67 research outputs found

    The Sundanese Traditional Cuisine Proper Names As Home Civilization of Cultural Sustainability: A Cognitive Semantic Study

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    The researchers convince that the essence of proper names is one of civilization of cultural sustainability. Therefore, we investigated the Sundanese traditional cuisine’s proper names in this article to discuss how proper names are important to be documented well in our inherent traditional cuisine. The proper names are the data collected from the restaurants located in Sukabumi, Garut, and Bandung. The research method applied is a qualitative one. Through a Cognitive Semantic study, the researchers will investigate the phonological sounds and morphological processes that appeared in the Sundanese cuisine’s proper names using conceptualization in line with Cognitive Semantics. Cognitive understanding uses four guiding principles: conceptual structure is embodied, the semantic structure is conceptual structure, meaning representation is encyclopedic, and meaning construction is conceptualization (Evans, Bergen, and Zinken, 2007). The research revealed that the two and three vocal sound combinations appear in the Sundanese food proper names. Furthermore, the acronym also happens in this food's proper names, considering the sound that could produce the exciting names. The name comes from Javanese, but Sundanese people add the morpheme into the first syllables since Sundanese people are familiar with three syllables (Djajasudarma, 2013). Sundanese people name their food based on how the body reacts to a specific action. The form of Sundanese food’s proper name comes from the vocal sounds, which experience a morphemic process—the vocal sounds result in the rhyme. The consonant also tends to form a conceptual meaning that needs further discussion.&nbsp

    Gaya Bahasa Satire dalam Talkshow Mata Najwa “Jenaka di Negeri Opera”

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    This study aims to describe the form of satirical language style used by the interviewees in Mata Najwa's talk show "Jokes in the country of opera", to explain the meaning of the satirical language style used by the speakers in Mata Najwa's talk show "Jokes in the country of opera", and to explain the function of the satirical language style used resource person in Najwa's eye talk show "funny in the land of opera". This type of research is qualitative research. This study uses a descriptive analytic method, namely by analyzing and describing descriptively the data obtained in the study, broken down into words not numbers. Methods of data collection in this study using the method of documentation and notes. The data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusions. The results of this study are the speeches of the informants in the Mata Najwa talk show "Jokes in the Land of Opera" which contain satirical language styles. The data source for this research is Mata Najwa's YouTube channel with a video titled "Jenaka in the Land of Opera" part 1 to.d. 7. The data found were 44 satire language data in Najwa's eye talk show "jokes in the country of opera" consisting of 17 Horatian satire data, 14 juvenile satire data, and 13 menippean satire data

    Reduplikasi dalam Novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Karya Hamka

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    This study discusses reduplication, reduplication types, and the meaning contained in the novel reduplications Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. This study aimed to describe the types of reduplication and meaning in the novel reduplications Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. This study is a qualitative research and descriptive method. Techniques used in data collection in this study is engineering documentation and technical notes. Data that has been found by reading and then analyzed by several stages of identifying the type, classifying the data, analyze the data and make inferences. Data sourced from reduplication found that novel serve as a reference in the study. The object of this research that says that experiencing reduplication. In this study there were 321 data regarding the type of reduplication, reduplication of data across 111, 122 partial reduplication of data, the data reduplication affixed 82, and 6 to change the data reduplication phonemes. On the meaning of reduplication there are as many as 148 of data, 10 data contained in reduplications meaningful assortment, 50 meaningful data plural, 17 meaningful data many times or repeatedly, 31 meaningful data are taking place or carried out continuously, 15 meaningful data, 5 meaningful data relaxing, very meaningful data 3, 16 or superlative most meaningful data, and the first meaningful data specificity

    Tuturan Kepemimpinan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama

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    This study titled Leadership speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. Research aims to determine speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. This research data is Basuki Tjahaja Purnama speech conversation with the society of honesty, courtesy, and interesting. Source of research data is a video leadership Basuki Purnama Tjahaja of seven video obtained from the site youtube. From this video obtained by the speech of leadership that has honesty, courtesy, and attractiveness. This study used a technique that documents the source data used to complete the study in the form of written sources, films or videos, pictures or photographs and monumental works dmemberikan information for the research process. The research found the data as much as seventy-four, consisting of (1) thirty Data honesty analyzed based on the language used, (2) thirty-two data is courtesy were analyzed based on the language used, and (3) the attractiveness of the analyzed based on the language used

    Tuturan Imperatif dalam Bahasa Batak Angkola Mandailing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis bentuk fungsi dan makna pragmatik dalam bahasa Batak Angkola Mandailing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan teknik rekaman melalui strategi sadap, teknik dokumentasi, dan teknik catat atau transkripsi data. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi data, klasifikasi data, penyajian data, menganalisis data dan menyimpulkan. Berdasarkan analisis data ditemukan delapan bentuk tuturan imperatif dalam bahasa batak angkola Mandailing yaitu perintah, larangan, ajakan, persilaan, permohonan, permintaan, pembiaran dan suruhan. Pada fungsi tuturan imperatif ditemukan sembilan fungsi yaitu perintah, harapan, saran, permohonan, pemberian izin, ajakan, permintaan, anjuran, dan larangan. Pada makna ditemukan enam belas makna pragmatic imperatif yaitu perintah, permintaan, permohonan, desakan, bujukan, imbauan, persilaan, ajakan, permintaan izin, larangan, harapan, umpatan, ucapan selamat, anjuran, ngelulu, dan nasihat


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    This research investigated the Sundanese traditional cuisine proper names. The purpose of this research is to find out how Sundanese people name their food through the mental lexicon that appeared in the Sundanese traditional cuisine proper name. The proper cuisine names are collected from Sukabumi, Garut, and Bandung restaurants. The research method applied is a qualitative one. Through a Cognitive Linguistic study, the researchers investigated the phonological sounds and morphological processes that appeared in the Sundanese cuisine proper names. The research revealed that the two and three-vowel sound combinations appear in the proper Sundanese food names through conceptualization in cognitive linguistics. Furthermore, the acronym also happens in this food’s proper names, considering the sound that could produce the exciting names. The research results show that names from the Javanese region experience changes. Sundanese people add the morpheme into the first syllables since Sundanese people are not familiar with two syllables. To conclude, Sundanese people name their food based on how the body reacts to a specification. The form of Sundanese food’s proper name comes from the vowel sounds, which experience a morphemic process—the vocal sounds result in the rhyme. The consonant also tends to form a conceptual meaning that needs further discussion. The resulting research is also beneficial for learning the Sundanese language

    Makna Leksikal Udang di Balik Batu dalam Ungkapan

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    Language often changes along with the times and its speakers. Language as a means of expression and communication in human life such as in the fields of culture, science and technology. The development of the influence of the western world that makes changes to the language in Indonesia such as vocabulary and terminology. The research method used in this research is a type of qualitative research that is descriptive and carried out using analysis. The process and meaning are more cenerung in this study with theory as a foundation to focus on research in accordance with the field, the results and research of this study require in-depth analysis to obtain data. Lexical semantics refers to lexical meaning, or the meaning that exists in a lexeme even though there is no explicit context. For example, the lexeme buya (crocodile) has a lexical "a type of slithering animal" meaning. Therefore, the lexical meaning is equivalent to the ordinary meaning of language/expression is a combination of words whose meaning has been fused and does not need to be interpreted with the meaning of the elements that make it up. Based on the results of the study, there is a lexical meaning in the expression "There are shrimp behind the stone", the lexical meaning in the expression "There are shrimp behind the stone" is to strengthen an idea in a hidden way. By using the terms "shrimp" and "stone", this expression illustrates the activeness of the language

    Pola Hubungan Antar Tokoh dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola hubungan antar tokoh dalam novel hujan karya Tere Liye. Sumber penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, sampul biru dan terdapat gambar payung serta tulisan-tulisan pesan pengarang kepada pembaca. Novel hujan karya Tere Liye terbit pada tahun 2016 cetakan kedua puluh delapan Mei 2018. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian yang deskptif artinya data terurai dalam bentuk kata-kata. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan teknik dokumentasi, yaitu membaca buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Teknik analisis data adalah dengan mengidentifikasi data penelitian, mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian, menginterpretasikan dan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan 95 data, diantaranya 24 hubungan kekeluargaan, 17 hubungan pendidikan, 15 hubungan persahabatan dan 39 hubungan cinta kasih. hujan karya Tere Liye.Sumber penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, sampul biru dan terdapat gambar payung serta tulisan-tulisan pesan pengarang kepada pembaca.Novelhujan karya Tere Liye terbit pada tahun 2016 cetakan kedua puluh delapan Mei 2018. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif.Penelitian yang deskptif artinya data terurai dalam bentuk kata-kata. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan teknik dokumentasi, yaitu membaca buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Teknik analisis data adalah dengan mengidentifikasi data penelitian, mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian, menginterpretasikan dan menyimpulkan hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan 95 data, diantaranya 24 hubungan kekeluargaan, 17 hubungan pendidikan, 15 hubungan persahabatan dan 39 hubungan cinta kasih

    Penamaan Unsur Tumbuhan dan Hewan di Kepulauan Meranti (Kajian Semantik Inkuisitif)

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    Penelitian ini menentukan bentuk penamaan dan makna tentang penamaan unsur tumbuhan dan hewan di Kepulauan Meranti kajian semantik inkuisitif. Jenis penelitian ini tentang penamaan unsur tumbuhan dan hewan di Kepulauan Meranti adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pendekatan deskriptif adalah penelitian yang berdasarkan pada fenomena-fenomena yang nyata dan memang hidup sesuai pada penutur-penuturnya. Teknik  analisis data pada penelitian  ini dimulai dengan tahap inventarisasi data, tahap analisis data, tahap pembahasan dan penyimpulan hasil analisis data, serta tahap pelaporan. Teknik  pengumpulan  data  yang  digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan wawancara. Metode wawancara dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga teknik, yaitu teknik pancing, teknik cakap semuka, dan teknik catat. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah satuan bahasa terhadap penamaan unsur tumbuhan dan hewan di Kepulauan Meranti. Sumber data adalah sembilan informan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai penamaan unsur tumbuhan dan hewan di Kepulauan Meranti terkumpul sebanyak 58 data. Adapun 58 data ini terdiri dari satu bentuk penamaan peniruan bunyi, 20   penyebutan bagian, 35 penyebutan sifat khas, satu tempat asal, dan satu bahan.Kata kunci: penamaan, unsur tumbuhan dan hewan, semantik inkuisiti

    Onomatope Dalam Lagu Anak-anak Berbahasa Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to describe type, structure and function of onomatopeia in Indonesian children\u27s songs. Type of this study is qualitative study and explain the result study according to descriptive. Results of the analysis showed that in Indonesian children\u27s songs there are three types of onomatopeia that is (1) type of onomatopeia that imitate the sound of the object, (2) type of onomatopeia that imitate the sound of the animal, and (3) type of onomatopeia that imitate the human\u27s feeling. Structure of onomatopeia in Indonesian children\u27s songs classification based on syllables that is (1) monosyllables, (2) bisyllables, and (3) multisyllables. Function of onomatopeia in Indonesian children\u27s songs there are three function that is (1) function of onomatopeia showed that imitate the sound of the object, (2) function of onomatopeia showed that imitate the sound of the animal, and (3) function of onomatopeia to give effect for listener songs
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