60 research outputs found

    Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Buah Pala (Myristica fragrans) di Desa Sukadamai

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    Diversification of products processed nutmeg can increase added value, the income and provideadvantages for nutmeg farmers and industrial. One of the home industry in Sukadamai Village isdeveloping products based on nutmeg meat into a nutmeg juice that has a lot of health benefits. Thisis aimed to determine the process of diversification of nutmeg fruit processing and analyze theadvantages of Pala home industry. Observations were held in Sukadamai Village, Dramaga SubDistrict, Bogor Regency, West Java province, 22 February 2020. The methods used in this activityare by conducting interviews to the informant regarding the making process and conducting a profitanalysis. The observation shows that the diversification of nutmeg fruit can be generated that utilizes100 kg nutmeg fruit meat in a single production. The results of economic analysis of nutmeg juicehave an R/C ratio of 1.95, which means the industry is profitable


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    This study attempts to increase the quality and for production gelatinous paper that is by using ashes rub as a substitute for potassium hydroxide ( koh ) that serves as penjedal and khitosan to improve the quality of organoleptik from gelatin paper.The research obtained that treatment ashes rub 30 % and khitosan 0.6 % give the best results in the test gel strength compared to the, while in the color and texture not markedly dissimilar and control

    Identifikasi Peran Modal Sosial Terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Pelaku Industri Rumahan Sepatu Bayi di Desa Sukadamai

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    The home industry is a form of business activity to create a level of community welfare. Inpractice, every baby shoe industry has its way of developing its business. The role of social capital isconsidered as an important part to know how the process of transfer of knowledge obtained by thebaby shoe industry and to analyze the history and constraints that have been felt by the businessmanof baby shoe industry. Therefore, this study aims to identify the role of social capital in the welfarelevel of the baby shoe industry. The method in this research was carried out in a descriptivequalitative manner, interview techniques. The results showed that the role of social capital carriedout by the businessman of baby shoe industry is bounding, bridging, and linking. The analysis showsthat they have a high level of trust and are compliant with social norms, have a fairly good level ofnetwork and participation in, and have a high level of dependency with baby shoe handkerchief.The role of social capital carried out by the businessman as an effort to improve their welfare. Themovement showed the businessman of baby shoe industry made the Sukadamai village known asthe baby shoe craftsman village


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    This study attempts to increase the quality and for production gelatinous paper that is by using ashes rub as a substitute for potassium hydroxide ( koh ) that serves as penjedal and khitosan to improve the quality of organoleptik from gelatin paper.The research obtained that treatment ashes rub 30 % and khitosan 0.6 % give the best results in the test gel strength compared to the, while in the color and texture not markedly dissimilar and control

    Pola Konsumsi Pangan Pokok dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Tingkat Kecukupan Energi Masyarakat Desa Sukadamai

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    Consumption of staple foods as a source of carbohydrates contributes the largest energy for body.Food consumption pattern needs to be considered because it affects the nutritional status of thecommunity and the nutrient adequacy ratio. The nutrient adequacy ratio can be known by lookingat the frequency and amount of individual meals in a day. The study aims to determine contributionof staple foods for nutrient adequacy ratio of the Sukadamai Village community. The study wasconducted on March 17, 2020 in Sukadamai Village, Bogor Regency. The number of respondents asmany as eight people are people who live in the village of Sukadamai. Data collection techniques inthis study used the Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) method throughdirect interviews. Most people still rely on rice as the staple food with frequency of eating twice aday. The total energy intake in meeting the greatest nutritional needs is sourced from rice. Most ofrespondents have low contribution of staple food which is insufficient to meet the nutrient adequacyratio

    Peningkatan Mutu Sirup Pala DP Segar Sari dengan Penambahan Kitosan Sebagai Pengawet Alami dan Penjernih

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    Nutmeg syrup is one of the processed nutmeg meat products that has high selling potential. One of the nutmeg syrup producers in the Bogor area is DP Segar Sari. The purpose of this activity is to find out the potential and problems related to the production of Segar Sari DP nutmeg syrup in Bubulak Sub-District, Dramaga Sub-District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province through the Six-Univeristies Iniatitive Japan-Indonesia Service and Learning Program (SUIJI-SLP) 2019. Method used in this activity are field studies and interviews with DP Segar Sari owners to find out the existing problems. The problem solving method is carried out by means of literature study. DP Segar Sari nutmeg syrup requires the addition of natural preservatives and purifiers to improve its quality. Based on literature studies, it is known that chitosan added to nutmeg syrup can influence the nature and characteristics of nutmeg syrup, with the right addition can optimize the selling value of nutmeg syrup. Chitosan is able to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold, thereby extending shelf life. Chitosan is also able to clear up nutmeg syrup so it looks more attractive. Keywords: Chitosan, sale value, preservatives, purifier, nutmeg syru

    trategi Pemanfaatan dan Pelestarian Ikan Sidat secara Berkelanjutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Sungai Cimandiri, Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    The Japanese eel fish (Anguilla spp.) is a high economical consumption fish with high nutritional content. Japanese eel fish according to high protein (16.4%) And vitamin A amounted to 4700IU. In addition, a Japanese eel fish (glass eel) also containing unsaturated fatty acids (EPA and DHA). One of the areas in Indonesia that has a great potential for glass eel resources is the province of West Java precisely at the estuary of Cimandiri River, Sukabumi. High export demand resulted in an increased arrest effort at Palabuhanratu Bay to threaten its population. This study aims to examine the activities of the Japanese Eel fish seed arrest accompanied by the sustainable management of the Japanese Eel fish resources in the estuary of Cimandiri River, West Java. The threat of a Japanese Eel resource on the Cimandiri River is caused by several factors. Such factors are such as environmental pollution, uncontrolled overfishing or arrest, and low awareness of the public to conduct sustainable use of the Japanese eel fish. Therefore, the solution that can be applied is community based management. Community-based management of this Japanese eel resource is a management with a community-based cultivation strategy. The cultivation of Japanese eel is a step in the preservation of Japanese eel as well as impact on the improvement of social life and community economy. Key words: Cimandiri River, eel fish, sustainable management &nbsp


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    Tilapia is a farmed commodity of freshwater fish that can be processed into refined products, e.g. the tilapia fillets. The arising problem in the utilization of tilapia into processed products is its residual waste. The purpose of study is to obtain fish oil from tilapia by-products by wet rendering extraction; to characterize fish oil; to determine the optimum temperature and period of wet rendering extraction; and to determine the fatty acid composition of fish oil. Extraction temperatures were varied i.e. 25, 50, 70, and 90 °C. Extraction periods observed were 15, 25, 35, and 45 min. Quality parameters to evaluate the performance of fish oil were free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide, p-anisidine, total oxidation, and fatty acid composition analysis. The optimum temperature and period of wet rendering extraction were 70 °C for 35 minutes, with the highest yield of 6.44%. Fish oil yield which was obtained using Bligh and Dyer method was 8.12%. Fish oil extracted from wet rendering method contained 1.15% of EPA and 1.03% of DHA. Keywords: by-product of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), extraction, fish oil, temperature, time

    Karakteristik mutu dan keamanan ikan kembung (Rastrelliger sp) pada pasar domestik di DKI Jakarta

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    Mackerel (Rastrelliger sp) is one of small pelagic fish that contribute animal protein intake for local community, so its quality and safety prior to be considered and maintained as follows. In this study analyzes the quality attribute and food safety of mackerel throughout the distribution chain for domestic consumption in Jakarta Province were investigated, from the fish landing, fish auction, wholesale markets, restaurants, supermarkets, until traditional markets. Field observations were used during the investigation, by taking mackerel samples at each distribution chain and testing at the laboratories. Quality characteristics were done by organoleptic test and formaldehyde content were showed the safety level of each samples. The organoleptic parameters revealed that from 100% of samples were taken from fish landing, wholesale market and restaurant comply with Indonesian National Standart, while at the supermarkets and at traditional markets was 77,42%, and 64,78% respectively. This consequently led to an increase of formaldehyde hazardous materials that exhibit during the distribution chain (4 samples from wholesale markets, 6 samples from supermarkets, and 57 samples from traditional markets). The concentrations of formaldehyde in the positive samples at three location mentioned above from 1.0-5.4 ppm, 2.5-6.6 ppm, and 0.2 - 13.4 ppm respectively. Mackerel collected from local markets had lower level of quality and safety compared to those from other locations. Monitoring of using formaldehyde for fresh fish during distribution and marketing need to be conserned.Keywords:domestic, formaldehyde, organoleptic, Quality, Rastrelliger sp.ABSTRAKIkan kembung merupakan salah satu jenis ikan pelagis kecil yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat DKI Jakarta sehingga mutu dan keamanannya menjadi salah satu prioritas penting yang perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mutu dan keamanan ikan kembung di sepanjang rantai distribusi untuk konsumsi domestik di wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta, mulai dari Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI), Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI), pasar grosir, restoran, pasar swalayan dan pasar tradisional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi lapang dengan melakukan pengambilan sampel ikan kembung pada setiap rantai distribusi dan pengujian di laboratorium. Karakteristik mutu diuji secara organoleptik dan keamanannya diuji dengan parameter kandungan formalin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase sampel yang memenuhi standar organoleptik (minimal 7) pada tahap pembongkaran, pasar grosir dan restoran adalah sebesar 100%, pada pasar swalayan dan pada pasar tradisional berturut-turut sebesar 77,42% dan 64,78%. Ikan kembung yang positif mengandung bahan berbahaya formalin masih ditemukan pada pasar grosir (4 sampel), dengan konsentrasi 2,5 – 6,6 ppm, pada pasar swalayan (6 sampel), dengan konsentrasi 1,0 – 5,4 ppm, dan pada pasar tradisional (57 sampel), dengan konsentrasi 0,2 – 13,4 ppm. Ikan kembung yang diambil dari pasar tradisional memiliki mutu dan keamanan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lokasi lainnya. Pengendalian terkait penggunaan bahan berbahaya formalin pada ikan segar selama distribusi dan pemasaran terutama pada pasar tradisional perlu ditingkatkan.Kata kunci:domestik,formalin,organoleptik, mutu, Rastrelliger sp

    Estimasi Nilai Ekonomi Dan Willingness to Pay (WTP) Masyarakat Terhadap Upaya Pelestarian Sumberdaya Air Di Desa Sukadamai, Kecamatan Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    This study aims to estimate the value of the community's Willingness to Pay (WTP) towards the preservation of water resources in Sukadamai Village and to estimate the economic value of water resources in Sukadamai Village, Dramaga District, Bogor, West Java. This research was conducted in February to March 2020, using primary and secondary data with random sampling methods and the respondents as many as 30 people. Analysis of the data used is quantitatively using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). Contingent Valuation Method is a method of gathering information about people’s preference or willingness to pay with direct questioning techniques. The results showed that the water resources in Sukadamai Village has several problems in the payment of fees and waste problems. The analysis also shows that of the 15 respondents, there were 5 respondents who were willing to pay more with an average Willingness to Pay of Rp 11,667 / KK / month using non-parametric calculations of Turnbull and K-M-T techniques. The estimation of the economic value of the water resources in Sukadamai is Rp. 28,747,488. The results of the analysis show that public awareness about the importance of the water resources existence in Sukadamai Village is still very low. Key word: contingent valuation method, economy, water resource, willingness to pay&nbsp
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