271 research outputs found

    Nifedipine in the treatment of unstable angina, coronary spasm and myocardial ischemia

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    The effects of nifedipine, a potent calcium antagonist, were studied in patients with unstable angina, coronary spasm and myocardial ischemia. Data from two separ

    Geometrical statistics of the vorticity vector and the strain rate tensor in rotating turbulence

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    We report results on the geometrical statistics of the vorticity vector obtained from experiments in electromagnetically forced rotating turbulence. A range of rotation rates Ω\Omega is considered, from non-rotating to rapidly rotating turbulence with a maximum background rotation rate of Ω=5\Omega=5 rad/s (with Rossby number much smaller than unity). Typically, in our experiments Reλ100{\rm{Re}}_{\lambda}\approx 100. The measurement volume is located in the centre of the fluid container above the bottom boundary layer, where the turbulent flow can be considered locally statistically isotropic and horizontally homogeneous for the non-rotating case, see van Bokhoven et al., Phys. Fluids 21, 096601 (2009). Based on the full set of velocity derivatives, measured in a Lagrangian way by 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry, we have been able to quantify statistically the effect of system rotation on several flow properties. The experimental results show how the turbulence evolves from almost isotropic 3D turbulence (Ω0.2\Omega\lesssim 0.2 rad/s) to quasi-2D turbulence (Ω5.0\Omega\approx 5.0 rad/s) and how this is reflected by several statistical quantities. In particular, we have studied the orientation of the vorticity vector with respect to the three eigenvectors of the local strain rate tensor and with respect to the vortex stretching vector. Additionally, we have quantified the role of system rotation on the self-amplification terms of the enstrophy and strain rate equations and the direct contribution of the background rotation on these evolution equations. The main effect is the strong reduction of extreme events and related (strong) reduction of the skewness of PDFs of several quantities such as, for example, the intermediate eigenvalue of the strain rate tensor and the enstrophy self-amplification term.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    The Giant Inflaton

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    We investigate a new mechanism for realizing slow roll inflation in string theory, based on the dynamics of p anti-D3 branes in a class of mildly warped flux compactifications. Attracted to the bottom of a warped conifold throat, the anti-branes then cluster due to a novel mechanism wherein the background flux polarizes in an attempt to screen them. Once they are sufficiently close, the M units of flux cause the anti-branes to expand into a fuzzy NS5-brane, which for rather generic choices of p/M will unwrap around the geometry, decaying into D3-branes via a classical process. We find that the effective potential governing this evolution possesses several epochs that can potentially support slow-roll inflation, provided the process can be arranged to take place at a high enough energy scale, of about one or two orders of magnitude below the Planck energy; this scale, however, lies just outside the bounds of our approximations.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX. v2: references added, typos fixe

    Congested Traffic States in Empirical Observations and Microscopic Simulations

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    We present data from several German freeways showing different kinds of congested traffic forming near road inhomogeneities, specifically lane closings, intersections, or uphill gradients. The states are localized or extended, homogeneous or oscillating. Combined states are observed as well, like the coexistence of moving localized clusters and clusters pinned at road inhomogeneities, or regions of oscillating congested traffic upstream of nearly homogeneous congested traffic. The experimental findings are consistent with a recently proposed theoretical phase diagram for traffic near on-ramps [D. Helbing, A. Hennecke, and M. Treiber, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 4360 (1999)]. We simulate these situations with a novel continuous microscopic single-lane model, the ``intelligent driver model'' (IDM), using the empirical boundary conditions. All observations, including the coexistence of states, are qualitatively reproduced by describing inhomogeneities with local variations of one model parameter. We show that the results of the microscopic model can be understood by formulating the theoretical phase diagram for bottlenecks in a more general way. In particular, a local drop of the road capacity induced by parameter variations has practically the same effect as an on-ramp.Comment: Now published in Phys. Rev. E. Minor changes suggested by a referee are incorporated; full bibliographic info added. For related work see http://www.mtreiber.de/ and http://www.helbing.org

    A Solvable Regime of Disorder and Interactions in Ballistic Nanostructures, Part I: Consequences for Coulomb Blockade

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    We provide a framework for analyzing the problem of interacting electrons in a ballistic quantum dot with chaotic boundary conditions within an energy ETE_T (the Thouless energy) of the Fermi energy. Within this window we show that the interactions can be characterized by Landau Fermi liquid parameters. When gg, the dimensionless conductance of the dot, is large, we find that the disordered interacting problem can be solved in a saddle-point approximation which becomes exact as gg\to\infty (as in a large-N theory). The infinite gg theory shows a transition to a strong-coupling phase characterized by the same order parameter as in the Pomeranchuk transition in clean systems (a spontaneous interaction-induced Fermi surface distortion), but smeared and pinned by disorder. At finite gg, the two phases and critical point evolve into three regimes in the um1/gu_m-1/g plane -- weak- and strong-coupling regimes separated by crossover lines from a quantum-critical regime controlled by the quantum critical point. In the strong-coupling and quantum-critical regions, the quasiparticle acquires a width of the same order as the level spacing Δ\Delta within a few Δ\Delta's of the Fermi energy due to coupling to collective excitations. In the strong coupling regime if mm is odd, the dot will (if isolated) cross over from the orthogonal to unitary ensemble for an exponentially small external flux, or will (if strongly coupled to leads) break time-reversal symmetry spontaneously.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. Very minor changes. We have clarified that we are treating charge-channel instabilities in spinful systems, leaving spin-channel instabilities for future work. No substantive results are change

    Inter- and Intra-Observer Variability and the Effect of Experience in Cine-MRI for Adhesion Detection

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    Cine-MRI for adhesion detection is a promising novel modality that can help the large group of patients developing pain after abdominal surgery. Few studies into its diagnostic accuracy are available, and none address observer variability. This retrospective study explores the inter- and intra-observer variability, diagnostic accuracy, and the effect of experience. A total of 15 observers with a variety of experience reviewed 61 sagittal cine-MRI slices, placing box annotations with a confidence score at locations suspect for adhesions. Five observers reviewed the slices again one year later. Inter- and intra-observer variability are quantified using Fleiss’ (inter) and Cohen’s (intra) κ and percentage agreement. Diagnostic accuracy is quantified with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis based on a consensus standard. Inter-observer Fleiss’ κ values range from 0.04 to 0.34, showing poor to fair agreement. High general and cine-MRI experience led to significantly (p &lt; 0.001) better agreement among observers. The intra-observer results show Cohen’s κ values between 0.37 and 0.53 for all observers, except one with a low κ of −0.11. Group AUC scores lie between 0.66 and 0.72, with individual observers reaching 0.78. This study confirms that cine-MRI can diagnose adhesions, with respect to a radiologist consensus panel and shows that experience improves reading cine-MRI. Observers without specific experience adapt to this modality quickly after a short online tutorial. Observer agreement is fair at best and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) scores leave room for improvement. Consistently interpreting this novel modality needs further research, for instance, by developing reporting guidelines or artificial intelligence-based methods.</p

    The clinical spectrum of limb girdle muscular dystrophy. A survey in the Netherlands

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    A cross-sectional study was performed in the Netherlands to define the clinical characteristics of the various subtypes within the broad and heterogeneous entity of limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD). An attempt was made to include all known cases of LGMD in the Netherlands. Out of the reported 200 patients, 105 who fulfilled strictly defined criteria were included. Forty-nine patients, mostly suffering from dystrophinopathies and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, appeared to be misdiagnosed. Thirty-four cases were sporadic, 42 patients came from autosomal recessive and 29 from autosomal dominant families. The estimated prevalence of LGMD in the Netherlands was at least 8.1 x 10-6. The clinical features of the autosomal recessive and sporadic cases were indistinguishable from those of the autosomal dominant patients, although half hypertrophy was seen more frequently, and the course of the disease was more severe in autosomal recessive and sporadic cases. The pectoralis, iliopsoas and gluteal muscles, hip adductors and hamstrings were the most affected muscles. Distal muscle involvement occurred late in the course of the disease. Facial weakness was a rare phenomenon. The severity of the clinical picture was correlated with a deteriorating lung function. All autosomal dominantly inherited cases showed a mild course, although in two families life-expectancy was reduced because of concomitant cardiac involvement

    Control of Spatial-Temporal Congested Traffic Patterns at Highway Bottlenecks

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    A microscopic theory of control of spatial-temporal congested traffic pattern at freeway bottlenecks is presented. Based on empirical spatial-temporal features of congested patterns at freeway bottlenecks which have recently been found, different control strategies for prevention or reducing of the patterns are simulated and compared. The studied control strategies include the on-ramp metering with feedback and automatic cruise control (ACC) vehicles. A recent microscopic traffic flow model within the author's three-phase traffic theory is used for validation of spatial-temporal congested pattern control.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    ϒ production in p–Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV

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    ϒ production in p–Pb interactions is studied at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision √sNN = 8.16 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The measurement is performed reconstructing bottomonium resonances via their dimuon decay channel, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03 < ycms < 3.53 and −4.46 < ycms < −2.96, down to zero transverse momentum. In this work, results on the ϒ(1S) production cross section as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum are presented. The corresponding nuclear modification factor shows a suppression of the ϒ(1S) yields with respect to pp collisions, both at forward and backward rapidity. This suppression is stronger in the low transverse momentum region and shows no significant dependence on the centrality of the interactions. Furthermore, the ϒ(2S) nuclear modification factor is evaluated, suggesting a suppression similar to that of the ϒ(1S). A first measurement of the ϒ(3S) has also been performed. Finally, results are compared with previous ALICE measurements in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV and with theoretical calculations.publishedVersio

    (Anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at 1as=13TeV

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    The study of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions has proven to be a powerful tool to investigate the formation mechanism of loosely bound states in high-energy hadronic collisions. In this paper the production of (anti-)deuterons is studied as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in inelastic pp collisions at s=13 TeV using the ALICE experiment. Thanks to the large number of accumulated minimum bias events, it has been possible to measure (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions up to the same charged particle multiplicity (d Nch/ d \u3b7 3c 26) as measured in p\u2013Pb collisions at similar centre-of-mass energies. Within the uncertainties, the deuteron yield in pp collisions resembles the one in p\u2013Pb interactions, suggesting a common formation mechanism behind the production of light nuclei in hadronic interactions. In this context the measurements are compared with the expectations of coalescence and statistical hadronisation models (SHM)