103 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan untuk Berwirausaha pada Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    : Entrepreneurship is one of the possibilities people with special needs can consider for their future, but not many of them have done it. This study aims to identify the needs of students with special needs for entrepreneurship. The study was conducted through a survey to 37 students with special needs, 19 males and 18 females from four SLBs in Yogyakarta. Students of advanced classeswere selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and career exploration scale. The results show that 27 students are not ready and 10 students are ready for doing entrepreneurship. Career exploration and intensity for entrepreneurship can be categorized medium. The biggest obstacles experienced by students with special needs are lack of information about employment, inability in decision making, and inability in self-identification. The results of this study show that students with special needs need various helps for improving their motivation and interest in entrepreneurship

    Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit ( Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Dengan Menggunakan Media Sekam Padi Dan Frekuensi Penyiraman Di Main Nursery

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    The growth of oil palm seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) by the application of rice husk andfrequency of watering in the main nursery. This research aims to study aimed to determine thegrowth of oil palm seedlings to rice husk and watering frequency on the main nursery. This researchwas conducted in Greenhouses in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatera, Medanwith ± 25 m altitude above sea level in January 2013 to April 2013 using a factorial randomizedblock design with two factors: Media planting rice husk (0:0, 2: 1, 1:1, 1:2) and watering frequency(1, 2, 3 days) parameters measured were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, total leafarea, fresh weight of seedlings, seedling dry weight. The results showed that treatment of rice huskgrowing media influence is not obvious to all treatment parameters. Watering frequency treatmentssignificantly affected stem diameter parameter 2 and 6 MST with the highest yield obtained in thetreatment of the frequency of watering every other day. Both treatment interaction effect was notsignificant on all treatments

    Prototype Design System with Lift Penditeksi Ibm Pc Computer-based Smoke

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    In the development of transportation in the present, not just transportationtransportation vertical, but horizontal transport dibituhkan is to climb high-rises.Because it used a tool called an elevator.As transportasu vertically, the safety factor for horizontal transport is also veryimportant. Therefore one of the security tools that should be there is a smoke sensorin the elevator.That is a tool that can detect the smoke inside the elevator. Why use smoke sensors,because sensors can detect the smoke particles are small and a bit of smoke. So as todetect a larger smoke coming from fires can be detected properly


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    Abstrak                                                                                                                                Sebuah hasil rancang-bangun dirancang-bangun untuk mendinginkan lalu sekaligus mengeringkan udara atau disebut dehumidifikasi. Hasil rancang-bangun ini menggunakan termoelektrik sebagai komponen utama dalam dehumidifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji kinerja sebuah portable mini dehumidifier menggunakan teknologi termoelektrik dengan variasi  udara masukan terhadap nilai COP (coefficient of performance) atau unjuk kerja dari modul termoelektrik yaitu TEC1-12706. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk empat waktu variasi udara masukan yaitu pada pagi hari (pukul 07.00-10.00 wib); siang hari (pukul 12.00-15.00 wib); malam hari (21.00-24.00 wib); dan set-point (set-temperatur 24 oC) untuk rerata setiap 15 menit pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa heat-sink untuk sisi dingin dapat mendinginkan temperatur udara masuk sebesar 5.40 oC pada kondisi rerata set-point, serta pendinginan terkecil hanya 2.23 oC pada kondisi rerata siang hari. Dari hasil penelitian juga didapat koefisien kinerja atau COP terbaik dari sisi panas heat-sink termoelektrik pada kondisi set-point yaitu 1.64 dengan menurunkan (dehumidifier) kelembaban udara masuk dari 59% menjadi 27.08%, sedangkan pada kondisi malam hari kinerja sisi panas heat-sink mengalami penurunan menjadi 1.48 dikarenakan kelembaban udara produk dihasilkan mencapai 43.23% dari kelembaban udara masuk yaitu 95.77%.Abstract   A prototype is designed to cool and then dry air or dehumidification. The prototype uses thermoelectric as the main component in dehumidification. This research is conducted by studying the performance of a portable mini dehumidifier using thermoelectric technology with variation of input air to COP (coefficient of performance) of thermoelectric module that is TEC1-12706. This research was conducted for four times variation of input air that is in the morning (at 07.00-10.00 am); daytime (at 00:00 to 03:00 pm); Night (09.00-12.00 pm); and set-point (set-temperature 24 oC) for the average every 15 minutes of data retrieval. The results show that heat-sinks for cold side can cool air temperature of 5.40 oC in set-point mean conditions, and the smallest cooling is only 2.23 oC in average daytime conditions. The results of the research also obtained the best coefficient of performance or COP from the hot side of the heat-sink in the set-point condition that is 1.64 by reducing (dehumidifier) of air humidity from 59% to 27.08%, while at night time the hot side of the heat-sink performance small decrease to 1.48 due to air humidity of product resulted reach 43.23% from incoming air humidity that is 95.77%

    The Effect of Five Price Categories in Tick Size Policy on Trade and Stock Returns Based on the LQ45 Index

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    The capital market has an influential role in the national economy of countries, including Indonesia. The capital market in Indonesia is regulated by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the new regulation number Kep-00113/BEI/12-2016 that focuses on five price categories of tick size. This study aimed to investigate the impact of five price categories in tick size policy on liquidity and volatility based on the LQ45 index and examine factors that influence stock return. This study was performed using a paired sample T-test and panel regression test. The result of the different test indicates a significant change in bid-ask spread, Depth, Depth to relative spread (DRS), volume, and volatility. The five price category in the tick size policy does not affect the depth. It is found that all the variables have a smaller value after the implementation of the tick size policy. The results of the panel regression test show that depth, volume, and volatility have a significant influence on stock returns, while the bid-ask spread, and DRS does not affect stock returns. The result of this study was expected to improve understanding of the tick size regulation to determine the best stock investment strategy.JEL Classification: G11, G12, G23, R53DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/jkdp.v23i1.259

    Analysis the Effectiveness of Suppliers Selection of Raw Material of Concrete in Industry with Case Study of PT Moderna Tehnik Perkasa

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    The research analyses the effectiveness of supplier selection system in PT. ModernaTehnikPerkasa which engaged in the production of concrete. The research is very important for the company as raw materials is a important part from the production process thus it effects on the production of concrete. As the current system was not analyzedtherefore, this research intends to do the analysis. This research uses interview method as a technique in data collection and using qualitative method to analyses the data. Keywords: PT. Moderna Tehnik Perkasa, concrete, reliable suppliers,competitivenes

    Morfometri Lereng Gisik Di Pantai Tumpaan Kecamatan Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Gisik adalah salah satu bentuklahan yang dicirikan oleh material sedimen berupa pasir atau kerikil, gisik juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia sebagai tempat penambatan perahu para nelayan, industri perikanan, pariwisata, dan bangunan pemukiman di sekitar lahan gisik. Penelitian ini, dilakukan di pantai Tumpaan Kecamatan Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, kawasannya tepat di teluk Amurang. Serangkaian penelitian ini dengan tujuan mengobservasi Perubahan kemiringan lereng gisik terhadap sebaran kemiringan lereng serta deposisi dan erosi. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan data primer atau diamati secara langsung, selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan data hasil penelitian dilakukan pengukuran kemiringan lereng gisik dengan menggunakan alat rakitan maupun alat portabel yang berupa water pas, tali, meteran. Sehubungan dengan pengukuran tersebut metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan penelitian yaitu menerapkan metode deskriptif yang dilakukan berdasarkan tujuan, untuk menelaah Perubahan morfometri lereng gisik pantai Tumpaan dalam dua waktu yang berbeda yaitu 19 Februari 2015 dan 12 September 2015. Data hasil pengukuran morfometri gisik, selanjutnya data diolah menggunakan komputer dengan perangkat lunak surfer 8 serta perangkat lunak Arc-Gis. Dengan Arc-Gis dapat dibaca nilai-nilai sebaran kemiringan lereng serta sebaran deposisi dan erosi pada lahan gisik yang di telaah. Berdasarkan data hasil pengolahan sebaran kemiringan lereng pada 19 Februari 2015 terkriteria lereng landai yaitu 26,96 % dan pada 12 September 2015 terkriteria lereng sangat miring yaitu 30,18 %. Sedangkan sebaran erosi 9053553,11 m3 dan deposisi 13440584,39 m3
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