1,290 research outputs found

    Hyperostotic tympanic bone spicules in domestic and wild animal species

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    Hyperostotic tympanic bone spicules (HTBS), or "mucoperiosteal exostoses" (ME, syn.) are small, globular (>= 1 mm in diameter), mostly stalked and drumstick-like, bony structures, which arise from the inner wall of the tympanic bulla and project into the middle ear cavity. HTBS present as mineral densities inside the tympanic bulla on radiographs or computed tomographic (CT) images. They have previously been referred to as "otoliths" and were thought to represent mineral concretions secondary to otitis media. Recently, it was shown that HTBS actually consist of regularly composed bone tissue, covered by normal middle ear mucosa. So far, HTBS have only extensively been described in dogs, where they occur with a prevalence of up to >45%. A recent study detected ME, most likely representing HTBS, in the tympanic cavities of skeletonised skull bones of African lions. To estimate the occurrence of HTBS in other mammal species, the middle ears of adult animals of 78 different domestic, wild, and zoo species undergoing routine necropsy at the Institute of Veterinary Pathology of the LMU Munich, Germany were examined in the present study. HTBS were found in the tympanic bullae of carnivorous species, such as canids (wolf, fox), and in several large felid species (lion, tiger, leopard, cheetah). In contrast, HTBS were not present in domestic cats (more than to 200 cases), small carnivorous species such as mustelids, nor in any primate, ungulate, ruminant, pig, insectivore, or rodent species. The detectability of HTBS by CT of the tympanic bullae of large felids was demonstrated in an African lion. Histologically, HTBS consisted of mature lamellar bone, covered by periosteum and a partially ciliated, flat epithelium, regularly without any apparent inflammatory alterations. The present study demonstrates that HTBS may frequently occur in large felids and in different canid species. These findings should be taken into account when examining the middle ear, or interpreting bulla radiographs/CT-images of the respective species. However, the factors triggering the development of HTBS remain to be identified

    Distributed Synthesis in Continuous Time

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    We introduce a formalism modelling communication of distributed agents strictly in continuous-time. Within this framework, we study the problem of synthesising local strategies for individual agents such that a specified set of goal states is reached, or reached with at least a given probability. The flow of time is modelled explicitly based on continuous-time randomness, with two natural implications: First, the non-determinism stemming from interleaving disappears. Second, when we restrict to a subclass of non-urgent models, the quantitative value problem for two players can be solved in EXPTIME. Indeed, the explicit continuous time enables players to communicate their states by delaying synchronisation (which is unrestricted for non-urgent models). In general, the problems are undecidable already for two players in the quantitative case and three players in the qualitative case. The qualitative undecidability is shown by a reduction to decentralized POMDPs for which we provide the strongest (and rather surprising) undecidability result so far

    Plasma processing of closed nuclear fuel cycle waste

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    В работе предложен плазменный метод переработки отходов замкнутого ядерного топливного цикла в виде водно-солеорганической композиции. Этот метод имеет несколько преимуществ и позволяет безопасно перерабатывать такой материал. Определен оптимальный состав для утилизации данного отхода в плазме. Равновесные составы показали, что в процессе плазменной обработки образуются N[2], CO[2], H[2]O, а также FeCl[3] и Fe[2]O[3 в конденсированной фазе. Отсутствие сажи является показателем того, что процесс переработки является экологически безопасным.The work proposed the plasma method of processing closed nuclear fuel cycle wastes in the form of a water-salt-organic composition. This method has several advantages and allows recycling such material safely. The optimal composition for recycling in plasma was determined. Equilibrium compositions showed that in the process of plasma processing N[2], CO[2], H[2]O and also FeCl[3] и Fe[2]O[3] in the condensed phase were formed. Lack of soot is an indicator that the recycling process is environmentally safe

    Ferromagnetic coupling of mononuclear Fe centers in a self-assembled metal-organic network on Au(111)

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    The magnetic state and magnetic coupling of individual atoms in nanoscale structures relies on a delicate balance between different interactions with the atomic-scale surrounding. Using scanning tunneling microscopy, we resolve the self-assembled formation of highly ordered bilayer structures of Fe atoms and organic linker molecules (T4PT) when deposited on a Au(111) surface. The Fe atoms are encaged in a three-dimensional coordination motif by three T4PT molecules in the surface plane and an additional T4PT unit on top. Within this crystal field, the Fe atoms retain a magnetic ground state with easy-axis anisotropy, as evidenced by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The magnetization curves reveal the existence of ferromagnetic coupling between the Fe centers

    Efficient CSL Model Checking Using Stratification

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    For continuous-time Markov chains, the model-checking problem with respect to continuous-time stochastic logic (CSL) has been introduced and shown to be decidable by Aziz, Sanwal, Singhal and Brayton in 1996. Their proof can be turned into an approximation algorithm with worse than exponential complexity. In 2000, Baier, Haverkort, Hermanns and Katoen presented an efficient polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the sublogic in which only binary until is allowed. In this paper, we propose such an efficient polynomial-time approximation algorithm for full CSL. The key to our method is the notion of stratified CTMCs with respect to the CSL property to be checked. On a stratified CTMC, the probability to satisfy a CSL path formula can be approximated by a transient analysis in polynomial time (using uniformization). We present a measure-preserving, linear-time and -space transformation of any CTMC into an equivalent, stratified one. This makes the present work the centerpiece of a broadly applicable full CSL model checker. Recently, the decision algorithm by Aziz et al. was shown to work only for stratified CTMCs. As an additional contribution, our measure-preserving transformation can be used to ensure the decidability for general CTMCs.Comment: 18 pages, preprint for LMCS. An extended abstract appeared in ICALP 201

    Naturally Acquired Bovine Besnoitiosis

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    The pathogenesis of bovine besnoitiosis, a disease of increasing concern within Europe, is still incompletely understood. In this study, disease progression after natural infection with the causative apicomplexan Besnoitia besnoiti was monitored in histological skin sections of 5 individual female cattle over time. High-frequency skin sampling of 2 cattle with mild and 2 with severe acute, subacute, and chronic besnoitiosis, as well as from 1 animal during subclinical disease, enabled documentation from the beginning of the disease. Skin sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Giemsa, periodic acid–Schiff reaction, and anti-Besnoitia immunohistochemistry. In all 4 clinically affected animals, tachyzoite-like endozoites could be detected for the first time by immunohistochemistry, and tissue cyst evolution was monitored. Besnoitiosis-associated lesions were not detected in the animal showing the subclinical course. Because of the inconsistency of the nomenclature of Besnoitia tissue cyst layers in the literature, a new nomenclature for B. besnoiti cyst wall layers is proposed: tissue cysts consist of a hypertrophied host cell with enlarged nuclei, an intracytoplasmic parasitophorous vacuole with bradyzoites, a sometimes vacuolated inner cyst wall, and an outer cyst wall in more developed cysts. Inner and outer cyst walls can be readily distinguished by using special stains. In 1 animal, extracystic B. besnoiti zoites were immunohistochemically detected during the chronic stage. At necropsy, the 2 severely affected cows displayed large numbers of B. besnoiti cysts in a variety of tissues, including the corium of the claws, contributing mainly to the development of chronic laminitis in these 2 cases

    Iron porphyrin molecules on Cu(001): Influence of adlayers and ligands on the magnetic properties

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    The structural and magnetic properties of Fe octaethylporphyrin (OEP) molecules on Cu(001) have been investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) methods and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The molecules have been adsorbed on the bare metal surface and on an oxygen-covered surface, which shows a 2×22R45\sqrt{2}\times2\sqrt{2}R45^{\circ} reconstruction. In order to allow for a direct comparison between magnetic moments obtained from sum-rule analysis and DFT we calculate the dipolar term 77, which is also important in view of the magnetic anisotropy of the molecule. The measured X-ray magnetic circular dichroism shows a strong dependence on the photon incidence angle, which we could relate to a huge value of 77, e.g. on Cu(001) 77 amounts to -2.07\,\mbo{} for normal incidence leading to a reduction of the effective spin moment ms+7m_s + 7. Calculations have also been performed to study the influence of possible ligands such as Cl and O atoms on the magnetic properties of the molecule and the interaction between molecule and surface, because the experimental spectra display a clear dependence on the ligand, which is used to stabilize the molecule in the gas phase. Both types of ligands weaken the hybridization between surface and porphyrin molecule and change the magnetic spin state of the molecule, but the changes in the X-ray absorption are clearly related to residual Cl ligands.Comment: 17 figures, full articl

    Magnetic coupling of porphyrin molecules through graphene

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    Graphene is expected to complement todays Si-based information technology. In particular, magnetic molecules in contact with graphene constitute a tantalizing approach towards organic spin electronics because of the reduced conductivity mismatch at the interface. In such a system a bit is represented by a single molecular magnetic moment, which must be stabilized against thermal fluctuations. Here, we show in a combined experimental and theoretical study that the moments of paramagnetic Co-octaethylporphyrin (CoOEP) molecules on graphene can be aligned by a remarkable antiferromagnetic coupling to a Ni substrate underneath the graphene. This coupling is mediated via the \pi\ electronic system of graphene, while no covalent bonds between the molecule and the substrate are established.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, Accepted at Adv. Mate

    The Fermi energy in oxides: assessing and understanding the limits using XPS

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    The Fermi energy in semiconductors can often be freely controlled across the whole energy gap by doping. This is not the case in oxides, where different mechanisms exist, which can limit the range of the Fermi energy. These limits can be caused by i) dopants having deep rather than shallow charge transition levels, ii) self-com­pen­sation where the Fermi energy dependence of the defect formation energy leads to spontaneous formation of compensating defects, iii) the change of the oxidation state of either the cations or the oxygen. The latter is particularly relevant for compounds with transition metal or rare earth cations and has been recently demonstrated to explain the low water splitting efficiency of hematite [1]. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract