1,609 research outputs found

    Language planning and policy, law and (post)colonial relations in small Island States : a case study

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    Language planning and policy (LPP) in postcolonial island states is often strongly (co)determined by the former colonizer's state tradition. Comparable to the examples of the development of LPP in Cabo Verde (Baptista, Brito, & Bangura, 2010), Haiti (DeGraff, 2016), and Mauritius (Johnson, 2006; Lallmahomed-Aumeerally, 2005), this article aims to illustrate and explain in what way the current situation of the dominance of Dutch in governance, law and education in Aruba (and Curacao) can only be explained through path dependency and state tradition (Sonntag & Cardinal, 2015) in which, time and again, critical junctures, have not led to decisions that favour the mother tongue of the majority of the population (Dijkhoff & Pereira, 2010; Mijts, 2015; Prins-Winkel, 1973; Winkel, 1955). In this article, three perspectives on LPP in small island states are explored as different aspects of the continuation of the former colonizer's state tradition and language regime. The first part will focus on the (non-)applicability of international treaties like the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) on the challenges of small island states. The point will be made that international treaties, like the ECRML, do not (currently) provide sufficient basis for the protection of languages in former colonial islands and for the empowerment of individuals through language rights. The second part explores the meaning of fundamental legal principles and specific demands, deduced from international treaties. The point will be made that the structure of the Kingdom of the Netherlands brings with it several limitations and obstacles for the autonomous development of LPP. The third part will focus on the way in which current Aruban legislation reflects the dominance of Dutch in governance, the judiciary and education. While bearing in mind that choices for legislation on language for governance, the judiciary and education are rooted in very diverse principles, a critical reading of existing legislation reveals an interesting dynamic of symbolic inclusive legislation and exclusive practices through language restrictions that favour the Dutch minority language. Recent research, however, demonstrates that law/policy and practice are not aligned, as such creating an incoherent situation that may call for a change in legislation and policy

    Progress toward a Soft X-ray Polarimeter

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    We are developing instrumentation for a telescope design capable of measuring linear X-ray polarization over a broad-band using conventional spectroscopic optics. Multilayer-coated mirrors are key to this approach, being used as Bragg reflectors at the Brewster angle. By laterally grading the multilayer mirrors and matching to the dispersion of a spectrometer, one may take advantage of high multilayer reflectivities and achieve modulation factors over 50% over the entire 0.2-0.8 keV band. We present progress on laboratory work to demonstrate the capabilities of an existing laterally graded multilayer coated mirror pair. We also present plans for a suborbital rocket experiment designed to detect a polarization level of 12-17% for an active galactic nucleus in the 0.1-1.0 keV band.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the SPIE, volume 8861, on Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronom

    The nutritive value of Korean Lespedeza proteins and the determination of biological values of proteins for growing dairy heifers

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    Publication authorized July 26, 1943.Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references (pages 63-68)

    Hyper Sudoku Solver dengan Menggunakan Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm

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    Sudoku merupakan salah satu permainan klasik yang digemari banyak orang. Sebagai salah satu permainan papan, Sudoku mempunyai banyak varian, salah satunya Hyper Sudoku. Hyper Sudoku mempunyai tingkat kesulitas yang lebih tinggi daripada Sudoku biasa. Tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi membuat pemainan ini menjadi brain teaser yang baik dan sangat cocok diambil sebagai media untuk menguji algoritma metaheuristik. Algoritma yang populer pada dekade terakhir ini adalah algoritma metaheuristik berbasis populasi, yang mengadaptasi perilaku binatang dalam memecahkan permasalahan optimasi, salah satunya adalah Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO). Seperti kebanyakan metode swarm intelligence (SI) lainnya, algoritma ini mengandalkan proses diversification dan intensification. Selain itu, HHO mempunyai empat strategi khusus untuk mencari solusi dengan kondisi yang berbeda. HHO mampu mencakup solusi multi dimensi, sehingga sangat cocok diimplementasikan pada persoalan Hyper Sudoku. Untuk uji coba, peneliti menggunakan bantuan aplikasi Visual Studio 2017 dan MATLAB R2018a. Pada proses pengujian, digunakan dua setting parameter yang berbeda, tiga macam persoalan Hyper Sudoku, dan tiga puluh independent run untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan untuk mencari solusi pada persoalan Hyper Sudoku dengan menggunakan HHO berkisar antara 86 hingga 88%, dilihat dari fitness value-nya