6 research outputs found

    Recovery and analysis of rest-frame UV emission lines in 2052 galaxies observed with MUSE at 1.5 < z < 6.4

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    Rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) emission lines probe electron densities, gas-phase abundances, metallicities, and ionization parameters of the emitting star-forming galaxies and their environments. The strongest main UV emission line, Lyα, has been instrumental in advancing the general knowledge of galaxy formation in the early universe. However, observing Lyα emission becomes increasingly challenging at z ≳ 6 when the neutral hydrogen fraction of the circumgalactic and intergalactic media increases. Secondary weaker UV emission lines provide important alternative methods for studying galaxy properties at high redshift. We present a large sample of rest-frame UV emission line sources at intermediate redshift for calibrating and exploring the connection between secondary UV lines and the emitting galaxies’ physical properties and their Lyα emission. The sample of 2052 emission line sources with 1.5 < z < 6.4 was collected from integral field data from the MUSE-Wide and MUSE-Deep surveys taken as part of Guaranteed Time Observations. The objects were selected through untargeted source detection (i.e., no preselection of sources as in dedicated spectroscopic campaigns) in the three-dimensional MUSE data cubes. We searched optimally extracted one-dimensional spectra of the full sample for UV emission features via emission line template matching, resulting in a sample of more than 100 rest-frame UV emission line detections. We show that the detection efficiency of (non-Lyα) UV emission lines increases with survey depth, and that the emission line strength of He IIλ1640 Å, [O III] λ1661 + O III] λ1666, and [Si III] λ1883 + Si III] λ1892 correlate with the strength of [C III] λ1907 + C III] λ1909. The rest-frame equivalent width (EW0) of [C III] λ1907 + C III] λ1909 is found to be roughly 0.22 ± 0.18 of EW0(Lyα). We measured the velocity offsets of resonant emission lines with respect to systemic tracers. For C IVλ1548 + C IVλ1551 we find that ΔvC IV â‰Č 250 km s−1, whereas ΔvLyα falls in the range of 250−500 km s−1 which is in agreement with previous results from the literature. The electron density ne measured from [Si III] λ1883 + Si III] λ1892 and [C III] λ1907 + C III] λ1909 line flux ratios is generally < 105 cm−3 and the gas-phase abundance is below solar at 12 + log10(O/H)≈8. Lastly, we used “PhotoIonization Model Probability Density Functions” to infer physical parameters of the full sample and individual systems based on photoionization model parameter grids and observational constraints from our UV emission line searches. This reveals that the UV line emitters generally have ionization parameter log10(U) ≈ −2.5 and metal mass fractions that scatter around Z ≈ 10−2, that is Z ≈ 0.66 Z⊙. Value-added catalogs of the full sample of MUSE objects studied in this work and a collection of UV line emitters from the literature are provided with this paper

    The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey VI: The Faint-End of the Lyα\alpha Luminosity Function at 2.91<z<6.642.91 < z < 6.64 and Implications for Reionisation

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    International audienceWe present the deepest study to date of the Lyα luminosity function in a blank field using blind integral field spectroscopy from MUSE. We constructed a sample of 604 Lyα emitters (LAEs) across the redshift range 2.91 < z < 6.64 using automatic detection software in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. The deep data cubes allowed us to calculate accurate total Lyα fluxes capturing low surface-brightness extended Lyα emission now known to be a generic property of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We simulated realistic extended LAEs to fully characterise the selection function of our samples, and performed flux-recovery experiments to test and correct for bias in our determination of total Lyα fluxes. We find that an accurate completeness correction accounting for extended emission reveals a very steep faint-end slope of the luminosity function, α, down to luminosities of log10L erg s-1< 41.5, applying both the 1 /Vmax and maximum likelihood estimators. Splitting the sample into three broad redshift bins, we see the faint-end slope increasing from -2.03-0.07+ 1.42 at z ≈ 3.44 to -2.86−∞+0.76 at z ≈ 5.48, however no strong evolution is seen between the 68% confidence regions in L∗-α parameter space. Using the Lyα line flux as a proxy for star formation activity, and integrating the observed luminosity functions, we find that LAEs’ contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density rises with redshift until it is comparable to that from continuum-selected samples by z ≈ 6. This implies that LAEs may contribute more to the star-formation activity of the early Universe than previously thought, as any additional intergalactic medium (IGM) correction would act to further boost the Lyα luminosities. Finally, assuming fiducial values for the escape of Lyα and LyC radiation, and the clumpiness of the IGM, we integrated the maximum likelihood luminosity function at 5.00 <z< 6.64 and find we require only a small extrapolation beyond the data (< 1 dex in luminosity) for LAEs alone to maintain an ionised IGM at z ≈ 6.Key words: galaxies: luminosity function, mass function / galaxies: evolution / early Universe / dark ages, reionization, first stars / galaxies: formatio

    Gas Accretion onto the Milky Way

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