil program IbPE ini telah dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan dan dampak luaran berupa: (1) penerapan Ipteks melalui rekayasa, manufaktur dan pengadaan mesin planner, perangkat finishing produk, dan mesin sender, (2) implementasi Iptek melalui pengembangan produk berpotensi pasar nasional dan ekspor, (3) pendampingan kepada para pengusaha guna peningkatan kualitas desain, kualitas produk, peningkatan kapasitas produksi, dan manajemen USAha, (4) penataan Lay out mesin/peralatan produksi dan penataan manajemen, (5) perluasan pangsa pasar, (6) terjadi peningkatan jumlah karyawan dan peningkatan omzet 20%

    P Use Efficiency by Corn (Zea Mays L.) in Ultisol Due to Application of Coal Fly Ash-chicken Manure Mixture

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    Low P availability is the main constraint for crops on acidic soil such as an Ultisols due to high soil P sorption. The objective of current research was to determine the effect of coal fly ash-chicken manure mixture application on P use efficiency by corn (Zea mays L.) in Ultisols. The research were arranged according to Factorial Completely Randomized Design with three replicates. The treatments tested were the rates of FA-CM mixture (w/w of 1:1) that consisted of 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 tons ha-1, and P fertilizer rates that consisted of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times of P requirement to achieve of 0.2 μg P mL-1 in soil solution (equivalence to 0, 87, 174, 261 and 348 kg P2O5 ha-1). Results of current research showed that P use efficiency by corn on Ultisols had been increased through the addition of FA-CM in combination with P fertilization at the rate of 87 kg P2O5 ha-1. The optimum rate of FA-CM in combination with P fertilizer at the rate of 87 kg P2O5 ha-1 is 28.60 tons ha-1, with P uptake efficiency of 42.41 % and agronomic P efficiency of 82.53 mg shoot dry weight/mg P from fertilizer

    Modifikasi Titik Muatan Nol Tanah Bermuatan Terubahkan melalui Pemberian Campuran Abu Terbang Batubara-Kotoran Ayam

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    . The objective of current research was to study the effect of coal fly ash-chicken manure mixture (FA-CM) on the changes on the soil PZC status and its impact on P sorption and availability in Ultisols. Two treatments - FA-CM mixture (w/w of 1:1) at the rate of 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 ton ha-1, and P fertilization at the rate of 0, 87, 174, 261 and 348 kg P2O5 ha-1 were tested. These treatments were arranged according to Factorial Completely Random Design with three replicates. The results showed that the application of FA-CM for each dosages of P fertilizer correlated significantly with the status of soils PZC, pH, negative charge, P sorption and P-available. PZC has possitive correlation with pH and negative charge. Negative charge has a significantly negative correlation with P sorption, and posssitively correlation with P-available

    Preferential Habitat of Orange Footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius Reindwardt) at Nature Tourism Park of Mount Tunak, Lombok Tengah Regency, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province

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    Orange Footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reindwart Dumont 1823) is classified as protected bird based on the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species of Ministry of Enviromental and Forestry Decree No. 92/2018. As a natural park, TWA of Gunung Tunak serves as a natural conservation area (NCA) which has a basic function as a conservation area designated as a recreation area and nature tourism. Associated with its function then TWA of Gunung Tunak has an important role in supporting the conservation of wild animals especially Orange Footed Scrubfowl and the implementation of recreational activities and natural tourism in a sustainable manner. The objectives of this study were to analysis the preferential habitats of Orange Footed Scrubfowl. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis of stepwise method, it can be known that dominant factors to the frequency of presence of Orange Footed Scrubfowl in a selected habitat are the number of predators, the distance from water source, soil texture, and altitude of place with the equation Y = 3.390.96 + 2.28X11 + 0.00084X5 - 0.0117X10 - 0.0034X3. Based on the results of preference index analysis with Neu method, it can be seen that the preferred area of Orange Footed Scrubfowl is only in Block I (w ≥ 1) namely the forest area near Teluk Ujung Coast. Based on the place altitude, the existence of the mound of nest from the sea surface, the Orange Footed Scrubfowl prefer the area at an altitude of 0-25 m above sea level