501 research outputs found

    The Lymnaea Cardioexcitatory Peptide (LyCEP) Receptor: A G-Protein–Coupled Receptor for a Novel Member of the RFamide Neuropeptide Family

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    A novel G-protein–coupled receptor (GRL106) resembling neuropeptide Y and tachykinin receptors was cloned from the molluscLymnaea stagnalis. Application of a peptide extract from the Lymnaea brain to Xenopus oocytes expressing GRL106 activated a calcium-dependent chloride channel. Using this response as a bioassay, we purified the ligand for GRL106,Lymnaea cardioexcitatory peptide (LyCEP), an RFamide-type decapeptide (TPHWRPQGRF-NH2) displaying significant similarity to the Achatina cardioexcitatory peptide (ACEP-1) as well as to the recently identified family of mammalian prolactin-releasing peptides. In the Lymnaeabrain, the cells that produce egg-laying hormone are the predominant site of GRL106 gene expression and appear to be innervated by LyCEP-containing fibers. Indeed, LyCEP application transiently hyperpolarizes isolated egg-laying hormone cells. In theLymnaea pericardium, LyCEP-containing fibers end blindly at the pericardial lumen, and the heart is stimulated by LyCEPin vitro. These data confirm that LyCEP is an RFamide ligand for GRL10

    Lanthanide(III) Complexes of Novel Mixed Carboxylic-Phosphorus Acid Derivatives of Diethylenetriamine: A Step towards More Efficient MRI Contrast Agents

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    Three novel phosphorus-containing analogues of H5DTPA (DTPA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) were synthesised (H6L1, H5L2, H5L3). These compounds have a -CH2-P(O)(OH)-R function (R = OH, Ph, CH2NBn2) attached to the central nitrogen atom of the diethylenetriamine backbone. An NMR study reveals that these ligands bind to lanthanide(III) ions in an octadentate fashion through the three nitrogen atoms, a P-O oxygen atom and four carboxylate oxygen atoms. The complexed ligand occurs in several enantiomeric forms due to the chirality of the central nitrogen atom and the phosphorus atom upon coordination. All lanthanide complexes studied have one coordinated water molecule. The residence times (tau) of the coordinated water molecules in the gadolinium(III) complexes of H6L1 and H5L2 are 88 and 92 ns, respectively, which are close to the optimum. This is particularly important upon covalent and noncovalent attachment of these Gd3+ chelates to polymers. The relaxivity of the complexes studied is further enhanced by the presence of at least two water molecules in the second coordination sphere of the Gd3+ ion, which are probably bound to the phosphonate/phosphinate moiety by hydrogen bonds. The complex [Gd(L3)(H2O)]2- shows strong binding ability to HSA, and the adduct has a relaxivity comparable to MS-325 (40 s-1 mM-1 at 40 MHz, 37 °C) even though it has a less favourable tauM value (685 ns). Transmetallation experiments with Zn2+ indicate that the complexes have a kinetic stability that is comparable to - or better than - those of [Gd(dtpa)(H2O)]2- and [Gd(dtpa-bma)(H2O)]

    Modulation of innate immune responses at birth by prenatal malaria exposure and association with malaria risk during the first year of life

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    Background: Factors driving inter-individual differences in immune responses upon different types of prenatal malaria exposure (PME) and subsequent risk of malaria in infancy remain poorly understood. In this study, we examined the impact of four types of PME (i.e., maternal peripheral infection and placental acute, chronic, and past infections) on both spontaneous and toll-like receptors (TLRs)-mediated cytokine production in cord blood and how these innate immune responses modulate the risk of malaria during the first year of life. Methods: We conducted a birth cohort study of 313 mother-child pairs nested within the COSMIC clinical trial (NCT01941264), which was assessing malaria preventive interventions during pregnancy in Burkina Faso. Malaria infections during pregnancy and infants’ clinical malaria episodes detected during the first year of life were recorded. Supernatant concentrations of 30 cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors induced by stimulation of cord blood with agonists of TLRs 3, 7/8, and 9 were measured by quantitative suspension array technology. Crude concentrations and ratios of TLR-mediated cytokine responses relative to background control were analyzed. Results: Spontaneous production of innate immune biomarkers was significantly reduced in cord blood of infants exposed to malaria, with variation among PME groups, as compared to those from the non-exposed control group. However, following TLR7/8 stimulation, which showed higher induction of cytokines/chemokines/growth factors than TLRs 3 and 9, cord blood cells of infants with evidence of past placental malaria were hyper-responsive in comparison to those of infants not-exposed. In addition, certain biomarkers, which levels were significantly modified depending on the PME category, were independent predictors of either malaria risk (GM-CSF TLR7/8 crude) or protection (IL-12 TLR7/ 8 ratio and IP-10 TLR3 crude, IL-1RA TLR7/8 ratio) during the first year of life. Conclusions: These findings indicate that past placental malaria has a profound effect on fetal immune system and that the differential alterations of innate immune responses by PME categories might drive heterogeneity between individuals to clinical malaria susceptibility during the first year of lif

    ALIFE2 study : low-molecular-weight heparin for women with recurrent miscarriage and inherited thrombophilia : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background A large number of studies have shown an association between inherited thrombophilia and recurrent miscarriage. It has been hypothesized that anticoagulant therapy might reduce the number of miscarriages and stillbirth in these women. In the absence of randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of anticoagulant therapy in women with inherited thrombophilia and recurrent miscarriage, a randomized trial with adequate power that addresses this question is needed. The objective of the ALIFE2 study is therefore to evaluate the efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in women with inherited thrombophilia and recurrent miscarriage, with live birth as the primary outcome. Methods/Design Randomized study of LMWH plus standard pregnancy surveillance versus standard pregnancy surveillance alone. Study population: pregnant women of less than 7 weeks’ gestation, and confirmed inherited thrombophilia with a history of 2 or more miscarriages or intra-uterine fetal deaths, or both. Setting: multi-center study in centers from the Dutch Consortium of Fertility studies; centers outside the Netherlands are currently preparing to participate. Intervention: LMWH enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneously once daily started prior to 7 weeks gestational age plus standard pregnancy surveillance or standard pregnancy surveillance alone. Main study parameters/endpoints: the primary efficacy outcome is live birth. Secondary efficacy outcomes include adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP syndrome), fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, premature delivery and congenital malformations. Safety outcomes include bleeding episodes, thrombocytopenia and skin reactions. Discussion After an initial period of slow recruitment, the recruitment rate for the study has increased. Improved awareness of the study and acknowledgement of the need for evidence are thought to be contributing to the improved recruitment rates. We aim to increase the number of recruiting centers in order to increase enrollment into the ALIFE2 study. The study website can be accessed via www.ALIFE2study.org. Trial registration The ALIFE2 study was registered on 19 March 2012 under registration number NTR336

    Геология и особенности извлечения урана методом подземного скважинного выщелачивания на месторождение Буденовское (Южный Казахстан)

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    Эпигенетические месторождения урана региональных зон пластового окисления представлены большой группой месторождений в пределах Шу-Сарысуйской и Сырдарьинской ураново-рудных провинций. Общие ресурсы, заключенные в месторождениях пластово-инфильтрационного типа, весьма значительны и составляют более 75% всех ресурсов урана Республики Казахстан.The Chu-Sarysu Basin is located in south-central Kazakhstan. It is as much as 250 km wide and extends for more than 600 km from the foothills of the Tien Shan mountains to the south and southeast, and merges into the flats of the Aral Sea depression to the northwest. The northern and western boundary coincides roughly with the course of the Sarysu River while the Chu river flows across the southern part of the basin. The basin is bounded to the SW by the NW-SE-trending Karatau mountain range, which separates the Chu-Sarysu Basin from the southwesterly located Syr-Darya Basin. These two basins originally formed a single basin before they were separated by periodical uplift s of the Karatau Range. The separation took place after the formation of the U deposits

    Additional Screening and Treatment of Malaria During Pregnancy Provides Further Protection Against Malaria and Nonmalarial Fevers During the First Year of Life.

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    Background: Although consensus exists that malaria in pregnancy (MiP) increases the risk of malaria in infancy, and eventually nonmalarial fevers (NMFs), there is a lack of conclusive evidence of benefits of MiP preventive strategies in infants. Methods: In Burkina Faso, a birth cohort study was nested to a clinical trial assessing the effectiveness of a community-based scheduled screening and treatment of malaria in combination with intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (CSST/IPTp-SP) to prevent placental malaria. Clinical episodes and asymptomatic infections were monitored over 1 year of follow-up to compare the effect of CSST/IPTp-SP and standard IPTp-SP on malaria and NMFs. Results: Infants born during low-transmission season from mothers receiving CSST/IPTp-SP had a 26% decreased risk of experiencing a first clinical episode (hazard ratio, 0.74 [95% confidence interval, .55-0.99]; P = .047). CSST/IPTp-SP interacted with birth season and gravidity to reduce the incidence of NMFs. No significant effects of CSST/IPTp-SP on the incidence of clinical episodes, parasite density, and Plasmodium falciparum infections were observed. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that CSST/IPTp-SP strategy may provide additional protection against both malaria and NMFs in infants during the first year of life, and suggest that malaria control interventions during pregnancy could have long-term benefits in infants