256 research outputs found

    The Global and Local in Phillips Curve\ud

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    The debate over the Phillips Curve - as the relation between level of unemployment rate and inflation rate - in historical economics is shortly reviewed. By using the analysis in the Extreme Value Theory, i.e.: the rank order statistics the unemployment and inflation data over countries from various regions are observed. The calculations brought us to conjecture that there exists the general pattern that could lead from the relation between unemployment and inflation rate. However, the difference patterns as observed in the Phillips Curve might could be reflected from the range of values of the local variables of the incorporated model.\u

    Usulan Rancangan Ukuran pada Meja dan Kursi Lipat Belajar yang Ergonomis untuk Rumah Petak di Jakarta

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    Identify the learning facilities used today, whether they meet the health standards in terms of ergonomic.Based on preliminary research conducted on the respondents more than 70% of studying at home didnot use the study desk facilities, this data was obtained from January 2017 until May 2017, found manylearning facilities that are used improperly, do not even have a desk or study chair, so that children wholearn every day do homework or study at home with inadequate facilities, for reasons of expensive andunreachable prices, the results of Nurdic Body Map questionnaire, obtained the results of severalcomplaints, musculoskeletal disorders in students This study is from the concept of thinking, how to make atenement house that amounts to even millions of millions of plots can have facilities such as tables and chairsthat meet the health and ergonomic concept, but at an affordable price This research study is expected tosuggest ergonomic chair and desk sizes, in a minimalist, and inexpensive, room, but at the same timeaccommodating the health of the users. Data collected from five areas of Jakarta, East Jakarta, SouthJakarta, North Jakarta, Central Jakarta and West Jakarta, the data obtained were based on age groupingsranging from 12‐13, 14‐15‐16‐17, then after the data processing grouped by class with the division age 12with are 7th, 8th, 9th, or Junior High School, while the age between 15 to 18 is a class X, XI, XII, or HighSchool or equivalent, this is due to limited study time and costs available. The result of body measurementdimension with anthropometric measurement is processed and analyzed according to stages, statistical dataprocessing, then this data will be used as a proposed design and size of tables and chairs, and prototypesof folding tables and chairs for junior high and high school children who meet health standards for users

    Keragaan Investasi Di Subsektor Perkebunan

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    Pembangunan di subsektor perkebunan tidak terlepas dari peran investasi, baik yang bersumber dari pemerintah maupun swasta domestik maupun asing. Pemerintah telah merangsang investasi swasta melalui berbagai kebijaksanaan pemerintah khususnya dalam hal kemudahan investasi. Selama periode tahun 1968-1990, perkembangan nilai investasi di subsektor perkebunan yang disetujui oleh pemerintah meningkat dengan laju 17.8 persen pertahun untuk PMDN dan 9.0 persen pertahun untuk PMA. Kenaikan cukup besar terjadi pada PMDN sebagai akibat berbagai kemudahan yang diberikan pemerintah. Kegiatan investasi perkebunan menyebar di seluruh propinsi, terbesar berada di Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Penyebaran investasi di seluruh wilayah Indonesia menunjukkan berperannya subsektor perkebunan bagi penyebaran pembangunan. Komoditi yang diminati sebagian besar adalah cokalt, karet, dan kelapa sawit, baik di bidang budidaya dan atau pengolahannya. Permasalahan umum yang dijumpai dalam menarik minat investasi di perkebunan adalah persaingan dengan sektor lain sejalan dengan sifat investasi di sektor pertanian umumnya memerlukan modal besar, ketergantungan terhadap faktor alam, memerlukan jangka waktu panjang, seringkali berlokasi di daerah terpencil (bukaan baru) serta harga produk pertanian yang tergantung kepada harga pasar dunia. Namun demikian investasi di perkebunan masih prospektif dilihat dari segi pasar dan didukung oleh ketersediaan potensi sumberdaya alam serta situasi negara yang stabil. Usaha untuk menarik minat investasi di perkebunan diperlukan penyebarluasan tentang informasi, baik informasi prospek pasar dan potensi daerah serta kemudahan dalam kegiatan investasi

    Analisis USAha Pembenihan Udang Rakyat Di Jawa Barat: Studi Kasus Di Pangandaran, Ciamis

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    Posisi udang sebagai komoditi ekspor primadona non-migas dewasa ini mengalami kegoyahan sebagai akibat dari: (1) persaingan dengan negara eksportir lain seperti Taiwan, Thailand dan India, (2) merosotnya harga udang di pasar Internasional, dan (3) resiko kegagalan tambak udang di tingkat petani yang semakin besar. Seberapa jauh keadaan tersebut berpengaruh pada USAha pembenihan udang rakyat yang akan diungkap. Hasil analisis biaya dan keuntungan per meter kubik dari berbagai skala USAha menunjukkan USAha pembenihan udang masih menguntungkan. Skala kecil memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 96.024/meter kubik, skala sedang memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 113.018/ meter kubik dan skala besar memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 130.480/meter kubik atas biaya total periode. Dilihat dari efisiensi pemanfaatan modal adri ketiga skala yang diteliti, menunjukkan bahwa skala kecil memperoleh nilai R/C ratio 1.70, skala sedang 1.98 dan skala besar 2.38. Hasil analisis margin menunjukkan bahwa besarnya margin tataniaga benur udang Rp 8,5/ekor, yang terdiri dari biaya tataniaga sebesar Rp 5,40/ekor (64 persen) dan keuntungan lembaga niaga sebesar Rp 3,10/ekor (36 persen) dari total margin tataniaga

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap terhadap Tindakan Wanita Pekerja Seksual Tidak Langsung di Hotspot X Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru Tentang Pap Smear dan Inspeksi Visual Asetat sebagai Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks

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    Cervical cancer is a Malignant disease in the epithelial cells of the cervix which still ranks as the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide. Indirect Female Sex Workers (FSW) have a higher risk of cervical cancer. This study aims to determine the correlation between knowledge and attitudes toward the behavior of indirect FSW at hotspot X District Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru about Pap smears and Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) as an early detection of cervical cancer. The method of this research is analytic cross sectional. The study population is indirect FSW residing in the hotspot X District Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru and samples were taken with total sampling method to 66 people through interviews using questionnaire. The results showed that among 66 respondents, 44 respondents (66.7%) have bad knowledge, 16 respondents (24.2%) have moderate knowledge and 6 respondents (9.1%) have good knowledge. In the questionnaire, 39 respondents (59.1%) have a negative attitude and 27 respondents (40.9%) have a positive attitude. In the examination, 44 respondents (66.7%) did Pap Smear and VIA test and 22 respondents (33.3%) did not do Pap Smear and VIA test. There is a correlation between knowledge and attitude (p = 0.022) and correlation between attitude and action (p = 0.034) but there is no correlation between knowledge and action (p = 0.948). It is concluded that the majority of Indirect FSW at hotspot X District Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru has poor knowledge, negative attitudes but has good action on early detection of cervical cancer

    Design of Network-based Security System for Windows Nt Network Operations to Achieve Efficiency

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    In building a network of points that a lot of attention is on the network operatingsystem installation and implementation of network security systems and maintenanceof existing network systems. Data security is very important but because it provideswindows applications security system that can protect applications that are used bythe user that is using the mandatory profile and policy editor. a user is restricted tolimit the network but also users can create security on the local drive directory is usedso it can not be accessed by anyone, including supervisors