12,589 research outputs found

    Total destruction of invariant tori for the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    We consider generalized Frenkel-Kontorova models on higher dimensional lattices. We show that the invariant tori which are parameterized by continuous hull functions can be destroyed by small perturbations in the CrC^r topology with r<1r<1

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Tropis Indonesia Pada Penuaan Aspal Dan Modulus Kekakuan Resilien Campuran Beraspal

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    Kinerja struktur perkerasan jalan yang merupakan suatu struktur yang tidak terlindung sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi klimatik lokasi di mana jalan tersebut dibangun. Kondisi klimatik ini memberikan pengaruh jangka panjang tidak saja pada kinerja struktur perkerasan jalan tetapi juga pada respon struktur perkerasan tersebut terhadap beban karena kondisi klimatik sangat menentukan kecepatan penuaan aspal. Penuaan aspal adalah suatu parameter yang baik untuk mengetahui durabilitas campuran beraspal. Penuaan ini menyebabkan terjadinya pengerasan pada aspal dan selanjutnya akan meningkatkan kekakuan campuran beraspal dan akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kinerja campuran tersebut. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan terhadap penuaan aspal dan pada modulus kekakuan Cement Treated Asphalt Mixture (CTAM) dan Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) pada iklim tropis Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, kedua campuran ini dikondisikan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan dengan cara mengeksposnya secara langsung di udara terbuka selama 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, dan 21 bulan. Uji laboratorium dilakukan pada campuran yang sudah dikondisikan dan pada aspal hasil ekstraksinya. Selain itu, data penuaan aspal kedua campuran yang didapat dari studi ini dibandingkan dengan data sekunder penuaan aspal yang diperoleh dari campuran Hot Rolled Sheet (HRS) yang ada di lapangan. Kata

    Comparative Performance of a Powerplus Vane-type Supercharger and an N.A.C.A. Roots-type Supercharger

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    This report presents the results of tests of a Power plus supercharger and a comparison of its performance with the performance previously obtained with an N.A.C.A. Roots-type supercharger. The Powerplus supercharger is a positive displacement blower of the vane type having mechanically operated vanes, the movement of which is controlled by slots and eccentrics. The supercharger was tested at a range of pressure differences from 0 to 15 inches of mercury and at speeds from 500 to 2,500 r.p.m. The pressure difference across the supercharger was obtained by throttling the intake of a depression tank which was interposed in the air duct between the supercharger and the Durley orifice box used for measuring the air. The results of these tests show that at low pressure differences and at all speeds the power required by the Powerplus supercharger to compress a definite quantity of air per second is considerably higher than that required by the Roots. At pressure differences from 10 to 14 inches of mercury and at speeds over 2,000 r.p.m. the power requirements of the two superchargers are practically the same. At a pressure difference of 15 inches of mercury or greater and at a speed of 2,500 r.p.m. or greater the performance of the Powerplus supercharger is slightly better than that of the Roots. Because the Powerplus supercharger cannot be operated at a speed greater than 3,000 r.p.m. as compared with 7,000 r.p.m. for the Roots, its capacity is approximately one-half that of the Roots for the same bulk. The Powerplus supercharger is more complicated and less reliable than the Roots supercharger

    Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Kewarisan Adat dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    This paper describes the customary inheritance dispute resolution in the perspective of Islamic law. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, which include: 1) inductive method, 2) Method deductive, and 3) The comparative method. Discussion of the results obtained by the understanding that: Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of results of qualitative descriptive research for one month, then it can be summed up as follows; System inheritance garden in the District Maiwa Enrekang is basically deliberation, in consultation division two, the system of inheritance heir died before and after heir dies. The process of inheritance to the heir was still alive at the time Maiwa society can be implemented in a way instructed or intestate. Inheritance Heir Dies After implemented in two ways such a calculation fiqhi Islamic inheritance, which in this division of the boys doubles and girls the same way ma\u27bage mana\u27 (flat share), where the boys and women\u27s equal and balanced. This is done because according to the District Maiwa Enrekang that this system is a way to get justice among all heirs. In the perspective of Islamic law such a way that does not conflict with the nature and objectives of Islamic law which is to create peace and tranquility, as described in the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet

    Sifat Optik Film Disperse Red-1 Yang Dibuat Dengan Metode Efa-pvd

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji efek permukaan substrat ITO dan medan listrik luar dalam mengatur orientasi molekul film DR-1; dan juga mengkaji sifat optik film DR-1 untuk aplikasi divais fotonik. Metode fabrikasi yang digunakan adalah metode EFA-PVD (Electric Field Assisted Physical Vapor Deposition,). Metode tersebut adalah modifikasi dari metodekonvensional PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) yang dilengkapi dengan penambahan medan listrik luar (E) dalam chamber. Film dibuat di atas permukaan substrat ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) dengan deposisi molekul-molekul DR-1 oleh variasi medan listrik luar. Film dianalisis dan dikarakterisasidengan menggunakan spektroskopi SEM, difraksi sinar-X, dan reflektometer. Hasil analisis pengukuran SEM, dan difraksi sinar-X memperlihatkan bahwa molekul-molekul DR-1 tersusun teratur (stacking) tegak lurus permukaan substrat, yang menunjukkan suatu indikasi efek permukaan (surfactant effect) substrat yang kuat dari ikatan hidrogen (hydrogen bonding) molekul DR-1 dengan substrat. Hasil pengukuran sifat optik menunjukkan bahwa dengan peningkatan medan listrik luar, terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi molekul-molekul DR-1 yang terdeposisi teratur paralel (stacking) tegak lurus permukaan substrat yang ditandai dengan peningkatan indeks bias film

    Ipteks Anggaran Kas untuk Ibu – Ibu Pkk di Desa Kauditan I Kecamatan Kauditan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Performance-based budgeting is very important for firm management in case to estimte the ending financial statement. Also performance-based budgeting is very important to control the inflows and outflows of cash. Kauditan village is one of developed region in North Sulawesi but most of household in that area still have less understanding about budgeting especially cash budget. The applied science about cash budgeting is effective for those household in Kauditan village
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