549 research outputs found

    Media agencies’ business characteristics : Co-creation and co-destruction of value

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    Value co-creation as a research topic has received significant attention from marketing and service management scholars. This extended view shifts away from the supplier-centric assumption, as the idea that value creation emerges primarily from providers is becoming obsolete. Instead, there is awareness that external actors, such as clients, play a key part in both co-creation and co-destruction of value. There is a lack of scholarly consideration in terms of understanding value co-creation/co-destruction and their conceptual bridges. More specifically, embedded value co-creation within media businesses is a neglected research topic in media management. In particular, there is scant knowledge of B2B media agencies in the context of value co-creation and co-destruction activities. This thesis fills these gaps by developing a comprehensive picture that considers both the “bright side” of value co-creation and its “dark side”—the co-destruction phenomena—in media agency businesses. It spotlights the associated challenges of value co-creation conceptualization, such as its high level of conceptual abstraction. Hence, practitioners exercise a Datenfelder EPub Bayreuth fine-tuned view to improve their knowledge of interactions and manage the diverse factors of the value co-creation phenomena in the media management context. This dissertation consists of five research papers and highlights two overarching objectives: (i) to conceptualize and explore integrative media agency-client business aspects under novel conceptual perspectives and (ii) to provide empirical evidence that media agency-client relationships create and destroy value in the process of doing business. Specifically, through two conceptual papers, the study presents two interdisciplinary frameworks and sheds light on the subject of value co-creation to provide future research avenues in the media management field. In addition, three empirical papers apply a conceptual provider-client framework as their research lens, using qualitative data to examine media agency businesses. This improves understanding of media agency businesses and adds knowledge to the value co-creation/co-destruction phenomena in the media management literature. The results indicate co-creation and co-destruction are embedded and occur in many different day-to-day B2B media situations. The thesis provides valuable suggestions for media managers that can improve their knowledge regarding media agency-client direct interactions. This work is consistent with the current requirement for more practical and management relevant media management research.Ko-Kreation von Werten steht im Fokus des Forschungsinteresses von Marketing und Dienstleistungsmanagement. Diese Perspektive rückt von der Anbieterzentrierung ab, da die Vorstellung, dass die Wertschöpfung in erster Linie von den Anbietern ausgeht, zunehmend an Bedeutung verliert. Stattdessen setzt sich vermehrt die Erkenntnis durch, dass externe Akteure, wie z.B. Kunden, eine Schlüsselrolle sowohl bei der gemeinsamen Wertschöpfung als auch bei der gemeinsamen Zerstörung von Werten spielen. Jedoch mangelt es an wissenschaftlichen Überlegungen, die zu einem besseren Verständnis von Ko-Kreation/Ko-Zerstörung und ihren konzeptuellen Brücken führen können. Im Medienmanagement stellt insbesondere die Ko-Kreation/Ko-Zerstörung in Medienunternehmen ein vernachlässigtes Forschungsthema dar; es existiert nur wenig Wissen über B2B-Medienagenturen im Kontext der Ko-Kreation und Ko-Zerstörung. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt diese Forschungslücken, indem sie ein umfassendes Bild zeichnet, das sowohl die "helle Seite" der Wertschöpfungskooperation als auch deren "dunkle Seite” - das Phänomen der Ko-Zerstörung - in Medienagenturen berücksichtigt. Dabei rücken die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen bei der Konzeptualisierung der gemeinsamen Wertschöpfung in den Mittelpunkt, wie z.B. der hohe konzeptuelle Abstraktionsgrad. Auf diese Weise können Praktiker ihr Wissen über Interaktionen verbessern und die verschiedenen Faktoren der Wertschöpfungskooperation im Umfeld des Medienmanagements steuern. Die Dissertation besteht aus fünf Forschungsarbeiten und verfolgt zwei übergeordnete Ziele: (i) die Konzeptualisierung und Erforschung integrativer Geschäftsaspekte zwischen Medienagenturen und Kunden unter neuartigen konzeptuellen Gesichtspunkten und (ii) den empirischen Nachweis, dass im Verlauf des Geschäftsprozesses durch die Beziehungen zwischen Medienagenturen und Kunden Werte sowohl erschaffen als auch zerstört werden. In zwei konzeptionellen Beiträgen stellt die Studie interdisziplinäre Forschungsrahmen vor und eröffnet erkenntnisfördernde Einblicke in das Datenfelder EPub Bayreuth Thema der Ko-Kreation von Werten, um künftige Forschungsperspektiven im Bereich des Medienmanagements aufzuzeigen. Darüber hinaus wird in drei empirischen Arbeiten ein konzeptueller Anbieter-Kunden-Rahmen als Forschungsinstrument eingesetzt und qualitative Daten zur Untersuchung von Medienagenturen herangezogen. Dadurch entsteht ein verbessertes Verständnis von Medienagenturen und ein Erkenntnisgewinn hinsichtlich der Phänomene Ko-Kreation und Ko-Zerstörung in der Medienmanagement-Literatur. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Ko-Kreation und Ko-Zerstörung in zahlreichen alltäglichen B2B-(Medien) Geschäftssituationen auftreten. Die Arbeit liefert wertvolle Anregungen für Medienmanager, die ihr Wissen über direkte Interaktionen zwischen Medienagenturen und Kunden verbessern wollen. Damit trägt die vorliegende Arbeit der aktuellen Forderung nach praxisnaher und managementrelevanter Forschung im Bereich Medienmanagement Rechnung.AlternativeReviewe

    A new notion of reduction: Generating universal Gröbner bases of ideals in K[x, y]

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    In this paper a new notion of reduction depending on an arbitrary non-empty set ORD of term orderings on a polynomial ring is introduced. A general Buchberger algorithm based on this notion is devised. For a single element set ORD it specializes to the ordinary Buchberger algorithm. For ORD being the set of all term orderings a particular universal Gröbner basis is constructed. We only deal with the case K[x, y] since for higher dimensions we have not been able to prove that the generalized algorithm stops after a finite number of steps. Some reasons for understanding the underlying difficulties are given

    Contingency Operations during Failure of Inertial Attitude Acquisition Due to Star Tracker Blinding for Three-Axes-Stabilized Interplanetary Spacecraft

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    The three interplanetary ESA missions Mars-Express, Rosetta and Venus-Express (launched 2003, 2004 and 2005 resp.) are three-axes stabilized spacecraft (s/c) that estimate their inertial attitude (i.e. the attitude of the s/c w.r.t. the inertial frame) using measurements from a redundant set of star trackers (STR). Each s/c is equipped with four reaction wheels, a reaction control system based on thrusters and a redundant set of ring laser gyroscopes (gyros). The STR h/w layout of the three s/c is identical whereas there is a difference in the star pattern recognition algorithm of Rosetta which uses five neighbouring stars around a central star instead of star triads. The Rosetta algorithm has been implemented to cope with the presence of false stars which are expected to be seen during operations around the comet. The attitude acquisition capability from lost in space is different also in terms of AOCMS: The survival mode of Rosetta which is entered upon STR failure is presented. The AOCMS of Mars- and Venus-Express manages temporary STR outages during sky occultation by the planet not even by using redundancy. Though, a blinding of both STR during cruise lasting for the order of days confronts the ground operators with the limits of the AOCMS design. The operations and analyses that have been planned and partially been performed to compensate for the outage of the STR are demonstrated for Mars-Express. The caution measures taken before Venus orbit insertion of Venus-Express are detailed

    Diffraction at GaAs/Fe3_{3}Si core/shell nanowires: the formation of nanofacets

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    GaAs/Fe3_{3}Si core/shell nanowire structures were fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy on oxidized Si(111) substrates and investigated by synchrotron x-ray diffraction. The surfaces of the Fe3_3Si shells exhibit nanofacets. These facets consist of well pronounced Fe3_3Si{111} planes. Density functional theory reveals that the Si-terminated Fe3_3Si{111} surface has the lowest energy in agreement with the experimental findings. We can analyze the x-ray diffuse scattering and diffraction of the ensemble of nanowires avoiding the signal of the substrate and poly-crystalline films located between the wires. Fe3_3Si nanofacets cause streaks in the x-ray reciprocal space map rotated by an azimuthal angle of 30{\deg} compared with those of bare GaAs nanowires. In the corresponding TEM micrograph the facets are revealed only if the incident electron beam is oriented along [11\overline{1}0] in accordance with the x-ray results. Additional maxima in the x-ray scans indicate the onset of chemical reactions between Fe3_{3}Si shells and GaAs cores occurring at increased growth temperatures.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure