19,904 research outputs found

    Es kommt nicht nur auf die Genetik an

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    Die Tiere der OB-Herde von Andy Wälle werden auf dem Hof geboren und selber nachgezogen. Bis auf einige wenige Ausnahmen: Zuchtstiere kauft der Biozüchter aus dem Berner Jura gelegentlich zu. Mit seiner konsequenten Züchtung aus der eigenen Herde heraus ist er dem Tier, das seinem Hof angepasst ist, bereits nahe gekommen. bioaktuell wollte wissen, worauf es ihm bei der Selektion ankommt und welche Ideen er bei der Wahl eines passenden Stieres verfolgt

    The two sides of a double-skin facade: built intelligent skin or brand image scam?

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    Double-Skin Facade (DSF) buildings regularly appear in popular architectural journals and claims are made that the buildings are either ‘sustainable’, ‘green’, ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘intelligent’. This results in myths about the performance of buildings that are perpetuated by designers eager to maintain a brand image. A literature review of research on the performance of DSFs reveals that the vast majority of the analysis is carried out by simulation methods and that there is a lack of empirical evidence obtained from monitored buildings. This paper will present some early findings from buildings with DSFs that are currently being monitored in Auckland, New Zealand, to assess the contribution of a DSF to reducing the building’s heating and cooling load. It will also analyse the common simulation models to examine whether the models are a reasonable representation of reality. Initial evidence indicates that DSFs in sub-tropical climates offer less energy savings than predicted and could even contribute to increasing cooling loads. It is the hypothesis of this paper that a DSF has become a way in which an excessively glazed building in a warm climate can maintain its transparent architectural image while still claiming to be ‘green’ but with little evidence of any energy savings

    Problemkühe als Ammen benutzen

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    Welcher Milchviehhalter kennt sie nicht, die Kühe, die man eigentlich gerne melken und in der Herde behalten möchte, die im Melkstand und bei der Melkarbeit trotzdem für das eine oder andere Problem sorgen

    L. Michelitsch, Graz

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    Geschäft für Kamine, Kacheldauerbrandöfen, Herde und Fliesen L. Michelitsch, Gra

    Entwurmungsmittel nachhaltig einsetzen

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    Auch im Biolandbau sind gegen Entwurmungsmittel resistente Würmer im Kleinwiederkäuerbereich auf dem Vormarsch. Wenn jeweils nur ein Teil der Herde behandelt würde, könnte die Menge der verabreichten Entwurmungsmittel reduziert und die Entwicklung von Resistenzen verlangsamt werden

    Problemkühe als Ammen nutzen

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    Welcher Milchviehhalter kennt sie nicht, die Kühe, die man eigentlich gerne melken und in der Herde behalten möchte, die im Melkstand und bei der Melkarbeit trotzdem für das eine oder andere Problem sorgen

    Geschlossenes System mit Komplettangebot

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    Familie Schreiber in Wegenstetten AG praktiziert im Viehbereich ein geschlossenes System. Man arbeitet ausschliesslich mit der eigenen Nachzucht und hält diese bis zur Schlachtreife. Dies bringt diverse Einsparungen und gesundheitliche Vorteile, handkehrum stellt die umfassende Herde hohe Ansprüche an die Vielseitigkeit des Betreuungspersonals

    Comparison of [11C]TZ1964B and [18F]MNI659 for PET imaging brain PDE10A in nonhuman primates

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    Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) inhibitors show therapeutic effects for diseases with striatal pathology. PET radiotracers have been developed to quantify in vivo PDE10A levels and target engagement for therapeutic interventions. The aim of this study was to compare two potent and selective PDE10A radiotracers, [(11)C]TZ1964B and [(18)F]MNI659 in the nonhuman primate (NHP) brain. Double scans in the same cynomolgus monkey on the same day were performed after injection of [(11)C]TZ1964B and [(18)F]MNI659. Specific uptake was determined in two ways: nondisplaceable binding potential (BP(ND)) was calculated using cerebellum as the reference region and the PDE‐10A enriched striatum as the target region of interest (ROI); the area under the time–activity curve (AUC) for the striatum to cerebellum ratio was also calculated. High‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of solvent‐extracted NHP plasma identified the percentage of intact tracer versus radiolabeled metabolites samples post injection of each radiotracer. Both radiotracers showed high specific accumulation in NHP striatum. [(11)C]TZ1964B has higher striatal retention and lower specific striatal uptake than [(18)F]MNI659. The BP(ND) estimates of [(11)C]TZ1964B were 3.72 by Logan Reference model (LoganREF) and 4.39 by simplified reference tissue model (SRTM); the BP(ND) estimates for [(18)F]MNI659 were 5.08 (LoganREF) and 5.33 (SRTM). AUC ratios were 5.87 for [(11)C]TZ1964B and 7.60 for [(18)F]MNI659. Based on BP(ND) values in NHP striatum, coefficients of variation were ~10% for [(11)C]TZ1964B and ~30% for [(18)F]MNI659. Moreover, the metabolism study showed the percentage of parent compounds were ~70% for [(11)C]TZ1964B and ~50% for [(18)F]MNI659 60 min post injection. These data indicate that either [(11)C]TZ1964B or [(18)F]MNI659 could serve as suitable PDE10A PET radiotracers with distinguishing features for particular clinical application

    Thermal conductivity of hemp concretes: Variation with formulation, density and water content

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    This study investigates the effect of formulation, density and water content on the thermal conductivity of hemp concretes. The investigations are based on experimental measurements and on self-consistent scheme modelling. The thermal conductivity of studied materials ranges from 90 to 160 mW/(m.K) at (23 degrees C; 50%HR). The impact of density on thermal conductivity is much more important than the impact of moisture content. It is shown that the thermal conductivity increases by about 54 % when the density increases by 2/3 while it increases by less than 15 % to 20 % from dry state to 90%RH