55 research outputs found


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    Motorcycle ride-hailing service (Ojek Online also known as Ojol) that using phone / mobile application as the public transport of two-wheeled taxi, currently a popular public transport used by the general public, Ojol Services in addi-tion to having some advantages such as the speed of road access in urban areas, high cruising range, and economical, but on the other hand there are things that are basically out of the ordinary situation, that will affect to the comfort of passengers, both from the psychological and physical side. The phenomenon of distance and sitting position between the driver and passengers that are very close was the attention of the author, that condition becomes one of the research questions to know what factors which makes passengers feel the condition is still reasonable although the distance privacy and the position has entered into an intimate distance and how to make that situation more comfortable by develop some product design. In this study data collection is planned using literature study method, observation, interview and questionnaire so as to get data such as complaints from users psychologically or the perception of passengers by using proxemics approach related to passenger seating position and other findings that can be considered in improving the comfortable of Ojol service users. The result, distance and sitting position will create a condition that is uncomfortable for the passengers, and tend to try to create space or physical distance apart, psychology suggestions in various ways, or positions in order to get a little comfort, there is a consensus about the prevalence where that “out of the ordinary” is still considered reasonable, temporary, always in a 'supervised' state by the public, professionalism expectation, and various other psychology suggestions. Keywords: comfort, motorcycle, ojek online, passenger, perception, product design, proxemic

    Pembacaan Posisi Koordinat dengan GPS sebagai Pengendali Palang Pintu Rel Kereta Api secara Otomatis untuk Penambahan Aplikasi Modul Praktik Mikrokontroler

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    The purpose of this research is to add GPS application on practicum module of microcontroller for autoimatic railway barrier application. The method of this research is experimental design by designing the equipment of railway barrier based on GPS coordinates to develop modul application of microcontroller practicum. Data were collected from observation and measurement; the function from each part of the tool was observed while the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point in some locations were measured by the made tool. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis for the function of each part of the tool and the measurement of coordinates were analyzed its erorr. The findings of the research showed that GPS could give the information about the position for both latitude and longitude coordinates if the accepted satelite signal met the standard requirement. Then, compared with the tools in market, the result from the made tool had error level of 0.82' for latitude coordinate and 101,4' for longitude coordinates

    Boseh Mobile Registration Workspace Design: Based On Time And Motion Study

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    The BOSEH is a bicycle rental system in public areas/bike-sharing in the city of Bandung which was established since July 2017. BOSEH is an acronym of the Bike On the Street Everybody Happy, literally meaning Word activities pedaling bikes (pedal). However, in its application, several problems occurred, such placement place semi-permanent registration in a sidewalk only provides 3 places of registration, placement of shelters did not fit with the design of the Master Plan, and system BOSEH that less than optimal socialization. The purpose of this design is to design the workspace means the registration BOSEH that can facilitate the communities to register. The method used in this design is a flow activity approach. Data is collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and analysis techniques using time and motion study. This technique focuses on the time and movement of the operator is doing a job. From the research, a draft registration BOSEH workspace had to be created can move from one place to another. The conclusions obtained from this research are designing a registration BOSEH workspace with efficiency and according to the ergonomics and Anthropometry of the human body. Keywords Transportation, Bandung, Bike-sharin

    Menggugat Tafsir Tekstual

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    In this paper, some methodologies were identified that have traditionally been used by the Muslims to read the Al-Qur'an. Then, it is shown how the methodology that led to mix between the Koran and secondary religious texts, as well as resulting in the marginalization of the Koran in Muslim religious discourse, whereas the Al-Qur'an itself has a unique status as the holy book of Islam. In analyzing about textuality, studied two conceptualizations of the relationship, ie, between the word of God and the times, and the conservative approach and progressive approach, the following impact on the interpretation of the Koran. Finally, we review some of the historical trend in the formation of knowledge, methods, and religious significance, to highlight the role of the state and the entire community in the process of interpretation

    Penerapan Metode Waterfall Dalam Sistem Informasi Bank Sampah Berbasis Web

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    Menurut Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan kota-kota didunia menghasilkan sampah hingga 1,3 miliar ton, dan diperkirakan pada tahun 2025 jumlah ini akan bertambah hingga 2,2 miliar ton. Sudah seharusnya dibutuhkan pengolahan tempat sampah yang dapat berguna untuk masyarakat sekitar sehingga memiliki nilai jual. Seperti yang tertuang dalam Undang-undang No.18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengolahan sampah menjelaskan tentang perlunya Perubahan pola pengolahan sampah yang bertumpu pada pengurangan dan penanganan sampah. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dilakukan dibeberapa lokasi DKI Jakarta tidak memiliki sistem informasi yang digunakan untuk merekam secara langsung pengolahan bank sampah, sehingga dapat menjadi kendala petugas yang harus memeriksa ataupun mencari data yang diperlukan pada tempat bank sampah tersebut. Oleh karena itu untuk mengurangi kendala informasi mengenai pengolahan bank sampah sehingga dapat diakses secara langsung dan dapat diakses kapan saja, dimana saja tanpa ada batas waktu maka dibutuhkan penerapan Sistem Informasi Bank Sampah Berbasis Web. Model pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dengan menggunakan model Waterfal

    Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga Tn. B dengan Masalah Utama Gout Artritis (Asam Urat) pada Tn. B di Jamur RT 02 RW VII, Trangsan, di Wilayah Puskesmas Gatak, Sukoharjo

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    Background: Gout Artritis is a disease caused by a metabolic disorder of uric acid in the body that cause hyperuricemia or uric acid levels in the blood of excess. Methods: The authors collected data by the method autoanamnesa (ask for sick family members), alloanamnesa (asking the family or significant others), participatory observation that direct observation of all family members and perform a physical examination. Result: After the action during the four day nursing care, diagnosis emerges is a high risk of joint pain and movement disorders. In accordance with the implementation of the action plan has been established. Conclusion: After starting a family nursing care action 1-4 may 2013 with Gout Artritis problems, the authors are able to perform better nursing care ranging from assesment, to determine nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation