141 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Dissociation as a Tool for Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics

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    Coulomb dissociation is an especially simple and important reaction mechanism. Since the perturbation due to the electric field of the nucleus is exactly known, firm conclusions can be drawn from such measurements. Electromagnetic matrix elements and astrophysical S-factors for radiative capture processes can be extracted from experiments. We describe the basic theory, new results concerning higher order effects in the dissociation of neutron halo nuclei, and briefly review the experimental results obtained up to now. Some new applications of Coulomb dissociation for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure physics are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Proceedings of the International School on Nuclear Physics; 22nd Course: ``Radioactive Beams for Nuclear and Astro Physics'', Erice/Sicily/Italy, September 16 - 24, 200

    The High-Density Symmetry Energy in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Compact Stars

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    High-density nuclear symmetry energy is of crucial importance in astrophysics. Information on such energy has been obtained from mass-radius determinations of neutron stars (NSs), and in the future NS mergers will increasingly contribute. In the laboratory, the symmetry energy can be studied in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) at different incident energies over a large range, from very low to several times higher saturation density. Transport theory is necessary to extract the symmetry energy from the typically non-equilibrated nuclear collisions. In this contribution, we first review the transport approaches, their differences, and recent studies of their reliability. We then discuss several prominent observables, which have been used to determine the symmetry energy at high density: collective flow, light cluster emission, and particle production. It is finally argued that the results of the symmetry energy from microscopic many-body calculations, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, and astrophysics begin to converge but still need considerable improvements in terms of accuracy

    Indexed and Fibred Structures for Hoare Logic

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    Indexed and fibred categorical concepts are widely used in computer science as models of logical systems and type theories. Here we focus on Hoare logic and show that a comprehensive categorical analysis of its axiomatic semantics needs the languages of indexed category and fibred category theory. The structural features of the language are presented in an indexed setting, while the logical features of deduction are modeled in the fibred one. Especially, Hoare triples arise naturally as special arrows in a fibred category over a syntactic category of programs, while deduction in the Hoare calculus can be characterized categorically by the heuristic deduction = generation of cartesian arrows + composition of arrows.publishedVersio

    Nuclear stopping and flow in heavy ion collisions and the in-medium NN cross section

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    We present transport calculations for heavy ion reactions in which the mean field and the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section are consistently based on the same effective interaction, i.e. the in-medium T-matrix from microscopic Dirac-Brueckner calculations. Doing so, the stopping in central reactions in terms of the recently proposed vartlvar_{\rm tl} observable and the correlation to the behavior of the directed flow is investigated. The relation to the nuclear shear viscosity is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Asymmetric Colliding Nuclear Matter Approach in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The early stage of a heavy ion collision is governed by local non-equilibrium momentum distributions which have been approximated by colliding nuclear matter configurations, i.e. by two Lorentz elongated Fermi ellipsoids. This approach has been extended from the previous assumption of symmetric systems to asymmetric 2-Fermi sphere configurations, i.e. to different densities. This provides a smoother transition from the limiting situation of two interpenetrating currents to an equilibrated system. The model is applied to the dynamical situations of heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies within the framework of relativistic transport (RBUU) calculations. We find that the extended colliding nuclear matter approach is more appropriate to describe collective reaction dynamics in terms of flow observables, in particular, for the elliptic flow at low energies.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Stopping and Isospin Equilibration in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We investigate the density behaviour of the symmetry energy with respect to isospin equilibration in the combined systems Ru(Zr)+Zr(Ru)Ru(Zr)+Zr(Ru) at relativistic energies of 0.4 and 1.528AGeV1.528 AGeV. The study is performed within a relativistic framework and the contribution of the iso-vector, scalar δ\delta field to the symmetry energy and the isospin dynamics is particularly explored. We find that the isospin mixing depends on the symmetry energy and a stiff behaviour leads to more transparency. The results are also nicely sensitive to the "fine structure" of the symmetry energy, i.e. to the covariant properties of the isovector meson fields. The isospin tracing appears much less dependent on the in-medium neutron-proton cross-sections (σnp\sigma_{np}) and this makes such observable very peculiar for the study of the isovector part of the nuclear equation of state. Within such a framework, comparisons with experiments support the introduction of the δ\delta meson in the description of the iso-vector equation of state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys.Lett.

    Dirac-Brueckner Hartree-Fock Approach: from Infinite Matter to Effective Lagrangians for Finite Systems

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    One of the open problems in nuclear structure is how to predict properties of finite nuclei from the knowledge of a bare nucleon-nucleon interaction of the meson-exchange type. We point out that a promising starting point consists in Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) calculations us- ing realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions like the Bonn potentials, which are able to reproduce satisfactorily the properties of symmetric nuclear matter without the need for 3-body forces, as is necessary in non-relativistic BHF calculations. However, the DBHF formalism is still too com- plicated to be used directly for finite nuclei. We argue that a possible route is to define effective Lagrangians with density-dependent nucleon-meson coupling vertices, which can be used in the Relativistic Hartree (or Relativistic Mean Field (RMF)) or preferrably in the Relativistic Hartree- Fock (RHF) approach. The density-dependence is matched to the nuclear matter DBHF results. We review the present status of nuclear matter DBHF calculations and discuss the various schemes to construct the self-energy, which lead to differences in the predictions. We also discuss how effective Lagrangians have been constructed and are used in actual calculations. We point out that completely consistent calculations in this scheme still have to be performed.Comment: 16 pages, to be published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, special issue

    Isospin Effects on Strangeness in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Kaon properties are studied within the framework of a fully covariant transport approach. The kaon-nucleon potential is evaluated in two schemes, a chiral perturbative approach and an effective One-Boson-Exchange model. Isospin effects are explicitly accounted for in both models. The transport calculations indicate a significant sensitivity of momentum distributions and total yields of K0,+K^{0,+} isospin states on the choice of the kaon-nucleon interaction. Furthermore, isospin effects are rather moderate on absolute kaon yields, but appear on strangeness ratios. This is an important issue in determining the high density symmetry energy from studies of strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 15 papes, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physic

    Heavy Ion Fragmentation Reactions at Energies of 35-140 MeV in a Combined Transport and Statistical Approach

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    Fragment formation in heavy ion collisions at low to intermediate energy is described by a combined application of transport theory of the Boltzmann type and of a statistical program for the decay of the fragments at the late stage. The transport equations are solved by simulations using the test particle method as a finite element representation of the phase space distribution. The description of experimental data is reasonable overall, but the fragment velocity distributions point to the presence of other mechanisms and the role of fluctuations